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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to Bunny in BFN has joined B.P RECORDS !?   
    I have notice that B.P RECORDS youtube channel recent update ,
    there are Black Gene For the Next Scene (BFN)'s PV ,
    I guess they have joined B.P RECORDS along side 己龍 , Royz and コドモドラゴン !!

    by the way , it is not announced yet , but I think it is more likely the news from B.P RECORDS .

    PV 『シニカル ワー悪~This is monster world~』

    * the song is epic , their skills are marvelous . 
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to Bunny in BFN has joined B.P RECORDS !?   
    I thought they were just joined recently ,...
    Their techniques are actually beyond heaven , as in 2 or 3 steps different in every songs they compose ,
    and live performance must be hell lot of work to remember every single songs changing tempos !
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nyasagi in Show Your Desktop   
    It just looks so perfect. I had to share it:

  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to Gaz in Show Yourself (again)   
    hi long time no see
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to paradoxal in Songs with distortions, SFX, tracks that link. ☆   
    If I understood the topic correctly, you're looking for more releases that contain the things you mentioned?
    This reminded me of Lycaon's 「情欲のアクメ」. I've understood the whole album was mixed to be just one gigantic track instead of separate tracks (pls correct me if I'm wrong, I don't own the said album). Yuuki always whispers the name of the next track before it starts.
    EDIT// @Tetora, really, is nihilizm like that?  I've never noticed... I've always played that album with shuffle on!
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to Glamour in Songs with distortions, SFX, tracks that link. ☆   
    Interested in hearing which songs people have found that contain distortions. By this, I mean examples such as:
    DEVI+TEC - ヴィデオドローム
    CELL - 殺意の前
    Neue Ziel - 世界消失
    Also, from a band that doesn't specialize in cool sounds like that like FLOPPY or メトロノーム (but E'm~grief~ is good).
    Also, tracks that contain SFX of varieties like:
    Metis Gretel - †Metamorphose†
    KISAKI PROJECT - 飼い主は犬
    Atmos*note - 眠れない仔猫/The ethereal image
    お遊戯ゎが魔々団×【PaRADEiS】 - 幼き双子の秘密
    Dué le quartz - Monochrome
    E'm~grief~ - In paradism ~淡い色彩~
    Also, tracks in a release that link together. For instance, a song on track 1 doesn't end, and instead sort of continues into track 2. Examples include:
    陰陽座 - 焔之鳥 → 鳳翼天翔
    SKULL - karma → voice
    Vanish - Glad Eye → 極彩色
    カメレオ -  マジカルドリンク → 「バカ・・・バカ・・・バカ・・・」
    Chaos†System - Hallucination → Needle Play~鉄の処女 Episode 2~
    (Could also include songs that have very different sounds within one track i.e. Mix Speaker's,Inc. - Friday Night Party!!! ~Digital Romance, 凸凹珍道中, MASK DE NIGHT~)
    I wasn't able to provide many examples (or perhaps, not even the best), but I hope you understand the type of things I'm looking for. The examples I've provided were the only songs I could think of at the top of my head. But, I know I've listened to many others. You may notice many of these are V系 examples, so those are encouraged. Thanks!
  7. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from RoseOfHizaki in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.
    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...
    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...
    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...
    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...
    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.
    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.
    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.
    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...
    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.
    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...
    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...
    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...
    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to morbiusss in Nightmare - T O BE O R NO T TO B E   
    first of all, you have to give me kudos for the original typography of the album, please
    but, in all honesty, i dont even know why I made the effort.
    is it only me finding nightmare's records getting weaker and weaker every year?
    this one's got even less to offer than the mostly terrible SCUMS. every song sounds so forced, rushed.
    Gallows is a weak opener, TO BE OR NOT TO BE doesn't even have a chorus (but the song is actually "okay"), so it's to song 3 to get the album really started. But, that's Dizzy. Cool riff with one of the most terrible Nightmare Choruses ever. Weakest Opening trio out of all their records.
    even after multiple hearings 東京都羅刹区 remains undefinable mess to me. and again, that chorus! They didn't pull out a really awesome chorus since Deus ex machina, and the chorus of that song was actually just a variation of the song's strophe.
    Rewrite has a similar problem. Starts really promising, I had high hopes for anima-quality, but that chorus...are we in kindergarden? Good variation with the string section at the end. this could have been so good.
    Thank you Melt into the blue sky.  Finally a good song. allthough it's somehow boring, and nowhere near all that great old ballads of theirs, it's the most listenable song of the whole album. I really love the acoustic outro, wasn't expecting that.
    TRUTH has a great chorus, YOMI's falsett part is brilliant. still, the song doesn't sound very sophisticated. With thirtysomething I think I wouldnt want to make this kind of music.
    Lullawhatever that title is so ridiculous. boring ballad. the key changes in the middle part are done very poorly.
    TERMINAL kindergarden.
    Drastica: Good beat, whatever verses, terrible break downs/bridges, uninspiring choruses. could have been so much more.
    next song screams NOOOOOIIIIISSSSEEEEE 0/5
    L.L.B: I enjoyed YOMI's singing "Love so sweet, Love zo sweet". haha, whatever. TERRIBLE.
    KENKA DRIVE: awesome, really good. 2:11 - 2:21 is extra brillant. allthough the part which starts at 1.36 and is repeated at the end is a bit too noisy and bothersome.
    4.5/5 WHOHOO.
    2 good tracks but no classical stuff on this one. what happened? I feel like crying, really.
    what do you think?
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to platanity in girugamesh best album release   
    so everything was re-recorded after all ! i like the album so far, lot's of old memories and good comebacks!
  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from nullmoon in サウイフモノ(souiumono) Gt.ヒロバッキー(hirobucky) will be conditionally "fired"   
    Inb4 everyone thinks it is just a joke so they dont sign the petition to keep him in the band, and this HiroBucky guy is fired into oblivion, and chokeslammed through a table at his final live event, and never seen or heard from again.
  11. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Sakura Seven in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    Simply put, pushing someone away from a woman he is putting his hands on and in the face of, is not extranneous or innapropriate. Once the situation reaches a certain point, physical contact is warranted, and I cant simply just say something about it, that would do.nothing.
    As for me needing more training, I dont know anyone that woulf say they have trained enough... And if.more training leads me to not stepping in when a woman is being abused, something is wrong with my training. And more training will not lead to me being some mythical grandmaster who wouldnt want to beat the guy up, keyword being want. I could have just laid into.him right away thebmoment I saw he was abusing her, but I didnt. The court system the way it is I would not expect to go to jail for pushing a guy off a woman he was abusing or for hitting him back if he hit me, esp. With a large mass of witnesses on my.side.
    As for my dojo it ran off donations only, no membership, and I was the only non-Chinese admitted, it is the furthest thing from a McDojo . It was also full contact the first day, and everyone weight trained.
    You make good points and honestly I can see where everyone is coming from with their individual points, but I feel like I did the right thing, and am not going to feel guilty about helping an abused woman. I also do not wish to argue about this. Thanks for reading and posting.
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    Well "when necessary" as in when you see obvious physical violence. If you truly think you would do the same even with more training, then you need more training, maybe proper training. Some Sifus apparently ease the difficulty in training to keep the business running. Particularly, physical training is very important where you get punched in the face, your nose is numb for a week and your arms tremble from the strikes and blocking...then you see your sparring partner is an average built Asian and you have at least 20-40 lbs on him -.- I don't want to delve deep into the philosophy but you could assert yourself with words and not physical violence.
    Idk where the event exactly that took place, at least it was a Chinese dude and not other else you could have been cited for physical harm as you instigated contact. Just take precaution when you do physical contact even if it is justifiable. 
    I agree with Archaic as it somewhat resembles my experience with Chinese people as well studying in a university that is about 60% Chinese and maybe about half of those are FOBs. I don't have a firm grasp on what part of China they are from if I just met them but, for FOBs, some are terrible to uncivilized and some are cool to friendly.
  13. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Sakura Seven in サウイフモノ(souiumono) Gt.ヒロバッキー(hirobucky) will be conditionally "fired"   
    Inb4 everyone thinks it is just a joke so they dont sign the petition to keep him in the band, and this HiroBucky guy is fired into oblivion, and chokeslammed through a table at his final live event, and never seen or heard from again.
  14. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Sakura Seven in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.
    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...
    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...
    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...
    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...
    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.
    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.
    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.
    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...
    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.
    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...
    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...
    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...
    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    It's a nice act and you clearly had good intentions but you shouldn't have laid hands-on first. If you really did train from martial artists then you should know physical violence should be the last resort, not the first.
    BTW, it is normal for Chinese people to have such loud conversations, for foreigners it can sound aggressive and when it actually isn't.
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to kkeiko in Regarding this band, Byakura, and its obscure sounds...(please discuss)   
    I'm sure some of you have heard of this band, Byakura.
    I find it to be a very interesting band. It produces a sound that is very unique. It is a little weird to most people, but it has a very addictive tempo and guitar sound.
    Some examples:


