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Status Updates posted by Metoichi

  1. I love Asian people, definitly X3
    1. Bear


      Jet fuckin' Li is the only thing I remember after watching minutes of that. He's too cool.

  2. ...Nee??

    1. Rize
    2. Tetora


      Being a Japanese horse must be really redundant: 'Neigh, onee-chan, nee?'

    3. Metoichi


      i said that because I'm new and i don't know what means the "what's on your mind?" next to the profile XD

  3. ( O-------O ) <- Baymax's face

  4. Am I doomed to be forever lost in this fucking life?

    1. Tetora
    2. YuyoDrift


      Better question is: How badly do you want to be found?

  5. Aww, dudes, hug me please T_T !

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Metoichi


      I'm kidding XD I'm too alone, that's all...

    3. beni


      *HUGGLES* <3

    4. Metoichi


      It's quite pleasant to feel loved...

  6. Can someone upload REALies - Drama or Reign - Shinsou??真相】 please :) ?

  7. Currently writting shorts novels

    1. Tetora


      Nice, what about?

  8. Currently writting some poems

  9. Did someone have the Zin's PV for Sakura no Koi? :) Upload please ;)

    1. Gaz



  10. Did someone have upload the 3rd Birthday - 糜爛??月「Biran no Tsuki??? I need it pleeaaaaasse :< !!

  11. exactly how I am feeling since 10th of august

  12. FFVII remake.... Why the fuck.... It is not an absolutly good game yet? Does it REALLY need damn HD graphism????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metoichi


      Of couse they were not good, but the game is amazing anyway, and I think that this bad graphism are part of the identity of the game.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I think FF7 is the more beautiful game on psx, i'm really enjoy to play it again, I think in 2015, FF7 in psx still beautiful and nothing bad if you compare with other game on this playstation ^^

    4. Tetora


      Agree with Ryuujii, I think the games are still beautiful, and are nicer than high end games today. I don't need a remake, but will still look forward to it, surely the team can make something amazing with it. But I also hope it doesn't prevent Nomura from making new games.

  13. Flood in my room... alleluiah....

    1. Tetora


      Hope your stuff is okay bro.

    2. Metoichi


      My SM poster had been wet, and many posters are dead... but all of my games console are safe !

  14. fuck, i am so dpressed, i can't sing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metoichi


      Um... I am depressed, not angry

    3. Tetora


      Good time to add a new hobby.

    4. Metoichi


      I am so depressed than I can't do anything that I used to do before...

  15. Had good H ~~ ...

  16. Had good H under the shower with my Only One ~~ ...

    1. Shmilly


      If this means what I think it means then 'gratz. Shower sex is usually a terrible idea.

    2. Biopanda


      Nothing like a good shower hamburger to start off the day <3

    3. kyoselflove


      Shower sex is usually a terrible idea. [2]

  17. Hannn.... don't want to work....

  18. Happy valentine's day, I love you people ;3 !

  19. How do you pronounce " Sick² " °.° ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ricchubunny


      Sicks (Shikkusu)

    3. Mihenno


      i've been saying "sick two" LOL

    4. God


      i've been saying "sick two" LOL [2]

  20. I AM BAAAAACK !!!

    1. Tetora


      Thank the lord.

  21. i am so stupid.... :'(

    1. Tetora


      Got downtown and realized you forgot to put pants on again?

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