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    Tetora reacted to hiroki in How much do you follow your favorite bands? (Questionnaire)   
    1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)


    Depends on which band. For some bands I buy selected releases; for my favorite bands I'll try to "collect" the different editions of the same release. Sometimes I'm foolish enough to get multiple copies of every edition of the release. So yeah, someone please stop me XD


    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?


    I generally don't care for cheki. But photosets are always nice - they allow me to see how the aesthetics of a band evolve over time. Band t-shirts are fun to have too - although to be honest, the design for those is usually terrible


    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?


    I don't have Ameblo. I have Twitter and have followed some people on it, but I hardly keep track of what they're saying (if I do that I'd have no time for anything else).


    4: Would you follow them on the street?


    If you mean stalk them, then no. But I'll try to get an autograph or have a photo taken with them


    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)




    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?


    Yes, my interest in street fashion was partially inspired by visual kei. Although it could have been other way round. 


    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?


    Music was what got me interested in Japan when I was much younger: it made me really want to learn the language. Although, having lived in Japan for some time previously, I've come to disabused myself of an overly "romanticized" view of the country. 


    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?


    I've stumbled on some of those before, and in all honesty (at least for a period of time) they did make me "enjoy" visual kei less. At the end of the day, most of these rumors are false anyway, and since there's virtually no way to distinguish between what's true and false, why waste my time/energy on them where I can better use the time for something more productive and enjoyable?


    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)


    Actually, yes, lol. It's only natural I guess. Some of these people seem like really fun/kewl people to hang out with. But I won't say I'm obsessive about it.


    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?


    Yes... but given that I can't sing and the instruments I play (piano, classical guitar, flute) aren't "band instruments," there's no chance of this happening ;_;

