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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    Shadow + Anima <3
  2. kyoselflove

    I believe that Tsuzuku can sing just fine. And MEJIBRAY being inconsistent is one of the main reasons I love them. Knowing what to expect each singe is kind of boring, but I guess it works for some bands. I know I can look forward to each release being different, engaging and exciting. They don't play it safe and they take risks, and to me they pay off. When it comes to MEJIBRAY, I usually end up always loving the b-sides more, haha. I'm no good at reviewing or describing music, but I'll try lol. Here is my failed attempt: 人間 - I love how it has this calm beginning, then just stops and Tsu does his thing, his growling (and how ya'll love to put it: dying cat screeches) I think blend well into the song. The structure of the song is all over the place and it's awesome. 盈虧 - While not one of my favorite tracks, I still love what it brings. The expert at the beginning doesn't bother me at all, I don't see why it's stupid? Yes the guitar riff is repetitive but at least it's a good one but that solo makes up for it. I also love how Koichi's bass is more...I don't know technical terms, but instead of his normal slapping lol--it just fits. The chorus is great, Tsuzuku's desperate whines... I will take any day. 蜈蚣 - At first I didn't like this so too much. But then I listened to it again and the 'power'? drumming and Koichi's bass had me sold. Tsuzuku is a growling master to me. This track gets me pumped but I can see where it can leave you hanging. As a diehard MEJIBRAY fan, they can keep my money and I'll proudly put this single on my shelf.
  3. kyoselflove

    I knew it wasn't going to be positive but I thought it might be more constructive. Haha, I am aware of how you are. I wouldn't expect you to be sorry for voicing your opinion. And I don't think less of you.
  4. kyoselflove

    ^Seriously. This review is really immature and not informative at all. I have listened to it and I can understand why some people wouldn't like it but, 0 out 5? Come on now. And how are any of the songs generic? I'll just shut up.
  5. Well, I LOVE it.

    1. Seimeisen


      Dem fuckin' MEJIHATERS


    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat


    3. Tetora


      Nah I'm good Messiah, gotta stretch my legs.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  6. kyoselflove

  7. kyoselflove

  8. kyoselflove

  9. kyoselflove

    AWESOME band, becoming a favorite of mine. <3
  10. kyoselflove

    I'm loving it. And I also love A Priori.
  11. Received my stuff the other day, forgot to tell you guys! Everything is great, thanks again. Can't wait to watch the streams, but sadly....can't buy much ;____;
  12. Man their pictures always look even more photoshopped than Mejibray's....but still dig it. Liking the preview....but it ain't no BANG ME :\
  13. kyoselflove

    Royal Order....for once xD
  14. kyoselflove

    I meant to quote that lol Depending on the VHS will be around $13-16 and a cd is $5
  15. kyoselflove

    Depending on the VHS will be around $13-16 and a cd is $5
  16. Paypal only please Prices are in USD Shipping worldwide from USA Will take better pictures on request CDs/DVDs/VHS: Lycaon last live bootleg - $15 Lycaon - Gypsy w/ dvd - $3 MORRIGAN - Underworld - $10 Dir en grey - myaku - $4 Dir en grey - ain't afraid to die - $4 Dir en grey VHS - Mosotokakugeki - $8 Gossip Psycho-pas$ - 333 limited - Make an offer Psycho-pas$ - live limited - Make an offer グリーヴァ (Grieva) Dear... Mail order only CD+DVD - Make an offer Kuroi Yuri no Hana to XXX (New) - 15USD For more items and up to date listings check: FB sales page If you are interested in anything or have questions please PM me!
  17. kyoselflove

    LMAO this is me. Even though I know the difference my brain always types loose for everything, like lose doesn't even exist.
  18. kyoselflove

    I still feel blah.
  19. I got my stuff today! Thank you lovelies <3 I will be at every stream you do... lol xD
  20. Holy shit Verizon actually upgraded me 5 months early. Can't wait to get my Sony Z3 <3333333

    1. Tetora


      Niiiiiiiiice. Sony crew checking in.

    2. kyoselflove
  21. kyoselflove

    Too much DoA has melted your brain.
  22. kyoselflove

    Who needs manliness?!
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