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Decided to check out Lake Mungo yesterday. Pretty interesting take on the ''faux documentary'' approach. The constant somber, dark atmosphere throughout was nice too. The whole supernatural aspect of the story didn't make very much sense anymore near the end, but there were some spooky elements.

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I don't pay attention to scores on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes or any other side like that. Especially not to IMDB. It's complete shit IMO. So many ridiculous cores.


A couple of examples: The Dark Knight and Inception are higher rated than  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Goodfellas and Seven Samurai.

Interstellar is higher rated than Spirited Away, Psycho and Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I don't see any problems with that. I haven't seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Goodfellas but I'll definitely take Dark Knight and Inception over Seven Samurai any day. I've never seen a movie so boring, poorly paced, and sleep inducing such as Seven Samurai.


As much as I enjoyed those 3 movies (well Psycho not as much), Interstellar moved me emotionally and found it more compelling than all 3 of those combined.

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Watched the third Nightmare on Elm Street yesterday evening. True, classic '80s fun. Some creative kills, great special effects, tons of (possibly intentional) cheese... Awww yeah.

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I don't see any problems with that. I haven't seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Goodfellas but I'll definitely take Dark Knight and Inception over Seven Samurai any day. I've never seen a movie so boring, poorly paced, and sleep inducing such as Seven Samurai.


As much as I enjoyed those 3 movies (well Psycho not as much), Interstellar moved me emotionally and found it more compelling than all 3 of those combined.


But you are being 100% subjective here. While anything art-related in the end of the day is subjective, it's fully possible to be objective to at least some degree and see the quality of something one didn't like. You don't like Seven Samurai, but that does't take away the fact that it's one of the best directed, written and acted films of all time.


Anyone who likes Twilight and disliked Seven Samurai, The Dark Knight, Inception, Goodfellas and Psycho will run around and tell us how Twilight is the better film beause at least she liked it and found it entertaining, and while she has the right to love that films and hate the others it just doesn't change the fact that it isn't a better film in any way.


That goes for me as well, while Big Trouble in Little China is my all-time favourite film, I am still fully aware of the fact that it isn't among the best 250 films ever. Yes, it's my personal favourite and I would place it as #1, but objectively it isn't close to the top 250. Simple as that.


While I don't fully agree with RT's top 100 or anything like that, I'd say that at least it's much more spot on than IMDB's.

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October 19th

Körkarlen / The Phantom Carriage - Swedish fantasy-horror from 1921, and one of the biggest inspirations for Ingmar Bergman to become a filmmaker. Körkarlen feature rather complex storytelling for 1921 with lots of flashback and every now and then flashbacks within flashbacks, and there's lots of great special effects. I really love everything about this films, and the atmosphere is just as incredible as the sets are good. This is a proto-folk horror film, and it's both occult and mystic in many ways. 9/10


I watched the one with the KTL-soundtrack, one of Stephen O'Malley's (Sunn O))) ) many bands. The soundtrack was very fitting, and I really liked it.



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Watched El Orfanato/The Orphanage. Another really melancholic ghost story. I'm not even sure if I'd really count it as a horror, because I feel like creeping the audience out might not have been the main purpose of the film. It's more of a mystery/drama, in my opinion.. Still, posting it here because of the whole ''ghost story angle''. Good film though, definitely sets up a nice atmosphere, great shots here and there and a good story.

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October 20th:

Sphere - ALways thought this was a rather underrated film and I still think so, even though I was massively disappointed by the ending this time. Didn't remember the ending being so god damn bad. But I like the film. It's got good, claustrophobic atmosphere, a very nice cast, a cool premise and it's visually interesting. But then comes the ending and it basically turns to shit. The potential this film had is massive, but it never even comes close to the top of that premise which is a shame. But I still think it's a underrated film. 6/10


To be quite honest I'd like to ee this film get a remake. A darker, meaner and dirtier remake with a different ending.



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October 21st:

Grabbers - A fine little Irish low-budget horror comedy with lots of scares and laughs. It isn't original in any way whatsoever, but it's well-executed in every single way there is, whih is why it works so well. There's a fine horror/sci-fi story here, a fine mistmatched-cop story, some nice romance that actually works and a lot of humor. It's got something for everybody. The special effects is a mix of practical and CGI, and while I would prefer 100% practical, the CGI isn't too shabby in this. It acttually looks rather good for CGI, which is unexpected in a low-budget horror film. But they just never goes overboard with it, which is why it works. The leads are great too. Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley, Russell Tovey and Lalor Roddy are all very, very impressive in this.


