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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice


First time I've regretted buying a ticket to go see a movie in the theater. 

Awful story telling, to many subplots.

Batfleck was great though.

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Heroes Shed No Tears - A really nice and colorful, both as far as costumes, general visuals and characters goes, wuxia by Chor Yuen. As with a lot of his wuxias, especially The Sentimental Swordsman-trilogy and both Clan of Amazons and its sequel The Duel of the Century it's a rather complex film that always moves forward and introduces a lot of different characters as the film goes on. If you don't pay 100% attention you'll easily get frustrated because you won't now how this and who that are. Chor Yuen has an eye for visuals and the film's sets and costumes looks beutiful and the entire film is beautifully shot as well. It's got a great cast and lots of fantastic characters, and no matter how big or small they all seem very real. None, not the hero, not the villain(s), not anyone, comes off as black or white. They're carefully crafted characters with a range og emotions and reasons. You never know what they might do or what turn they'll take next.


Not Chor Yuen's best wuxia, but very good nonetheless.



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Tricked: The Documentary - A decent documentary about postitution, focusing mainly on underaged prostitutes and offers a few good interviews with cops, pimps, (former) prostitutes, journalists and johns. It's a fairly dark documentary dealing with a subject that is a lot darker than what way too many people think, and it offers a horrifying look into the world of prostitution. But at 70 minutes it's way too short, and it doesn't go far enough into the depth of the sex industry and what's behind all of it, nor does it mention things like poverty, lack of parental insight, childhood damage and low self-esteem. It doesn't get into this. It only tells us that all prostitutes are forced into it by black men who will pretend to be their boyfriend before turning bad on them, which is way too black/white.


But I am not a fan of how the movie portray the johns though. You have a lot of bad johns who goes out looking for underaged prostitutes and who doesn't give a fuck about how these girls are treated. But all johns aren't as bad as this film make 'em out to be. People have different reasons for paying for sex, but this film portrays it as if all buyers are the exact same. Not impressed by that. Nor am I a fan of how they make it look like it only exist black pimps. Yeah, maybe there's a lot more black pimps than pimps of other ethnicities, but still. Meh.


It also comes off as very biased. I prefer my documentaries to be as neutral as possible, but this one isn't at all. Which means there's a lot of information lost because it only focus on one thing.


I do like how it goes into how a lot of prostitution is just modern slavery, though. Which is a very sad fact.


But at the end of the day I'd rather watch Whore's Glory which is a lot better film in every way possible. It lacks the pimp-side of it all, but there we meet different type of prostitutes, different type of individuals. It's not such a black/white documentary.


A 6/10 type documentary. Should get a sequel where it focus on a different angle of it all.

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Trash - A beautifully shot and well-acted adventure-thriller by Stephen Daldry, but it's way too long and feels a bit all over the place where the director is not quite sure how he wants the film to play out. And the cop-characters was awful. Terminator, yes? Fucking hell, he was so badly written.


But on the positive side the three young leads are all excellent, as well as their characters being very good. Sadly they're not fleshed-out enough. They aren't given enough meat on the body, which truly is a shame. And I wish there was more about either the lives of the three young boys or the corruption itself. Never do we get to know enough about either of these sides, which is what truly lets this film down.


Decent enough, but not a masterpiece or anything.



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I finally got around to watching the new star wars movie. Hardcore star wars fans might not of liked parts of it very much, but i for one loved every second of it! I think they set it up nicely for the next installment near the end.

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The Martian - After several mediocre and bad films, who'd have thought Ridley Scott could still make something entertaining? I sure as fuck didn't, which is why I didn't bother watching this. But my girlfriend wanted to see it and that was a wise move. The Martian is Scott's first watchable film since the disappointing Robin Hood (5,5-6/10) and his best since 2007's American Gangster. But I'll never call The Martian a fantastic film. It's overrated as fuck. I thought it started out BRILLIANTLY and it had me in a grip for quite some time to be honest, even though I did ask a few questions. "How the fuck does this botanist know so much about this and that" and "how come this fucking botanist is a genius that puts Einstein to shame?". But those are rather small questions for a big film like this.  But I was ultimately really let dwn by the last third of the film, though. The rescue mission gave me absolutely nothing, and I'd rather see him stay on mars doing his own thing until the film ended. Which is why I give this film a 7 instead of 8, maybe even 9.


