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Status Replies posted by kyoselflove

  1. *something clever*

  2. The PS4 has the hardest power on button I've ever seen. >.<

  3. The PS4 has the hardest power on button I've ever seen. >.<

  4. aaaaaand i'm back! 4 days of boozing and gazillions of chemical plants are now over!

  5. Just noticed Google in the board statistics. Huh? o.o

  6. Mejibray's new single is a fucking 10 i love it <333

  7. REALLY hate when people wake me up when im sleeping ..DON'T FUCKING.DO.IT. i will become bitchy and evil..im not a morning person..

  8. OmG, got so wasted off beer and sake last night, can't function right now, just watching PV's, UNiTE, SID, DIV, Giru, the GOAT bands.... Also new My First Story PV is cool.

  9. Visual kei total cross dressing slayed

    I never expected that from S-Korea
  10. Running out of space to keep my CDs >_<

  11. My download speed went from 1Mbps to 5 Mbps (WOOHOO!), my upload is still 0,58 Mbps. FML.

  12. Meanwhile, I visit a Pawn Shop to gather supplies for my latest 'business' idea: http://youtu.be/XYT5LM_on_I

  13. I don't even...what?

  14. So I was flipping through some old VK mags my girlfriend gave me and this poster was tucked away in one of them. http://i.imgur.com/rqxZIyQ.jpg I want to put it on my wall so I can be like "No MOM I'm not gay it's called art GOSH!"

  15. My worst fears just came true. A tiny spider crawling inside my headphones.

  16. I'm totally addicted to that Gossip-ゴシップ- PV preview...Damn...Im not even a GazettE fan.

  17. I'm totally addicted to that Gossip-ゴシップ- PV preview...Damn...Im not even a GazettE fan.

  18. So happy I make myself sign up on here. I haven't felt this well in a long time and it's all thanks to being accepted into such a welcoming community. Thank you.

  19. It's me or Zin's voice in Darkness was too much exaggerated, ruining a bit the song?

  20. Society is a strong wind that can alter your course and cause you to lose sight of your true path, your true self. Don't let the wind change you, grow and stand tall.

  21. lol @ ryoga holding his phone for one song because he needed to read the lyrics. but the concert was really amazing

  22. lol @ ryoga holding his phone for one song because he needed to read the lyrics. but the concert was really amazing

  23. I want to be a reincarnated really hot person, how do you people post so damn much? lol

  24. I want to be a reincarnated really hot person, how do you people post so damn much? lol

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