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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    Yeah I wonder if they'll go and get that 5th member and go on to make some new things
  2. Yukimoto

    It better not go further then that.....
  3. Yukimoto

    There's been alot more nudity in videos of late or atleast the one's I've seen. But anyways I think they do the jazz and heavy very well done So I'm all for this song. I was waiting for the new look and I LOVE IT<3.
  4. WoW redoing the new songs too. Seems like they are increasing each time a new batch comes out :0
  5. still sound pretty amazing! looking forward to the album
  6. Lucky that its very close to you. Me too.
  7. "Pretty Little Liar" wonder if they watch the show. Looking forward to hearing something new from them.
  8. Yukimoto

    ^it would be nice if it is a ballad release lol. not like they havn't done ominous ballads before. But I guess I called it on not being a PV for DOGMA
  9. I actually wondered how they would do the female sung "エインシャントソング" too sinceshe isn't a member of the group, but I do remember A9 inviting a piano player to their live for the live version of "Mirror Ball" so maybe the same thing? Unless like you said Inzargi does full vocals which I'm sure will turn out ok. The only alternative is just playing her voice ans singing the few parts he does live, but maybe that wouldn't be as spectacular, anyway love the mini-review? haha. I think you could've made a review topic though I would've read it there. maybe next time
  10. Oh looks like a 3-month consecutive release campaign. King of quick! That means they had a lot of songs in storage
  11. I wonder if it will be all new songs or not. Especially since "Eternity" doesn't seem significant of darkness or evil unless there is an underlying meaning I missed
  12. Yukimoto

    Sugar pain and reila. I think they should do a live incorporating in songs they've never played live. There's so many I want to hear live
  13. Now we just need the same vocalist and we're good
  14. ^Like above thats what I thought when I first saw the picture, like "wow he looks like Yuuki" but because of the recent break-up announcement I left it alone But honestly though there are alot of guys all over the world that is termed as looking feminine ( because of people and labels) that are just born that way. It' can't be helped.
  15. Yukimoto

    I'm not even phased by this guy, I mean I can't wait to hear it but I guess I'm more chill about these things. I'll be excited when I can finally listen to it that's all.
  16. Yukimoto

    Listening to/watching their last live I thoguht Ruki had planned to use more growls and screams because their seemed to be a lot more added to that live DVD "ーSaiteigiー". I mean even that scream in the beginning of DIm Scene, which I love, he did the best yet, and the growls on "Before I Decay" I was impressed.
  17. ^ We think the same about last tracks. They are just so special to be known so early AKA Ominous .-.
  18. I really do love his voice. A+
  19. Yukimoto

    Hmmmm guess I'll pass on the radio rip seeing as the cd is coming out rather soon. I already assumed the album would be good anyway so I'll just wait to be blown away soon enough.
  20. I guess that explains most of what many thought, but at least the majority is still new music and still looking forward to hear the new songs since everything has been good up to this point
  21. Burning soul makes me think of Wing Works last single . That's actually not a bad price for 3 songs.
  22. Yukimoto

    Sounds like a deal! Going to have to get it through them.
  23. Yukimoto

    Maybe its for PVs to come and not for Dogma since they have different parts to this Dark Age phase, but I guess will see
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