I thought the film was visually stunning and Matt Damon, which I am kinda fond of, is very good here. He drives the film forward with emotion, wit and varriation. Very impressed by him!


Aksel Hennie is shit by the way. There was so much fuzz about him in the media following this film, and at the end of the day he had a role so small I could've done it just as well as hi. Ridiculous!



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KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy - The title speaks for itself. A documentary about the modern KKK with interiews and info on how they are doing in recent times. It doesn't offer aything new and if you've seen a documentary about the KKK before you've more or less seen this, but it's always fun seeing how god damned dumb these people are. It's always the dumbest and lowest who agrees being in films like this. Some of the things said, man. It's so dumb they should get imprisoned just for thinking it.


But while the main focus is the KKK, they do interview some black power group and people as well, and they come off as equally stupid, if not worse. Which is sad, because it takes a lot to get down to the level of the KKK.


The highlight of the film is when a guy is asked about Hitler because of a picture on the wall. His answer is as sad and funny as it is scary, because the fact that someone truly believes this is rather scary.


"Adolf Hitler was one of the smartest men there ever was. At these death camps they gave the so-called people that were being killed cigarettes, there was coffee, there was a movie theatre, there was a library, and even a swimming pool in Auschwitz.


"If you're going to sit there and kill all these people then how come all these things would be in there, it's more like a summer camp,"



Not really recommended, unless you've never seen a documentary on the KKK before. If you have you might as well just skip out of this, unless you want to see

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Seen a bunch of movies lately that I've forgotten to post about:


The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Yeah, yeah, ''ultimate cult movie'', I know, I know. And yet.. somehow I felt like the opening number blew away literally the whole movie that followed afterwards, except maybe Tim Curry's performance. Whoops.


Song of the Sea - Very cute animated film, somehow feels to me like a Western Ghibli movie. Lots (and I do mean LOTS) of influence drawn from Irish folklore in this one, so if you're into that, check it out.


Army of Darkness - While the first 2 Evil Dead films definitely belong in the ''horror movies'' thread, this one fits better here in my opinion... To be perfectly honest, it's my least favorite of the three. It just feels TOO goofy at this point, although of course the sfx work is awesomely done.

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Hardcore Henry - Brutal, cheesy, non-stop action B-movie fun, shot in "first-person" GoPro, Sharlto Copley is hilarious, that's it, go see it.

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If I remember correctly, even the titties weren't very good in Friday the 13th remake.



Army of Darkness - While the first 2 Evil Dead films definitely belong in the ''horror movies'' thread, this one fits better here in my opinion... To be perfectly honest, it's my least favorite of the three. It just feels TOO goofy at this point, although of course the sfx work is awesomely done.


It's my least favourite of the four to be honest, including the remake. But I still love Army of Darkness. Great, hilarious film!

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Watched Clerks and Heathers yesterday. Enjoyed the latter more than the former, mostly due to the latter's surreal and dark take on stereotypical high school movies. Also, that ''I love my dead gay son'' line had me laughing my ass off for some reason. Clerks was entertaining as well at times, but half the time it just sort of felt like ''DUDE SEX JOKES AND SWEARING LMAO''

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Hell and Back - Visually stunning and beautifully animated adult-stop-animation film that while not bad, is very disappointing.


The thing that makes the film so disappointing is the jokes. It's a very joke-heavy film, but they just try too hard to be obscene and dirty. Some of the obscene and dirty jokes are fun, but too many of them doesn't hit me at all. Funniest jokes were the more subtle and stupid ones, like the one soul that tries ordering pizza. That had me in tears. But the rest is so-so. I guess you could say it's like a Suth Park-esque stoner comedy or something.


I liked it, but it wasn't amazing. 6/10




Deliverance - Brilliant and a total fucking classic! Thriller that sits on the edge of horror to be honest. It's adventerous, thrilling and at times awfully bleak. Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty and the rest are fantastic. Doesn't really need to say much more, do I? Well, I don't, but I still will do it:


Duelling Banjos!

What a scene that is.

I bet you can squeal. I bet you can squeal like a pig.

One of the greatest and most disturbing rape scenes in the history of films. Awful, but in a good way.



