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Status Replies posted by kyoselflove


  2. So there is a lot of gun play with 'BANG ME' and here I thought they meant something else. XD

  3. So there is a lot of gun play with 'BANG ME' and here I thought they meant something else. XD

  4. Two stabbings and a shooting in the span of a week in my town. Closeby, as well. I'm not racist at all but things like this keep happening around Islamic people.

  5. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

  6. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

  7. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

  8. the guy i went on a date w/ tonight told me he loved the lycaon pv i sent him (akujo no hohoemi). yuuki ha impact!!!!!

  9. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  10. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  11. Why did some random visual kei drummer follow me on twitter?

  12. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

  13. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

  14. I have been a member in MH for 300 days now and I've been online approximately 4.83 hours every day. Oh god.

  15. I'm sorry if I bother someone with my old uploads but you better be used to, there is more in coming. xx

  16. omfg it's so cold. T___T

  17. not trying to be a dick, but can all those post of Lolita23q, Ect. be move to a disco thred. its like so much old stuff.

  18. omfg it's so cold. T___T

  19. I need cooking help. How can I get my tofu to be crispy?! I pressed it for an hour and cooked it in a pan. Still soft. :(

  20. All my stuff came in!! I wish I could read Japanese, I'd LOVE to translate all these SHOXX 260 interviews. R指定, Plastic Tree, DIAURA... ugh

  21. All my stuff came in!! I wish I could read Japanese, I'd LOVE to translate all these SHOXX 260 interviews. R指定, Plastic Tree, DIAURA... ugh

  22. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  23. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  24. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  25. No matter where you are in life you are going to be handed Chicken Sh!t and have to turn it into (soy) Chicken Salad.

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