If you enjoy films like The Guard, Hot Fuzz, Attack the Block, Tremors, Gremilins and similar films you'll probably enjoy this. 8/10



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October 22nd:

Almost Mercy - Pretty bad film with little quality to show to. The blood work is amazing and the premise is cool, but other than great blood work and a cool premise it's poorly executed and boring. At 85 minutes it's 40-45 minutes too long, and that says it all IMO. It feels a bit like a 18 year old kids high school massacre "fan-fiction", and yeah, it doesn't work very well at all. The second half isn't too shabby, but the first 40-45 minutes just drags and drags and the quality just isn't there The storytelling, the characters, and direction. Meh.


Yeah, I just wasn't impressed at all. 3/10


Aside from the blood, Danielle Guldin was easily the best thing here and that's not because of her acting skills. She was just very charming and extremely sexy.



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Watched The Canal, and ohboy, it was really good. The homage to Ringu is very obvious, but it was awesome.
Eerie atmosphere and cool (although slow) development were the best part of it. The scares were those cliche sound effects, but the story more than made up for that shortcoming.
And that ending...


freaking real estate agent who was in the whole thing! that smile! It made me rage hahah


All in all, an excellent surprise. Yes, there are weak points, but it does so many things right that it really doesn't matter at the end. 8.5/10


Bear, thanks for the recommendation!

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Watched A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 last night, definitely less great than the other two parts I've seen so far. (which would be the first and third parts. Don't ask me why i'm watching them in random order) Felt like there was a really weird vaguely gay undercurrent throughout the film as well, which, after looking at the trivia section on IMDB turned out to have been intentionally put in there by the script writer??? Anyway, the ''dream'' sequences were pretty great, as usual, and there were some nice special effects. Ending kinda made me roll my eyes, though.. Meh. Worth a watch, but not the best in the franchise.

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Yes, it' very gay and they way they tried to deny it back in the 80's is hilarious. They're not even trying to hide it. It's so out in the open. It's not an awful film, but not a very good film either. Aside from the first I think Dream Warriors, The Dream Master and Wes Craven's New Nightmare are all very good.


I totlly recommend the documentary Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy which goes through everything Nightmare on Elm Street-related. Superb documentary, even though it easily could have been a few hours longer. 4 is actually a bit short and the time just flew by when watching it. Anyway, it's perfection!


October 23rd:

Night of the Demon - I remembered this as very good, but this isn't just very good, this is perfect! (Proto-)Folk-horror from 1957 with a very Boris Karloff-esque performance by Dana Andrews and a superb performance by Peggy Cummins. Intelligent, suspenseful, a superb mystery, atmospheric and at times frightening. This late 50's horror film has got it all. Dark, mystic and eerie, and it features a few scenes that'll make you jump out of you chair. And the little special effects present are powerful and done 100% perfect. I think the overall film is pretty grim for 1957 to be honest. Superb! 10/10!


Damn, that demon is so good looking, and the last scene is down right shocking. Oh my god!



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October 24th:

The City of the Dead - Another classic example of (proto)-folk-horror before the boom itself. The eerie atmosphere, the beautiful cinematography (very much Mario Bava-esque in many ways), the acting... it's all superb! It's a great film, and sadly very underrated. Christopher Lee stands out here as usual, but the rest is great as well. Love how they capture the past and the present, and it's especially the past that's unbelievable good here. The smokey streets, the buildings, the entire setting. Amazing! Superb film! 9/10


There's some striking similarities to Psycho as well. I mean, so much that it has to be a lot more than just a coincidence.



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October 25th:

Let Us Pray - This was quite a surprise. Newcomer Brian O'Malley, a new director with only two short films to his name, gives us a film that mixes good, old school horror with something modern, and who mixes familiar stories with a strong emphasis on different themes, ideas and pleasant surprises. There's a few cheap scares here that doesn't work, but the overall atmosphere makes up for it because this is rather fucked up. I mean, it made me shiver, and it twists and turns at every single turn. You'll not see what comes next. The cinematography is amazing, and lead actors Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos!) and Pollyanna McIntosh runs the show here. Very, very convincing! And the atmosphere is unbelieveable even though the film is a bit over the top story-wise. But it's cool and totally works.


Now, I'm just gonna try to give a taste of what this film is like. Imagine if Assault on Precinct 13 was a supernatural and demonic horror film with lots of blood. Or if Assault on Precinct 13, High Plains Drifter and Martyrs had a baby. This would've been it. But despite being very different, this totally feels like a massive homage to Assault on Precinct 13, but in a very respectful way.


See this, you fucks! 8/10





Another filmt to prove how fucking awful IMDB is by the way. 5,7 on IMDB, 83 on Rotten Tomatoes. The Rotten Tomatoes score is much close to mine.

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 October 26th:

Tales from the Darkside: The Movie - Underrated horror anthology based on the anthology TV-series Tales from the Darkside. I'm not familiar with the series with the exception of a few episodes here and there, but I dno't get the hate towards this film. It's dark, grim and bleak, and all the stories, including the main narrative, offers lots of fun.


