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Bands/artists you still love to this day opposed to those you've fallen out of love with over time

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Simply state a band/musician or two that have been with you for many years that you still adore as much as when you first got into them. But, also do the same for another band/artist or two that you used to adore but didn't stay with you to this day below that. I thought this'd be nice to see how your taste has developed while also seeing what has managed to stick with you through that change.


I'll go first as an example:


Likey: Plastic Tree and Asian Kung-Fu Generation - I've always associated myself with Pura's music. Their lyrics always touch me no matter how I'm feeling, for better and for worse, and somehow, my response to them can be so different. They can make me think and were a way I could express my feelings. They're my musical rock pretty much. XD

There's something really interesting about AKFG, who have a really simple and copy-and-paste like structure, but still pull off some of the best melodies and songs that withstand all these years for me. They're one of my many bands I'll not listen to for a bit but always spam when I go back to them, and still super stan them as hard as I did at first.


No more likey: UVERworld and One OK Rock - I used to be into both bands a lot when I first discovered J-music, but now it's not often I go back to their albums that I had used to spam a couple of years ago. I'm going to blame myself for looking at them in the same way I did with Paramore, they were my teenage sweethearts but both don't really do it for me anymore. Songs I used to love to listen too when I was angry and tired from school I don't feel that much energy towards anymore, even my favourite songs from them have lost their touch on me.

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I still love/adore SCANDAL even though they are not in the direction musically that I had hoped for. Yet I still find the charm in their music in that they are just now getting full reigns in song compositions. I think their next albums will be fully produced by the members so it is quite intriguing to hear what they can come up with as individuals.


I have fallen out with ViViD. I was making my trade-off mix and there was a particular year where I had a crap ton of music from them but none in the next. They had a nice boyband feel to their music but their major stuff just didn't stuck with me and I barely listen to them now

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Ones that I still love would be - Yellow Magic Orchestra, Luna Sea, Malice Mizer, Buck-Tick, Soft Ballet, Dead End, Gilles de Rais, Ancestral, Megaromania.  To me, they're all timeless.


Some that I've fallen out with - Ayabie, Vidoll, Dir en Grey, Asian Kungfu Generation, Jupiter, and Moi Dix Mois.  Granted I still like some of their songs, but I barely listen to any of their music anymore.  It just bores me :/

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Lycaon And their singer yuuki love so much. other vk bands ive fallen out with

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Timeless Love: Zi Kill, early Kuroyume, L'arcs first two records, Dead End, Luna Sea, Die in Cries, Oblivion Dust, most Malice Mizer, New Sodmy, "Endless" Aliene Mariage, Kagerou's singles


Used to Love but Never Want to Hear Again: L'arc's "Heavenly," Hyde's 666, Kuroyume's punk era, SADs, anything Anna Tsuchiya, Lareine, Malice Mizer's Voyage, anything else by Aliene Mariage, Due le Quartz

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Timeless Love: L'Arc's Dune/True/Heart/Ark, Midori, experimental-era Boredoms (e.g. VCN, Super Ae), Merveilles and Voyage-era MM, pre-I'mperfect Ling Tosite Sigure, Shiina Ringo + Tokyo Jihen minus a few songs on SUNNY and her latest singles, Geinoh Yamashirogumi, Luna Sea minus a handful of songs and before SHINE, Kuroyume's first two full-lengths, Melt-Banana, jangly NOVEMBERS, YMO + Hosono projects, La'cryma Christi when they were proggy/artsy


Used to love but meh ewww lol: the rest of Kuroyume's repertoire (except maybe for Feminism, talk about ambivalence), DEG, anything Gazette, MM's Tetsu era, anything La'cryma did after Lhasa, L'Arc's Heavenly and Smile/Awake, a great handful of old school vk acts, the handful of songs and SHINE by LS (e.g. "IN MIND" and "STEAL" are blatantly silly/stupid)


I became a choosy chap, lol.


edit: I could care less for anything Kiyoharu these days. Not enjoying songcrafters with Yoshiki syndrome tbqh.

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D'espairsray is without a doubt the first one that comes to mind. My first distinctly favorite visual kei band back in 2006 - which being nearly a decade ago is horrifying to think about - that I first got disillusioned with during the successive three singles after Mirror that I thought just got worse and worse with each. There's still the classics I thought, but cue forward almost a decade later and I literally find only two releases to my liking: Sexual beast and 裏マニアシアター. In my opinion that I realise is very contrary to popular belief, Coll:set is already approaching the Linkin Park territory hard, laced with a very unsettling mallgoth aesthetic that really was present during their entire early career, yet the rawer recording quality of the very earliest releases managed to subset that enough for me to digest it. Not a fan at all these days either way and there's close to no nostalgia present anymore. 9goats I don't fuck with anymore at all and I don't have any particular affinity for new dir en grey either. 


Other than that there's nothing that outright stands out. There was a phase in my late-teens, that gladly did not last all too long in the grand scheme of things, when I indulged quite a bit in metal that may have not been of the most tasteful kind. Most of the visual kei I enjoyed back in the day I still like to a larger or a lesser extent depending on the band and I think I've only expanded the amount of favorites I got. 

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