  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to violetchain in How much do you follow your favorite bands? (Questionnaire)   
    1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all?
    I buy stuff if I can't find it online or I really, really want it. I wouldn't buy more than one version of a release, but I will buy a limited edition instead of regular if the bonus sounds good enough (a long live DVD from a band that doesn't have a lot of live footage, for example) and the price isn't ridiculous. Then again, recently I've just been buying stuff off iTunes since the shipping tends to triple the price, and as much as I like album artwork and lyrics, I am also incredibly cheap. 
    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?
    I usually buy T-shirts, I have a towel, and I wouldn't be opposed to stuff like keychains or buttons and stuff, if that counts. I have bought some used VK magazines at anime conventions for the pictures and in the hope that I would be able to read them at some point, but I would never spend money on something like cheki.
    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?
    I usually keep track of one or two bands I'm really into at the time and just sort of skim through the rest of my Twitter feed. Ameblo is kind of annoying because you can't just scroll through it and get a quick idea of what they're up to, so I don't bother with it very often. I prefer to follow bands on Facebook (well, the few that have one and use it frequently), since they usually update it in English and tend to keep it restricted to more important stuff than "I ate these cute snacks today, they were delicious. Here are three pictures of them."
    4: Would you follow them on the street?
    I'll say "Oh, it's __" to my friend and watch them do whatever for a minute or so from where I am, but it kind of bothers me when people actually follow bands around town because while they're at the venue, convention, etc. they're working, and they should be allowed to go get a sandwich or whatever in peace. Everyone needs a break.
    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)
    Absolutely not. I don't understand that mindset at all.
    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?
    I took a Japanese class in university as one of my electives partially because I like the music so much and wanted to be able to understand the lyrics, and I've met a lot of people because of it, so there has definitely been some effect. I don't think there's been any visible effect on my style, though. 
    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?
    Visit, yes. No desire to move to Japan.
    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?
    Sometimes. I have a weak spot for funny rumours and gossip about bands I like. It's more for entertainment value than anything, though.
    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)
    No, not really.
    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?
    The main fangirl thing I do is translate lyrics (poorly) from bands I love that I don't think will get translated otherwise. (Usually meaning non-VK rock bands) I figure at least that way I can use all the obsessive energy for something relatively useful. Plus I've picked up lots of interesting new words from doing it.
  3. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Delkmiroph in How much do you follow your favorite bands? (Questionnaire)   
    Visual Kei and Japanese pop/sub cultures in general seem to have many intense fans or fan communities that live and breath the art-form or artist in question.
    I think it would be interesting to discuss just how heavily we follow our favorite bands, and what lengths we go to in our appreciation and / or worship.
    As for me, I am a pretty big fan, I like to get all versions of singles / albums, and full discographies of  favorite bands, even Best albums... I follow on Ameblo, browse Twitters when I can`t sleep. Like to know which Kanji all band members use in their names, etc... As for picks (plectrum), Cheki, etc... For my favorite band I love these, but for other bands I couldn`t care less for plectrum, etc... I will just give them to people who seem to want them. Band-shirts I always long for. I guess my own style is influenced by VK too...
    Here are some questions to get the ball rolling on the conversation, feel free to answer them and / or type a little about how much you follow VK bands!:
    1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)
    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?
    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?
    4: Would you follow them on the street?
    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)
    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?
    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?
    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?
    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)
    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?
    Feel free to speak of other genres and your fandom as well if you please.
  4. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in How important are lyrics?   
    What I like about Japanese is that almost everything ends in open vowels, so you can hold any word, any note. Like in english so many words ends in consonants, and it is not the same if you try to the sounds of the words over a duration. Even in Japanese when the word ends in `n`or is shortened to mas or des instead of masu / desu, it still sounds so much better to me when put into vocals than English.
    I also like the sentence structure, and the modest thoughtfulness of the Japanese language, and how it is still formal and not invaded with too much slang. Sometimes it is like the English words are the slang though.
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to sai in How much do you follow your favorite bands? (Questionnaire)   
    I do buy stuff here and there, but I don't buy multiple versions of one release. I feel like it's sort of a rip-off, so I always just go with one version (usually the reguar).
    Depends. I never understood why people want chekis so badly, to be quite honest, so I'd never spend money on them. What I do buy though is mostly posters and tour shirts...that's it really. I do like catching picks and drum sticks though, I see it as a nice souvenir from a concert! (even though I've never actually caught one because I'm a midget)
    No, I can't understand what they're saying, so I don't see the point, haha.
    No, I wouldn't. I feel like following them in the street seems like a form of harrassment? It's hard to explain but when these people are outside just minding their own business I feel like you should just let them do that once they give off signals that they don't want to be bothered. It's different if the artist approaches the fans themselves though.
    I don't think it does? Of course I have songs that can cheer me up or get me off my feet, but not much more than that. I never dressed or changed my personal life due too music.
    Yep! I'm not planning on moving there, but I would love to visit one day to see some of my favourites live and do some sightseeing as well.
    I'm not interested in gossip surrounding the bands I listen to. I really don't mind if someone has 200 love children all throughout Japan or if they spend all their money on cocaine, as long as their music is awesome! (unless it's extremist cases like them supporting neo-nazism or smth of the sorts lol)
    Sometimes I think "hey, it would be fun to hang out with the guys from cinema staff because they seem pretty funny", but that's it really. Friendships come naturally after all, it's nothing that can be forced.
    Sadly I lack any form of musical talent for being in a band, haha. I think I'll just stick to enjoying music instead of (poorly) attempting to make it
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in How important are lyrics?   
    I don't know Japanese at all, but there are some words I hear often and know what they mean. (like "zutto" for example) 
    I was actually just talking to a friend about this. If it sounds good, I'll listen to it, regardless of what the lyrics are. Part of me never wants to understand what they're saying because I feel as if I wouldn't like it anymore. This is the main reason I can't listen to music in English. Like i honestly can't even do it. It baffles me greatly that people listen to music solely for the lyrics (speaking about english music) which is funny because even if I'm listening to a song in my own language, I'm not paying attention to what they're saying. It's just words to me, if that makes any sense.
    I think I like Japanese music so much because the language is just really flowery and beautiful and idk I'm fucking weird. With Japanese music, I really feel/connect with the music without knowing what they're saying based on the emphasis on words and the tone of the song and you can just sorta tell what the overall meaning of the song is. Ew, I remember when vistlip released Order Made and I was getting emotional watching the PV without knowing what the lyrics were. I was like "wow im fucking gross but ugh its so beautiful". 
    The JRock/Visual Kei scene is perfect to me. I can't picture my life without it LOL.
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to hyura in Show Yourself (again)   
    My palmtree-hair dried all wavy and visual after the rain. Worth a mirrorshot.
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ailin in Royz   
    I like most of the Royz songs. They are awesome I heard of most of the sons on youtube, but I would love to hear more of Royz whenever I can. 
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to seikun in How important are lyrics?   
    How good or how horrible lyrics can be I tend to think it is very subjective...
    In the meantime I envy those of you who are able to understand japanese lyrics by ear!
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to Rize in Linh's vocal cover(s) (ღ˘◡˘ღ)   
    3 months ago I recorded my first vocal cover and for today I felt like revealing it


    Check out my soundcloud in case I've added more songs xD


    *Note: I don't own professional recording equipments. I use GarageBand from my Mac Laptop to record my covers.


