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Everything posted by pawzord

  1. pawzord

    xDD LOL
  2. mostly Soan writes but not only. Check their OHP it's written there.
  3. imho they should kick him out after thing like that. for the sake of this band, becuase he may as well threaten them every single time he finds something is not fitting him.
  4. pawzord

    Major bands from PSC can't sound like that. Duh.
  5. pawzord

    Last album was ok. 5/10. Enough to earn some necessary cash to keep up.
  6. pawzord

    uhh at least he is better actor than musician now..
  7. pawzord

    why the hell did they use aizou rondo pv?
  8. pawzord

    i really shouldn't laugh at tetsu but he looks hilarious lol
  9. pawzord

    they are not that bad live. i dunno why they release so much crappy material. quantity>quality?
  10. pawzord

    at least they look better than sound
  11. pawzord

    i like visuals, vocal is bit too quiet, music kinda fun
  12. pawzord

    so pointless, they'll just disband as quickly as VOW thingy
  13. pawzord

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x27wy0q_incubus-pv_music#from=embediframe Incubus PV Would be nice if we actually could start posting news and talk about album but meh.
  14. pawzord

    imo less is more in that case
  15. pawzord

  16. pawzord

    sadie being sadie. nothing new new look btw
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