Edited by Bear

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Fresh Dressed - A nice little documentary about hip hop fashion, from the begining and to the present. Well, and a bit more, because it's not just about hip hop and its fashion, it's also about ambition and absorption and our need - black, white, brown, whatever - for authenticity. There's interviews with rappers, designers, collectors and people who just were a part of it all ocne upon a time. I found it very educating, interesting and enjoyable, even though it's a bit too short at 80 minutes. And I really wish it had digged even deeper into the 70's, 80's and early to mid-90's. But I really liked it.


Dope soundtrack too!



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The Killer / Sacred Knives of Vengeance - A rippin' martial arts bomb by Chor Yuen. The storyline is familiar, and it plays like a classic Chang Cheh film, albeit a bit softer than a classic Chang Cheh flick. The thing that really makes it not feel like a Chang Cheh flick is the flashback scene, which makes the film feel a bit artistic in some ways. But the highlight of the film is the fights, the exceptional choreography and how rough and ruthless they feel. It isn't quite as bloody as a Chang Cheh film, even though it does get really bloody towards the end, but they're still as powerful as what you'd expect from Chang Cheh.


The film is a fun ride from begining to end, and it never gets dull, boring or uninteresting. I really enjoyed the score too, especially when it goes jazzy. Top notch!



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Chuch Norris vs. Communism - While I do like that title, it's a bit. Or, it's very off. It could just as well have been called Sly vs. Communism or van Damme vs. Communism. But there's only two correct titles for this film and that is VHS vs. Communism, or the more spot on title Irina Nistor vs. Communis. Chuch Norris vs. Communism is about the power of film, and the way poorly dubbed VHS films gave the Romanian people a glimpse of hope and light at the end of the tunnel in their lives during the second half of the 80's. During this time a VHS deck would cost as much as a new car and it wasn't exactly something a lot of people would have, but one man bought one and started showing films such as Rocky, Bloodsort, Missing In Action, Dirty Dancing, Rambo and more, against some bucks of course, and it started something I guess we could call a revolution. And this was topped off with Irina Nistor, a woman I mentioned earlier. And there's a reason for that.


Irina Nistor worked as a translator for the goverment and dubbed some films and stuff, but when given the opportunity to dub western films for a private person who made big bucks on it she didn't hessitate for one second, because this gave her the oppurtunity to take a look at western films and see the world beyond the walls of Romania. During her 5-6 years (or less) as a dubber for the poor VHS copies sold on the blac market she dubbed something like 3000 films, often as many as 5-6, or even 10, in a row. She was a voie that "everyone" knew, and a voice that for these people gave hope, pleasure and excitement. And she dubbed the entire films by herself, males, females, your ones and old ones.


It's not a perfect documentary and there's a lot of subject it could've touched onto and gone a bit deeper on a few subject, but it's enjoyable and it's very funny. So it's all well! Worth checking out.


Rubble Kings - A documentary about the the real Warrios that walked the streets of Bronx during the 70's when it was at its worst. Thorough archive footage and interviews with several of the gang members, old school hip hoppers and such it documents the harsh reality of that period of time, and how the gang and gang violence transformed into hip hop and how all that came together. Not perfect, and at 70 minutes it's way too short, but well worth a watch. Interesting, funny and entertaining.

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Showdown In Little Tokyo - Silly early 90's action-cheeze by Mark L. Lester (COmmando, Class of 1984) with a badass Dolph Lundgren and a disappointing Brandon Lee in the lead roles.  Showdown In Little Toky is a buddy-cop actioner that's badass as fuck, and awfully retarded at the same time. True to the genre there's a lot of comedy thrown in, but neither got any comedic timing and the dialogue is awful, but in a good way because it turns out pretty funny anyway. But probably not in the way they had wanted it to be. The story is straight to the point and simple, but effective, and the action is great, albeit very standard for this time and era. It's bad, but in a great way. A tour de force of macho-ism. Some great tits too. Yay for that!


I'll post this clip here just try to give you an impression of how fucking silly this film is:





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À bout portant (Point Blank) - An intense, bleak and brutal thriller with a cool twist on a familiar plot. Point Blank is superbly acted and well-directed, it's clever and there's not really anything to dislike here. It's a fairly low-key in many ways. There's no car explosions, there's no heroics. It's all about intensity and the human psyche, and what an awful situation can do to you.


