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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Thats actually a really good price for 2 DVDs seeing as usually 1 costs that much. Very interested!
  2. Yukimoto

    I need this in my life!
  3. Yukimoto

    Fanfale is probably their best song for me, so I'm just glad it was played twice
  4. Too bad it's not on an international site .-.
  5. SIGH I just don't know what to do with my life after hearing this... It's just way too good!!! UGH!!!!! I eagerly await your review CAT5
  6. I need him back in my life again so I'm with Aferni
  7. ^Yeah I miss RIku being with Kisaki too. I think they made wonderful music together. The first Lin was one of my favorite bands when they came out.
  8. Yukimoto

    First response: SuG has roadies? Second response: Really? From SuG? (after hearing that first scream) But it sounds good
  9. Yukimoto

    Not all in English but mostly
  10. I've listened to their older works and I still enjoyed their newest mini. Granted you are right that it isn't anything really new but more of the current style they've been using on their most recent singles. However, I guess that doesn't bother me to much, as I really liked the new mini.
  11. that's exactly what I wanted to see on the list too
  12. Yukimoto

    Wow that's an And reunion basically
  13. I was waiting patiently for this news.... Glad it's here
  14. Yukimoto

    @shimily very lukcy. I was looking for that cd everywhere but didn't know anyone that went to the live either I do like this song very much and am looking forward to that live DVD
  15. This is a change from their most recent looks being very similar. I like where this is going. Just got to wait for the previews now. And the case is pretty sweet!
  16. Yukimoto

    UGH I need this in my life
  17. Yukimoto

    I do think that since the album was pretty much metalcore everything seemed to blend together but I did have a few tracks that I enjoyed very much and overall still love the album. The tracks that I liked the best were Dogma, Deracine, Incubus, Deux, and Ominous and I think as a whole the album seemed like it would do wonders LIVE but probably less on a cd fo rmost people. Ominous was probably my favorite because of the many layers it had as a song with its conceptual atmospheric melancholy and Ruki's "Truth Dread" thing going on I was pretty much sold, but for me that was after listening to it a few more times as compared to mostly everyone else loving it the first time around? I think for them it was a different album because it pretty focused on metal core which they may add one or two songs hear and there became a full fledged as you guys said "CHUGGING" album I think the one thing it didn't have for me was their signature ballad but I'll live. Maybe their next single or whatever my include one of those so there's always next time. However I do think if they added their middle positioned ballads ( ballads situated in the middle) like all bands tend to do that it would've broken apart that long bullet that said Start.End. But the 5 tracks previously mentioned along from being what they were highly metalcore based they were wonderful. More variability would've been great but I still love the album and Im sure its rated like a perfect 10 if you headbang with them live.
  18. Yukimoto

    I'll guess I'll start with how glad I am that Alice Nine made the list so thanks @Beni because I thought that whole album was pretty good and was excited for their comeback. My favorite on the mini was "Freesia no Saku Basho" but overall I loved all songs and can't wait to hear what they come up with next. Like their last mini Jiluka have produced another rock solid album and I loved everything about it. I think @doombox that you chose the best song on the mini but I think it was pretty much consistent the whole way through. @Zeus Honestly I'm just loving Lynch and the the Gazette picks seeing as they were such great songs. I like the ominous and multi-layered musical piece that is "Ominous" and as always I felt Lynch brought a good single to the floor with Evoke. As far as my picks I would say 1)Mejibray - Venoms, kairi, until.., because that assortment of songs in the way that they are situated mashes so well together and gives me all I need from the band Mejibray at this point in my life. 2)yougenkyou -WEST- Vol.2 ~Osaka・Nagoya rengou~ V.A which had some pretty good bands on it. Especially, cocoon feat. hal - fate, follow pinocchio, FEST VAINQUEUR - ZERO-デウス・エクス・マキナ(deus ex machina)-, and The 3rd Birthday - The ROOM. All exceptionally good songs on this V.A album 3)The black swan - kagune -justitia-, whichthe instrumentals itself is what caught my attention on this track, the solo is pretty nice. 4)the Gazette - Dogma, Deracine, Incubus, Deux, Ominous...I would explaine why but yeah.... THE END
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