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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Hello everyone!

    I'm not very good at writing introductions, but here we go! Hello everyone, I'm Kagura. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Belgium (Vlaanderen). I found this website through some other VK blogspots and since the community attracted me I signed up yesterday. My musical taste isn't very pinpointed, but you could say my favourite artists are LUNA SEA, Alice Nine, DEAD END (or just basically anything that has Morrie in it) and Buck-Tick. Other favourites include Kagrra, Plastic Tree, 凛として時雨 and 9GOATS BLACK OUT. I hope I'll enjoy my time here, and nice to meet you all!
  2. 1 point
    sample of songs from their new album "東方テノールvol.1(toho tenor vol.1)" could be listened to through YouTube their another project "LUNATIC TOHO" new album "LUNATIC TOHO" will be released at 2013/05/26 (1,260yen), for which samples could be listened to in their special webpage "LUNATIC TOHO" members: Tenor.電子レンジ剛志(denshirenji tsuyoshi)(新城歌澄/shinjou kasumi) Gt.&Syn.平野幸村(hirano yukimura) (ラドック(raddock)(yuki)) Gt.TaNa Ba.小川(ogawa) Dr.Tymizz Violin.浅井眞理(asai mari) [track list] 01.TIMELESS 02.JIHSAX 03.TRUE BLOOD 04.eternity 05.Scarlet Providence 06.KNIFE IS RED 07.GLORIER 08.My Optics http://lunatic-toho.jpn.org/
  3. 1 point
    preview of "One Night 2 Beast" could be watched in their OHP
  4. 1 point

    Free CDs (MIYAVI / Gackt / J)

    Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying to SELL them. But it's crazy how literally nobody gives a fuck. Feels bad to literally throw away VK, but oh well~
  5. 1 point

    X JAPAN press conference

    To be fair they've been “working on an English album” “to be released this year” for like the past 6 years, right? X JAPAN sucks.* *at being a real band―I guess it's not as bad if you just think of them as another group of old guys getting together for “one last tour”, but I really believed their lies about new album(s), and I imagine it's terribly disappointing for fans
  6. 1 point

    X JAPAN press conference

    More like dysfunction and megalomania.
  7. 1 point
    If you burn it like a candle, I bet it will smell like tears.
  8. 1 point
    "HELL FIRE" PV could be watched through YouTube since 2013/05/19
  9. 1 point

    Pimp with your collection

  10. 1 point
    VK meets chiptune ? This is so cool ! Sounds interesting. I've got to check it out.
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