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Official Music Hate Thread

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Well...to put in my own 'hated' band.

It's Gazette. OK, c'mon fangirls SHOOT ME but... What the hell makes them SO special that all of you are like "OMFG oiskhvcoishfeaiohfc I WANT A CHILD FROM YOU, RUKI bla bla bla whatever...“...

Ruki isn't one of the greatest vocalists out there!...

And there are even TONS of musicians who deserve way more fans than Gazette do.

They just sound mainstream[ish] and boring.

Their last releases were...SHIT.

And they always sound the same O_O

Really I mean... is that music ? Not really or?..and I had to lol so hard about their

DIM ALbum XDD..half of it is just a 2 minutes intro I mean WTH.

They can't even make a whole Album? Are they too epic?

Maybe, well thanks Gazette for being too famous >D....

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Well...to put in my own 'hated' band.

It's Gazette. OK, c'mon fangirls SHOOT ME but... What the hell makes them SO special that all of you are like "OMFG oiskhvcoishfeaiohfc I WANT A CHILD FROM YOU, RUKI bla bla bla whatever...“...

Ruki isn't one of the greatest vocalists out there!...

And there are even TONS of musicians who deserve way more fans than Gazette do.

They just sound mainstream[ish] and boring.

Their last releases were...SHIT.

And they always sound the same O_O

Really I mean... is that music ? Not really or?..and I had to lol so hard about their

DIM ALbum XDD..half of it is just a 2 minutes intro I mean WTH.

They can't even make a whole Album? Are they too epic?

Maybe, well thanks Gazette for being too famous >D....

Oh you're sooo right XD

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That was a really stupid post.

No, Ruki isn't one of the greatest vocalist ever. But none of the jrawk vocalists I ever heard would be on a list that feautered 500 top vocalists. None! So Ruki isn't alone about not being all that.

Sure there are tons of musicians and bands that deserve a lot more fans than Gazette. But that goes for every other Jrock band as well. Thousands of bands that deserve way more fans, except for Kagrra and Merry of course. *blink blink nudge nudge and all that*

Mainstreamish? What makes them more mainstream than most other Jrock bands? The fact that they have managed to gain a fanbase that consists of over 50 fans? Does that make them mainstream? Boring of course, is Subjective. Same goes for the whole "their last releases was shit" and so on.

They always sound the same? Hmm...okai, doesn't make sense. But please, be my guest and tell me hoe these songs sound all the same:

Beautiful 5 [shit]ers






And now, as said. Be my guest and tell me how they always sound the same. C'mon! Gogogogo!

Is it music? Well, it's just as much of music as everything else you listen to. Even this is music:


Sunn O))):

You hate it, dislike it and whatever as much as you want. But both are considered music, and is just as much music as whatever bands you might listen to.

DIM is 59 minutes long, and less than 5 minutes is intros. Which leaves around 55 minutes that's not intros.

They have made 4 whole albums. And an album is an album even if it's just 25 minutes long or 50 minutes and 25 is intros.

Now I am looking forward to your respons.

And with that being said: No, I am not a huge Gazette fan myself. Like some, hate some.

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HATE VK BANDS that are new and make dumb music wanting to be heavy and omg kawwwaaaiiiizzzz music. The best vk music was around 2002 to 2006....then the rest suxs with very few exceptions.


most of the new bands are all ´no, not really´. like, it´s not THAT horrible, but it also isn´t the best thing ever :/

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Now I am looking forward to your respons.

And with that being said: No, I am not a huge Gazette fan myself. Like some, hate some.

Um...sorry but it was just her opinion .__.

I thought you're allowed to write it here and noone REALLy cares that much about it..

and to be honest..it's funny to see that a lot of bands are criticised here and noone really makes a

Huge response to it I mean it's a thread where you can tell who do you like or not?

It's nice but...If it comes to Gazette and somome criticised them you begin to scream ?...


It's sad to see sometimes that they get more attention then they deserve in my opinion...

stand over it it'se her opinion (and to be honest my opinion aswell).

