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Posts posted by MikuKun

  1. In my opinion the album had so many of the old song's, that even though I love those song's it felt like all the fun and excitement of waiting for an album release then finally getting your chance to listen to the album was taken away by hearing song's that made me wonder if this was the new album or just a compilation of their song's playing. I love DIV so it's hard to say bad thing's about them but I just found it so hard to get into an album that feels like they just wanted a reason to put all the old song's on an album. A lot of people probably wont have a problem with this album but personally it just didn't catch me, plus the track placement had a good amount of old song's back to back so I lost interest very quickly. 

  2. I think that they are showing an energy that they have lacked for a long time. Shou is shown wearing a black fox mask decked with Swarovski crystalsThis mask covers the vocalist face to represent the challenge of redefining visual rock. This is from the article in jpopasia so definitely go read that post. I'm happy to hear some new music from A9 and to know that they may be reinvigorated and ready to make music they always wanted to make.

    The new song already shows a lot of promise and has some really nice instrumentals and Shou's voice sounds better than ever, as for DIAWOLF, it doesn't really suit my personal taste but I'm happy that they are experimenting and splitting it into two separate projects, I'm glad A9 isn't going crazy dubstep and instead is sticking with rock mixed with traditional Japanese music, it gives us fans options and I appreciate that. Sorry for the long message but just my opinion!

  3. Great review, I thought this album was really good too, the only thing I do wish there was is a couple guitar solos but I understand that solos wouldn't really fit the sound they were going for. Great album nonetheless.

  4. This album disappointed me beyond belief, I've loved this band for a long time and have supported every change they made but this new sound is just so bad compared to what I fell in love with this band for. Allot of people will defend this album or blame John Feldman and say it was all his fault but I think they are all at fault, the song with Kellin Quinn especially doesn't belong on this album, the lyrics that Taka used to write used to mean something or have a deep undertone and on this album most of the song's feel dumbed down and are all love song's. I'm glad that they want to appeal to Westerners and that they wanted to play warped tour, I was happy that they did I got to meet them and see them at Warped tour but I never wanted them to become a warped tour band. They used to have such amazing energy and talent and would bring something new to the table but now they feel average, there are plenty of Japanese band's who sing in English and sound much more interesting and technical than One Ok Rock, Alexandros (Ex Champagne) is a great example. Not only that but Toru seem's to just regress as a guitarist, all he writes is simplistic boring guitar work, he shows promise almost all the time then immediately writes simple guitar instead of anything new or different. Taka is an amazing vocalist but he doesn't feel or sound like a great vocalist on this album, there's just zero vocal work like the vocal's we all know he is capable of.


       I was really hoping that One Ok Rock would make it big in North America and interest westerner's in Japanese music or show some difference in the warped tour line up but instead they just recorded a album that was made to appeal to american radio and kid's who like warped tour sounding band's, One Ok Rock didn't even play one song at warped tour that made them so amazing and well known in the first place, they only sung in English anthem rock song's, I expected at least Dreamer but no only radio friendly tracks. I just feel that they lost all individuality and worked with the singer of a well known American band to merge fans but in doing that they lost their sound and traded it for Sleeping with siren's sound which is just a tragedy, there are better band's who use the same idea and same concept but create their own sound with interesting and different sounding song's and album's. Sorry for the long rant but I really was destroyed with this album, it just sound's like the music I listened to in middle school, which is why I loved One Ok Rock in the first place, the energy and the creativity, the great vocals and the feeling that they were always improving and gaining more song writing ability. In the end I just can't listen to another copy paste "Emo" rock band in the endless categorized Hastings music section, I'll just listen to Niche Syndrome and remember the good old days.

  5.                                            Merry - Nonsense Market

                                              Is the nonsense worth going to the market to buy the album?            




    Hello everyone! My name is Miku and I love Japanese music! I don't have time to write much about this release but I will say a couple thing's, I really like Merry, I think they do an amazing job of keeping thing's interesting without overdoing it too much. This album is very diverse in my opinion and I like that very much, there is allot on this album that I love but one thing I would like to point out and  shine some light on is the fantastic guitar work on this album, I have stated in previous review's that one of the thing's I look for when finding something to listen to and one of the thing's that keep's me interested in the band and album is the guitar work. Merry hasn't slouched on interesting guitar melodies in any of their releases and this album is no exception, they really have some amazing and catchy guitar hook's. The vocalist is always very good and on this album he is amazing as usual, he has a very nice vocal range and he show's it throughout this album! The bass and drum work is also done very well on this album! All in all I really enjoyed Nonsense Market and would highly recommend the album to anyone who is into Japanese rock but like's some flare in their music!  