    *Note 2: Pronounciation might not be 100% accurate as I'm not Japanese XD


    Note 3: Song requests are welcome, as long I don't need to scream in it or something XD


    Linh's vocal cover list



    #1 [Vocal cover] Diaura - Lily

    *note: I have recorded this song mulitple times because I failed on the lyrics.

    From all ~30 (?) samples, I choose this one for the best



    Feedback is always welcome, but don't be too harsh on me XD

  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in ViViD new album "THE PENDULUM" release   
    WINDING ROAD is a very good song. Definitely not their best, but it still eclipses (in a good way) most of what they've been doing since 「夢」~ムゲンノカナタ~.
    For me, THE ViViD COLOR is still the album to beat. Every single song on that was simply amazing (and 69-II mind blowing). I don't know whether this album will come close to that (I don't think it will), but from what I'm hearing I suspect it's going to be a much better album than INFINITY was. That's good enough for now!
    Just my 2c
    P.S.: I also miss their "visual" look ;_;
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in ViViD new album "THE PENDULUM" release   
    SAME. When I first saw the tracklist I was like "wow, I hope 33-XVI is somewhat similar to/or a continuation of 69-II since that song is fucking awesome!"
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to Sakura Seven in Viewing Visual Kei as a Genre. (Questionnaire)   
    vk is cool as fuck & that's all i care about tbh
    now if you excuse me i must mail 30,000 yen to bandmen sama #MitsuProblems
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to Bunny in ViViD new album "THE PENDULUM" release   
    Unfortunately , ViViD has officially turned into J-Rock band since 2011 ,
    just like most of PSCompany bands are not visual anymore ,
    looks what happened to SCREW , even BORN ... only 猟牙 have massive personal budget for his lips make up !!
    Album Covers ... forget it , there is no creativity whatsoever !
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to XEL_PERPLEXITY in ViViD new album "THE PENDULUM" release   
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted in How important are lyrics?   
    sometimes you listen to a song and you really love the melody. (for example GACK'T new song)
    But if you look up the lyric then you kinda HATE the song because the lyric totally doesn't never fit your feelings.
    I have that with lyrics who are about death people. that they miss someone who is death so much.
    I didn't lost my lover because of Death.
    So then it's kinda odd to love such song...
    At least for me. so that's better to not be able to understand spoken/sung Japanese/English that well. XD
    and sometimes it's pretty hard to get what the writing want to say... or to tell you. so then you can write down a totally wrong translation. Or you can't find the right words.
    But most artist are like.
    I don't care if it's get wrong translated.. people should feel the music in their own way.
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in How important are lyrics?   
    Someone once said that every translation is a different work altogether. That's why it's incredibly difficult to translate poetry for instance: the differences across languages make it impossible to preserve both content and form.
    But your point is well-taken. I agree that sometimes "bad" translations can be a consequence of the translator misunderstanding the original lyrics, and it's not as detectable to the unsuspecting fan as some might think.
    Haha, Plastic Tree lyrics are the kind of things you either love or hate
    I can totally understand the point about classical Japanese. Heck, I have some training in reading 9th century Japanese texts and I still struggle with some of these lyrics =/ Although to be honest, I kind of miss Kagrra, and unfortunately Kiryu's music doesn't really work for me (irrespective of how "similar" their lyrics may be). I believe classical Japanese can work amazingly well with the right kind of songwriting/instrumentation - EVE's 朧月 being an example of that.
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in How important are lyrics?   
    I understand Japanese, but I know many who love Japanese or Korean music etc... without understanding, same as English artists reach Japanese or others who cannot understand.
    To me, the music has a value that stands alone without understanding the words. I can still appreciate HK or Chinese music for example.
    I find that for me and others, you often get the feeling of the song and kind of the emotion without understanding words. It is already there , but actually understanding lyrics does add the writers perspective and individuality to it more.
    I also find translations or subs I run across to be different.
    Either the words and meaning are intentionally changed or unintentionally by the translator. The translators interpretation comes into effect no matter what and I find not many do it justice, but that is nature of communication.
    Sometimes you even find that you liked your own misinterpretation more. Like even in your own languages you hear a song, and missing a lyric without knowing and you really like that line that you are singing, but then you read the lyric book or listen again and you find out the vocalist actually used a different word or two which resonate with you less.
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to The Piass in How important are lyrics?   