The main narrative, or Wraparound Story, is much fun and drives everything forward in a nice manner. A lovely homage to Hansel and Gretel.


Lot 249 - The first proper story of the film, and my favourite. The cast with Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore and Christian Slater is very good, and it's got this nice old school vibe to it. It's like a 1930 The Mummy film made for an 80's audience. It works really well IMO. Great special effects too. 9/10

Cat from Hell - Another nice one, but not as good as Lot 249. It's more of a black horror comedy and it's silly as fuck, but it offers lots of fun. The leads William Hickey and David Johansen are both good, and the special effects are superb. The ending is lovely. I can watch that sequence over and over again and I just won't get tired. It looks so good 8/10

Lover's Vow - This one is actually based on a story from Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, and it works really well. A nice story and so on, but this short is all about the special effects for me. The special effects are once again gorgeous. A real pleasure to the eye! 8/10


Overall a really nice and underrated film. Do not believe the hate, for this one is much fun! 8/10



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Watched Night of the Demon last night, pretty cool movie indeed! I was a bit let-down that they showed the demon already after like 8 mins, tho it did look decent. I think the spookiness and ambiguity (science vs superstition) would've been much greater if they didn't show the creature in the beginning, only maybe at the end. Anyway, other than that I was entertained, great atmosphere all around. :)

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October 27th:

Cry of the Banshee - Another fine example of folk-horror. Cry of the Banshee is often seen as a poor man's Witchfinder General and even stars Vincent Price as a witchhunter, and while there is obviously similarities, this isn't a poor man's anything. A most excellent film with a brilliant and nicely theatrical Vincent Price, superb atmosphere, a very cool setting and a cool story, even though it's a bit messy and half-done. But this film got atmophere atmosphere and more atmosphere. There's something very cruel and dark over this film, and if you ask me the ending is top, top notch, even though I seem to be one of few who thinks so.


Very, very cool film. 9/10




October 28th:

Ravenous - A dark, bleak and slow-burning atmospheric horror film that over the years has gotten a cult status, much because of some unexpected, cartoonish comedy that suddenly pops up a few times. And I am not joking. A few scenes here are like taken straight out of something like Donald Duck, and while it shouldn't work, it honestly does. It's got a very original feeling to it, and I really liked it. Top notch gore at times as well. And some very impressive performances, especially by Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle. Totally recommended! 9/10




October 29th:

To the Devil a Daughter - To be honest this is a long, slow-burning mess of a film, and the last Hammer Horrror film to feature Christopher Lee until 2011's poor The Resident. But there's something very nice about it. Folky-ish, occult horror with a most excellent Christopher Lee and Richard Widmark. This isn't good, but fans of Christopher Lee or horror ala The Devil Rides Out and Race with the Devil should check it out IMO. Very enjoyable, despite the mess. Should have kept the original script which I for reasons unknown believe would be a lot better. 7/10



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October 30th:

Last Shift - I compared Let Us Prey to Assault on Precinct 13, and here's another one that's got a lot in common with Assault on Precinct 13, but this has got even more in common with it than Let Us Prey and there's even some nods to John Carpenter the way it is shot. While not as good as Let Us Prey, Last Shift is more than good enough to keep you very much entertained for the 90 minutes it lasts, and lead girl Juliana Harkavy, who gets A LOT of screentime all alone, is excellent in her role. She's amazing and just drives the film forward all by herself, the lighting is very good and there's plenty atmosphere throughout the film. It's not a masterpiece, but it's a very good horror film nonetheless.


Imagine Assault on Precinct 13 gone supernatural horror with inspirations from the Manson-familiy. 7/10



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October 31st:

Goodnight Mommy - Good film, but I felt a little disappointed after I finished it. It didn't quite have the impact I thought it would. A bit artsy, slow burning and cold, but it lacked quite a bit in certain parts IMO. A good horror film have to have either of these elements in my eyes: atmosphere, gore or suspense, and this lacked all. It kinda lacked the proper elements of horror IMO. More a thrilling drama. But I kinda liked it anyway.


I just wish the characters were a bit meatier. The entire thing was fairly predictable and you could see where this was going early on and it answered what had happened to some degree, but I still felt the characters lacked a bit meat. They felt thin and underdeveloped.


Some very good performances by the two boys, though. Very impressive! Both looked very comfortable and experienced. 6/10




Halloween - THE film to watch on Halloween, and this just gets better with each year. The atmosphere is incredible, the cast is incredible, especially with Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis, the soundtrack is amazing and Michael Myers is amazing. He's so cold, and the way he acts and moves feels very threatening. I mean, whenever he's on screen my breathing patterns changes slightly. Halloween is nothing less than perfect. Best slasher in the world, and one of the very best horror films ever made. Incredible film! 10/10, and a worthy ending of my October horror-o-thon. Every single year. Perfection!



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