         All in all I personally give this album a  :4.0: (Highly recommended)

          Merry Nonsense Market is a very good album, try downloading the album and see what you think, I personally really enjoyed the album and would highly recommend you give it a try! 


        This has been Miku thank you for reading!




  6. Dir En Grey have been amazing for year's and year's, people always complain every time they come out with an album, it's either not heavy enough or it's too heavy or they copied a previous release of their's. Personally I love Dir En Grey and Kyo's voice made me want to sing, they are constantly working and pushing the boundaries of their own music ability! I just don't know what people want from them, I love hearing Kyo sing beautifully and sing something he wrote from his heart! People just want him to screech and scream on every album but when he does do something heavy and full of scream's everyone still complain's. Nothing seem's to impress anyone anymore, I love Dir En Grey and thought that the song preview's were great, give the band some respect every now and then, maybe they aren't "heavy" enough for you but at least give them a chance and base the album and song's on the beautiful singing and not the stuff that doesn't exist that you wish did! Sorry for my rant but jeez people! You shouldn't base how much you like the current release by what the previous releases sounded like and I am done with my rant, goodnight everybody I am tired! Hopefully insomnia will go away tonight! Give Dir En Grey a chance before you judge!

  7. I liked the album, I wont listen to it as often as allot of other albums that came out this year but it wasn't awful, people will put down Sadie before they even release anything and if that's what we are going to do to them as the listeners then what motivation would they even have to make some new and crazy creative if everyone is going to say horribly mean thing's about something before they even give it a chance. If the album is so bad you can't listen to it more than once you probably shouldn't review it, your job as the reviewer is to give it multiple listen's and tell us the readers the pro's and con's of the album and as someone who also listened to the album it is not so bad that it's a 0 out of 10! Every album has good and bad but if you aren't willing to find the pro's maybe you shouldn't review!  


     Sadie may have made some bad album's and sound a like album's but by no means are they a terrible band! They put time and effort into making a new album for us and people are saying how terrible it's going to be before it even came out, give it a decent review and stop being so quick to call everything they do terrible, why should they even make us music if we are this mean to them? Also about the name of the album, Gangsta is obviously a strange title name for an album but they were having fun with it, would you rather it be simple and just named one of the songs? They could have just titled it Gesshoku or Howling or some other track off the album but instead they had some fun with it, that should not detract from the album just because you don't like the title! The album isn't the best but it's not terrible!! Give it a shot listen to it at least five time's before reviewing it! Know the in's and out's of the album! Well I'm done with my rant! I like the album!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yeah Kou seem's like he has allot of time to get even better than he is now while Yugiri still need's to kind of prove that he can try something new, I've heard Kou hit many different ranges of vocal diversity on their mini album's and single's, Yugiri has too, but it feel's like more often than not he play's it safe, that's how i felt about Daizystripper's newest album too. I thought that they played it so safe that it was an extremely boring album, I know at that time they had lost Mayu but they basically released a single collection with a couple new song's that were made with the most basic songwriting structure they could think of. 

  9. I think he sing's allot better than Yugiri even though I'm a huge Daizystripper fan, I think Kou will improve more than Yugiri will. Although maybe it's just vocal preference, I would love to hear opinion's on the band though so please anyone who has anything to say, please do say something! It's nice to know other people in this world are reading something I wrote and I would love to hear what people have to say! 

  10. Artist: Shounenki

    Single Title: In The Sunlight

    Score:  :4.0:

    A new band shining sunlight for everyone to see!


    Now I would like to start this by saying that I have truly become a massive fan of this band and I really love most of everything they have released, in fact I was curious if anyone knew the member's of this band's previous band's so I could hear what they sounded like previously.



    Track number one out this two song live distributed release is the title track called In The Sunlight, this song is very beautiful and unexpected, the song start's with some nice and somber piano, acoustic guitar and what sound's like slight maraca work in the back round, then the lead singer's voice kick's in and it just work's for me! His voice sound's so nice, it sound's like he is right in front of me and staring me in the eyes, he start's with some very nice vocal's at a softer tone then goes into some very pretty falsetto note's. Then the drum's start and the whole song just come's together, the chorus is very good it get's stuck in my head for hour's, the second half of the song is where everything ties together and is executed very well. Toward's the end of the song the pace is changed and there is a moment where everything fade's out except for the lead vocal's and some piano, here is where the vocalist hit's gorgeous note's then the chorus is repeated for the third then fourth time but it does not feel repetitive nor tiring, it's just right!


     In the sunlight's pros: Amazing vocal work, very nice piano work, great guitar work to keep it pleasant to listen to, the drum work is also nice and rather playful


     In The Sunlight's cons: I couldn't really hear bass work, that was disappointing, beside's that I loved the single!