    I think lyrics are important as well although my weak understanding of Japanese don't allow me to understand all the lyrics an it's for this that i reinforce my Japanese !  
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in How important are lyrics?   
    For the purposes of this discussion, I guess we're mainly interested in visual kei and j-rock, but feel free to bring in other kinds of music if you like. 
    So, the main topic here is: How important are lyrics to you? 
      Do you feel that lyrics are essential to your appreciation of a song? Or are they completely peripheral and you can fully "connect" with the music despite not understanding its lyrics? Have you ever felt that the language barrier interferes with your experience?
    And if you're someone who understands Japanese, do you find that lyrics add another dimension to your experience, or is it at best ornamental?
    The above are simply some clusters of sub-questions that might be of interest (of course you don't have to respond to everything). I really look forward to everyone's opinions!
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Original Saku in Viewing Visual Kei as a Genre. (Questionnaire)   
    Can't people just listen to the music and enjoy it and then leave it at that? Who really cares about how we should define visual kei or what it is for that matter? Why do we have to come up with a cause for why vk is what it is? does it matter?
    These are the question I'm asking myself as i read through this thread... also I see this is gonna go no where just like every single discussion about this topic in the history of this forum has always gone nowhere.
    Can't we just stop?
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to coffee000 in Viewing Visual Kei as a Genre. (Questionnaire)   
    I think Zess means that a lot of bands sound and look similar to each other. That's truth. But it is also truth that a lot of bands within a scene or movement in pop/rock music history had similar sound. That's not limited to Japan actually. It happens a lot in the West. I wouldn't say that vk itself is conformist. Nowadays, it's all about who can market itself best (that's probably the "core" you talked about). Having a similar sound or look to someone successful is one of the ways of trying to market itself. If that's viewed not successful, some people will try something different. I think some people are thinking too deep about visual kei while it's actually not that much. It's similar to the (late night) anime and otaku subculture, with obvious escapism element for the audience. But at the same time that doesn't mean there aren't art, creativity and expression elements within these subcultures. These elements are mixed.
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Viewing Visual Kei as a Genre. (Questionnaire)   
    Why do you say that "visual kei in and of itself is very conformist"? I'm genuinely intrigued by this and not trying to be an ass
    The reason I asked is because you've been saying that visual kei resists definition (which I agree). My own take is quite similar to yours actually - that visual kei is kind of a negative definition, that can only be defined over and against the "other". But in saying that visual kei is conformist - does that not suggest that there's some kind of essential "core" (presumably some basic principles to which every or at least most bands conform) that can be incontestably pinned down and labelled "visual kei"?
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to Glamour in Uploader's Café   
    Wanted to somewhat make a random comment about transcodes without making a new thread or updating one from years ago.
    Personally, I found myself to believe that transcodes were something that should be avoided at all costs. However, lately, I've come to the conclusion that they're just fine. While I'd prefer something ripped in higher quality, the quality can sometimes be quite discernible. This is comparing transcodes to 256/320Kbps rips through Bose heaphones as well as a decent car sound system. I've even found certain 320Kbps rips that double rainbow across Spek sound much worse than even 192Kbps rips. Considering ripping can be made so customizable, I'm sure many people are just not configuring the rip settings correctly, adding balance to the volume when it's not needed and such.
    Originally, I thought this term meant something that was ripped through Youtube. Now, that's something I don't want. Though, even HQ rips through Youtube are proving to sound better than all of that old VK mess many of us have ranging from the late 80s to late 90s; you know, the tape rips and other rips done when quality wasn't as prominent (many are 128Kbps).
    Anyway, it's not an important subject; just wanted to comment on it. We're lucky to be able to listen to the songs at all provided they are no where else to be heard.
    I missed touching on several other subjects regarding the matter (filetypes: wma, flac, etc.), but I'm not looking for a response or anything. I'll just leave it as that for now.
    (And if you do feel the need to respond, I'll gladly hit any points or arguments you have to make.)
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to zerodrive in Show Yourself (again)   
    new color

    hmmmm I think you are guy if i didn't read "Here's some pics of me trying to look like a guy" (°o°;)
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