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Now I am looking forward to your respons.

And with that being said: No, I am not a huge Gazette fan myself. Like some, hate some.

Um...sorry but it was just her opinion .__.

I thought you're allowed to write it here and noone REALLy cares that much about it..

and to be honest..it's funny to see that a lot of bands are criticised here and noone really makes a

Huge response to it I mean it's a thread where you can tell who do you like or not?

It's nice but...If it comes to Gazette and somome criticised them you begin to scream ?...


The """""""criticism"""""" was poor, and criticism can be put to question just like praise. The response was more than appropriate, and spot on.

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I never said she couldn't have her own opinion. But fact is I just killed some of her statements, that's all. Hate the band all that you want, but some of what said in the post was far off no matter how you see it.

Now I'll keep dancing on the table. Thx bye!

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i hate gazette too. lately they are so boring* sound and look.

they look more pop too me than rock and mainstream because

seems like their goal is often more to appeal to the audience than to be creative.

and i hate them because people who don't know anything about jrock , only know gazette and speak about.Shut up! they are other bands too , you are so boring .

*i blame psc for stupid looks. they make all the bands look the same and most of them boring

you can actually tell if a band is in psc by their looks. except sug

(and i don't want to hear again from fans:nooo.YES THEY DO! are you blind?)

look now what they did to born. i 'm happy their music is still cool.

for example look ryouga here is sooo psc look - they fucked him up. (well i hope he liked it xD)


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^ yeah of course, because 95% of VK rockers DON'T dress like shit, DON'T try to appeal to their fans and DON'T create substandard music. This is a totally new phenomenon!

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yeah but the others are not this famous that's why they are not worth mentioned.

and seriously who dress worse? maybe it's personal taste but for me gazette visual style are one of the worst. seriously.

i like random crappy indie bands better in looks

(edit:they don't dress like shit. i like visual looks)(but many have awful music.personally i don't listen to a band only because of how they look.)

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VK isn't popular anywhere no matter which way you look at it. It's unheard of outside of Japan, it's not popular within Japan and with the exception of forums like these VK isn't widely discussed on the Internet. If your reasoning is that "these bands aren't popular enough" every visual band should not be mentioned.

Is this Visual Kei? Yes. Should someone look at the outfits and be able to say "you know, they look kinda bad"? Of course. But when people go out of their way to use the cloth Ruki is wearing as an excuse to bash the GazettE and say they suck, that's just fallacious. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much (or how little) clothing any of these rockers wear. It comes down to how mediocre, good, or crappy their music turns out to be. Underground visual bands can be amazingly good and underground visual bands can be complete shit. They can sign to PSC and still make great music and they can sign to Avex and turn mediocre. They can turn "poppy" and get better or they can get heavier and turn to shit. The generalizations of the Visual fandom are some of the stupidest, most unintelligent bullshit I've ever had the displeasure of reading anywhere. Half the time, I feel that the people trying to pass their opinions off as fact got into Visual Kei last week and try to pass off old arguments to make themselves look like they're "in the know". The VK fandom can only quantify music in terms of "poppy", "jazzy" and "heavy" and any attempt to bridge the two or describe it as something else is nigh impossible. If a band doesn't have riffs in drop B for one song or doesn't squeal their way through 42 minutes of an album OMGGZ THEY WENT ALL KAWAII DEY SUXX0RZ.

Trying to distinguish a band out of ideas from a band experimenting with their sound or maybe musicians just trying to have fun has been jumbled into one huge clusterfuck of stupidity where people interchange meanings thinking that bigger words means their opinion is more valid when it isn't. Instead of using their brains and maybe taking an open-minded approach to a new concept by a band people go off and blame the clothes the band is wearing or the label they just got signed to as a reason to why they suck now when many bands haven't even released music to be judged! As an added incentive, they name bands that they subjectively judge as crappy to "prove their point"!

tl;dr - hate on a band all you want. That's what the thread is here for but if you're going to do it provide GOOD reasons, not uncreative bullshit.

