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The Police States of America.

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So in this new bill it also says military persons are allowed to be gay. And also they are allowed to engage in bestiality.

To me it seems like the people who wrote the bill are just being smart asses right there. LOL. Fuck this country.

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So in this new bill it also says military persons are allowed to be gay. And also they are allowed to engage in bestiality.

This is what all the anti-gay activists said would happen. Who would have thought that they were right all along :lol:

Ron Paul 2012

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So in this new bill it also says military persons are allowed to be gay. And also they are allowed to engage in bestiality.

To me it seems like the people who wrote the bill are just being smart asses right there. LOL. Fuck this country.



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Yeah, he did approve NDAA. To be fair, he was screwed either way but he did put his re-election changes above vetoing the bill. While that's not cool, there was no way that bill was getting vetoed.

Come election time Congress needs to be thrown out. They're screwing us over more than Obama is at this point.

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The thing is Obama doesn't have as much control as people think that he does. He only sees a fraction of the bills that the Senate and Congress propose. He is pretty much a figure head most of the time. The only really big bills go across his desk. So, you can't blame him for everything that happens in the country. And there are also things that are going on in our government that he doesn't even know about. And the excuses for him not knowing everything is the fact it would take too long to explain and these things have been going on for so long that there is no need for him to worry about it.

And another thing is that the President have to clean up the messes of the Presidents that were before them. That in itself tends to make a bigger mess. So in fact you can not fault just blame one President but the past probably 3 Presidents.

It is also hard for Obama right now being a Democrat with a predominant Republican Senate/Congress.

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it is sad day for America, though i am not sure if the courts would accept this law?

i hope not, NDAA is too wicked for any countries.

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i only wait if tumblr going to join venture.

i'll prepare my monopoly from now on.

though i agree with most comments, no google = no life.

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.., now the news finally goes to CNN.

aw late as hell guys! But it's O.K!

Anyway from this news,

i just know that Hollywood are one of the major role behind SOPA!!!

And backing the it hardcore. Oh, and Rupert Murdoch too, surprise surprise, not.

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Seriously? These guys are already rich as fuck, what are they complaining about? The reason I don't feel guilty about downloading is because of MTV Cribs :lol:

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So let me get this straight, we have:

Patriot Act: Created after 9/11, poorly written bill that allows military to arrest and detain U.S citizens indefinitely without trial if they claim you're a terrorist.

COICA: Created in September 20, 2010, basically allows government to take down / black list sites due to copyright.

SOPA: Created on October 26, 2011. Allows copyright owners / law enforcement to block website access based on claims that of course don't have to be proven true.

PROTECT-IP: Technically COICA on steroids.

NDAA: The Patriot Act on steroids.

ACTA: SOPA and PROTECT-IP combined and on steroids.

PCIPA: ACTA's just as dangerous backup plan.

CISPA: SOPA on steroids. Not as bad as ACTA though.

FISA: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Speaks for itself. Anti-privacy bill.


Only one of these insane bills has actually been rejected, but only to come back stronger than before.

How do we stop this madness and bring the attention the the public? That's the question I think everyone who knows about these bills is asking themselves.

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They got a new one around the corner: CISPA. It will allow them and companies all around the world (that way the US can monitor everyone on the world) to invade the user's privacy, look into their data and send it to the US government. The law will also include a part where they can not be touched because they touched your privacy. I already signed, but essentialy it's worse than SOPA and PIPA combined.

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They got a new one around the corner: CISPA. It will allow them and companies all around the world (that way the US can monitor everyone on the world) to invade the user's privacy, look into their data and send it to the US government. The law will also include a part where they can not be touched because they touched your privacy. I already signed, but essentialy it's worse than SOPA and PIPA combined.


On a smaller note we've also got HR347 (This one is more similar to NDAA than SOPA or ACTA), and it's another broad bill which basically allows them to arrest any person who speaks out against any of those maniacs at any area they operate in. The best part is that it passed 388 to 3.

Soon they'll surely widen the range of this bill which will allow then to arrest anyone who speaks against against the government on ANY grounds.

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But since it's mostly Republicans coming up with these bills and the entire American government is made up of Democrats vs. Republicans, there's a big chance Obama will veto them all (maybe not because he completely disagrees, but also for the fact it's a Republican idea). If the US gets a Republican president (maybe Ron Paul not included) the entire world is screwed. Since Ron Paul doesn't seem to get much support from the Republican voters (since he's only a moderate Republican and not against gay marriage and stuff) I'm afraid he won't make it as the Republican candidate for this year's election. It'll probably be Romney or Santorum going up against Obama. Goddamnit Obama win that election or else.

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I feel that if Obama wins this term, he's going to start playing hardball. He's too worried about trying to get re-elected to risk taking a position that the Republicans can exploit against him to ruin his chances in 2012. I also have a feeling that the Republican base is going to fracture very very soon. They are just too unstable and all over the place to remain as one party.

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I really can't see any win situation here. Ron Paul has no chance in winning but even if he did win he'd go straight after the Fed which I realize would be an extremely risky thing to do because you'd be attempting to audit those who completely control the U.S dollar. He actually has good intentions in mind and is the only presidential candidate period who doesn't flip flop, but some of his ideas actually are potentially disastrous.

I'm pretty sure Obama will win again this year, and after seeing just how insane the "big three" are, I'd rather keep him in office.

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