And at 85 minutes it's also really fast-paced. It doesn't give you many minutes to catch your breath throughout the film.


I wish the ending was a bit different, but other than that it's all good. Very good!




Savage Streets - Brilliant exploitation vigilante actioner by Danny Steinmann (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning), starring Linda Blair, with smallers roles by scream queen Linnea Quigley and John Vernon. It's basically a Death Wish ripoff, but when done so good it's not a problem at all. It's truly great!


This isn't a great film per se, but as far as exploitation goes it's almost perfect. It's over-the-fuckin-top acting-, dialogue- and plot-wise, it's got great, sleazy action and characters and lots of nudity. It's trash, but it's the ind of trash you value. It's the kind of thrash you don't throw away because it means so much to you. It's great!



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Class of 1984 - Mark L. Lester's (Commando, Showdown in Little Tokyo) starts off as a fairly standard low-budget high school drama with lots of social commentary in the mix, but as the film goes on it gets clearer and clearer that this isn't your regular high school drama at all, but a ruthless exploitation film with one of the most shocking ends in the history of film. This cult classic has a lto of social commentery in it, but that doesn't have anything to do with the reaosn why this turned out so good. There's three reasons as to why this i so great:


The teacher, played by Perry King, is well-written and superbly acted.

The punk gang, led by a ruthless Timothy Van Patten, is so good. Crazy, fucked up humans. I mean, they're silly and over the top, but they're so facinating.

And the main reason is the way the film just goes on doing it own thing, breaking as many rules as it follows. No matter how many times you watch it you'll be shocked. That's quality!


I also believe that if not for the harsh ending this film would've had a status as a classic in 2016, and it would've been talked about together with films such as The Warriors. But because of the ending it's lumped in together with films such as Savage Streets, Vigilante and Death Wish.


I love me a young Michael J. Fox too. Awesome!


Fantastic film!







By the way, talking about Death Wish and shit. Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, the israeli duo behing the fantastic Big Bad Wolves, will direct the remake. Not too keen on a remake as I see the film as near perfect, but that's how it is. Surprised they want to make direct a remake to be honest.

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Blade Runner: What can be said about this one that hasn't already been said by others? Movie holds up very, VERY well visually. I love the atmosphere, the style, everything. Plot-wise, I do think I prefer PKD's original novel though, but I might be biased since the man is one of my favorite authors..


Fehér Isten (White God): Great Hungarian movie, it sort of ends up like a ''Rise of the Planet of the Apes'' but with dogs at some point. Well shot, well acted, definitely deserved all the awards it won. Highly recommended.. Not for people who can't stand seeing violence against animals, though.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Somehow felt the inexplicable urge to watch a superhero film, so I decided to download this one and give it a try. Although I'm kind of getting tired of this overkill of superhero movies hitting the theater lately, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. No CGI overkill here, though what was there looked good IMO. Nice performances from all involved.. Ah, and Scarjo's always nice eye candy.

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Chef - I decided to watch something lighter for a change and ended up watching Chef, which, as the title suggests is a food porn movie flavored with some family "drama". I didn't expect to be blown away by this film and I wasn't but I enjoyed it. The music was pretty great:  soul, funk, blues and so on. And Sofia Vergara (who's in a side role), what a babe! She stole every scene she was in. 7/10

Edited by indigo

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I really liked Chef. It's a very simple story, but also incredibly effective and it truly does its job. The food porn is a massive bonus. Some of the food shots were amazing and more than enough reason by themself to watch the film. They're shot in such a way I got plenty water in my mouth, and that rarely happens with food on film for me. Lovely stuff!

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Ant-Man: I'm honestly surprised they even decided to make a MCU adaptation for the Ant-Man character at all, considering how silly the concept actually is. He was never one of my fav heroes either, back when I still kept up with comics.. Still like him more than Thor, though. Fuck Thor. Anyway, the movie was entertaining for what it was, most of the actors did a good job (except for the kid, but hell, she's a kid). Shame about the absolute CGI overkill here, the CG ants especially, although some of the miniaturized Ant-Man sequences did look pretty cool, to be fair. I still wonder what the movie would've been like had Edgar Wright directed it..

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