      Track number two is Namida No Utagoe, now this song kind of follow's the same pattern as In The Sunlight but it is allot more fast paced and has some distinguishing feature's such as the clapping along with the piano in the beginning and throughout a couple of verses. This song features allot more fast paced and energetic drumming and vocal work than the single, also you can hear more bass work throughout the song! The piano work is very nice in this song just as in the single and it seem's to just fit in, the piano never feel's like it was forced in, like in plenty of other visual kei releases. The guitar solo in this song is perfect, it doesn't detract from the energy nor feel boastful, there is also acoustic guitar throughout the entire song. Now the number one thing that makes this song great is the vocal performance! Kou the vocalist was on his best for this release, he didn't miss a beat, his voice was just so gorgeous throughout both song's that he amazed me! This song was so good I wish it was the single but either way they both were great!


     Namida No Utagoe's pros: Very nice use of piano and clapping to give a very fun feeling to the song, high energy throughout the whole song, guitar work that didn't bore me, pretty nice and playful drum work that helped keep up the energy throughout the song, top notch vocal performance yet again by Kou!


     Namida No Utagoe's cons: The bass still didn't feel very present, there were moment's where you could hear it but it wasn't very noticeable, other than that there isn't much wrong with this release!


      Summary: This single definitely shined some light into my life and made me smile! In The Sunlight is a great release and I would recommend it to anyone! Give it a listen, it's on their youtube channel!    


  11. The one thing that Mejibray has done since the beginning that drives me insane is the fact that they have multiple song's where they will only sing the name of the song as the chorus. Sabato was the first song I heard by them and at first I didn't care too much I thought they needed work and that the vocalist was pretty weak when there are so many great vocalist's out there, then I got into them, I don't know what it was but I just really started loving them, I will listen to anything they release but I hate the lack of creativity, ESPECIALLY when they have musicians with plenty of ability to make something top notch! I hate that they use the same pattern's for song's like Sabato, Avalon and Theatrical Blue Black follow's that same pattern, Killing Me just barely slip's by in my book because they make it sort of interesting but I did not think they would release something this lazy to spearhead as the single for the second full album, it's very saddening.


     It's almost as bad as Daizystripper's single G.Z.S.K.K to promote their newest album, just very weak single's to show that the new album is coming out.


     I doubt it's just me but does anyone else believe that Mejibray is probably rushing allot of their releases out? I'm not saying that as an excuse but it feel's like they release the same song three time's in a row continuously, what does everyone else think? 


     Oh and great review Zess and or Zeus!

  12.  The question in every review is what makes something great or amazing? What makes this better than the previous song's or album's you have heard? For me I think a great album is something that is fun and playful yet dramatic and deep, I love playful guitar or technical bass, some amazing drum work and a lead singer who has a voice that makes me want to continue listening to this album until a new release comes out and above all else the band has to have synergy, they need to work well together so nothing sound's forced. A great album is something I can recommend to anyone whether they like pop or death metal, k-pop or j-rock, visual-kei or American indie, a great album is something that i think has every element i listed and it has personality, it will mean something to you, it will make you remember it from now to ten years from now, that is what I am trying to figure out about this album, is it great? Or just a average first album that a billion other band's have already done.  


    Synk;yet is a relatively new band, they formed in 2011 then started trying to do what all bands want to do, get a fan base and make great music! For me personally at first i did not like them, I thought the lead singer's voice was nice but the band needed more work, more time to progress. So they were very hit and miss for me with their beginning work but more recently they had been releasing some really impressive singles, then they announced their first full length album and I knew I had to get it.


      Now I don't have the time right now to do a track by track but I will list some of my favorites and give a couple opinions on this album and this band.


      The song's I truly loved and think were top notch are in my opinion, Transitional Insanity, Silent Prayer, (Re):Birth, Psychotic Mechanism and Messiah


      The songs I didn't care for are Inner Child and that's really it, the album could do without Rinne, the outro but it doesn't take away from the album at all, it is  just extra that's not necessary and a bit boring for the end of a great album.


      I thought that the album was phenomenal, the album just really was almost perfect, it has a couple hiccups here and there but nothing too serious that ruins their first full length release. This is a really great first album and it is very very well done! It hits upon every one of the thing's I think make's a great release, I will definitely keep listening to this and will continue to follow the band, they  started as a band I thought was very average the first time I heard them and became one of my favorite band's this year!


     This album is worth the buy but if you can't afford it or you don't want to spend money right away on a newer band, download it and give it a listen!


     I give the album a 4.5   (  :4.5:)  

     Give them a try! It's worth it!

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