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i said i hate their music is boring!!!that's my problem about gaze.

and i don't care about looks as long as i like the music.


and btw since it's the hate thread i can say whatever i want and i can say about looks too!

right japan is a huge country and i have seen enough visual artists are in the mainstream top 10 charts. so yeah they know visual kei.

and you are just pissed because i don't like your fav band or something. i hate it i hate i think they are SHIT.that's my opinion except it.

also i think psc company cares more about popularity and sales than creation but of course it's a company..

i just like bands more that do things their way.

and i'm saying all this with psc having some of my favorite bands - like screw and now born..

but just because i love screw doesn't mean i can't see what is wrong.

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^ haha that's funny. Anyone that's remotely paid any mind to anything I've said in this thread knows that I bash all my favorite bands relentlessly. The GazettE is nowhere near my favorite band and never will be. I'm rather indifferent towards them.

Also, SCREW's only gotten better since they've signed to PSC. Byou's learned how to sing and Ancient Rain has to be their best single so far. As for BORN, they haven't changed at all and are still pushing out good music so I don't get your claim that PSC ruins artists. Most recording companies are out for popularity and very few are in it for the music. I don't get why people pick on PSC so much when SAS milked the shit out of Versailles with multiple types of releases and got away with it red-handed. Like you said, it's a company, but aren't all record companies? For once I'd like to see someone point out what they think is representative of a GOOD VK record company before they start complaining about which ones suck.

And also, I don't really care what bands you like and what bands you don't. I care about the reasons behind them because, as I said before, people that say they hate X band do so for the stupidest reasons and think they're "enlightened" for it.

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ok i agree!! completely =)

i guess i'm just pissed in the idea that psc and other companies control somehow the sound. but if you make good music i guess you can make it even if you have someone controlling you.

actually i'm trying to say gazette have a safe sound. boring .

i think they control the sound to be more like the top 50 charts songs in japan or what they think majority wants

so that they can be popular. mainly in gazette because they are their top band. proof that older songs where better i think.

if that is not true and without psc still make the same music then i just don't like their sound.

btw i just blamed psc about the looks more than the sound xD just for fun. not that it matters so much.

because other companies haven't this problem with the looks. it's amusing

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You know, I think there wouldn't be so much drama if people started using "I think..." "In my opinion..." etc.

'Cause some of you are stating your own opinions as if they were the holy Bible and the only truth in the world. You're kinda forgetting that everyone has their own music taste.

The word hate is too string IMO, but I think there's no problem in disliking a certain band JUST because you don't like their music 'cause it's not your style/it doesn't sound interesting to you. Or just because you don't like the vocalist. Or their bassist looks like the guy wo tried to rape you when you were five.

I think it's kinda natural D:

Though I still have a feeling my point won't be understood XD


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You know, I think there wouldn't be so much drama if people started using "I think..." "In my opinion..." etc.

First of all: no. There would still be drama. Because some people think that other people aren't allowed to have opinions that don't agree with their own. There's even drama on review threads, and if it isn't obvious that reviews are always opinions, I don't know what is.

Secondly, I think it's rather obvious anyway that everything somebody ever says aboute taste etc. is an opinion. What else would it be? Do we really have to spell it out each time? People just need to take a deep breath and stop turning butthurt or start foaming at the mouth because somebody insulted their favourite band. It's the internet.

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And that's fine. But what country did you listen to? Did you check out different types of country?

I don't like much of the country I've heard, but I do love a few artists. Those who make rather "dirty", depressive/dark and so on. Can't stand country such as Dolly Parton, Billy Ray Cyrus, Garth Brooks and all thiose though. That's pure shit in my ears.

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I have a select list of songs I listen to like The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks, How Do You Like Me Now and Good To Go To Mexico by Toby Keith, I Feel Like #?*! (can't remeber who that's by), etc, etc, but for the most part, it's just annoying like Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood and Kelly Pickler.

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But you never checked out anything other than these country-pop people? C'mon!

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