    They have a very distinct guitar riff structure. And it sounds a little like nu-metal. 
    I am looking for bands and songs of such fashion. The key detail, is the distinctive guitar riff. Hopefully I can find similar sounds because Byakura isn't enough.
    Anyone can help?
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to Miasma in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    It may not seem like it to those outside, but leaving an abusive relationship is really hard. Thank you for doing what you did. Hopefully that woman will get the help she needs.
      ...but holy shit did your post get really racist really quick. not cool dude
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from paradoxal in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.
    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...
    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...
    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...
    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...
    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.
    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.
    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.
    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...
    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.
    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...
    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...
    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...
    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...
  19. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from CAT5 in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.
    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...
    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...
    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...
    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...
    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.
    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.
    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.
    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...
    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.
    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...
    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...
    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...
    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...
  20. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Original Saku in Almost whupped a guy`s @$$ in the metro today.   
    A bit of backstory, I drive, but usually just take public transport as it is cheaper and more convenient than driving.
    So there I was, getting into the metro, and there is a delay. So I go sit down after a long day, and lo-and-behold to my right there is this guy telling this woman off to my right... He is in her face, and talking in Chinese so I am confused, and don`t really know what is going on...
    I am thinking to myself that I should go stop this, but I don`t know what is happening, maybe she actually did something bad, etc... Or maybe it isn`t what I am thinking it is...
    Anyway the train comes, and I get in, they get in the next car, and it is packed so I can`t see them... But I have this twisting in my stomach, I feel like I was wrong and should have stopped him...
    Luckily, they get off at my stop, and I trail them... He is still going off on her, and her head is down... My blood boils, and I go up to him, shove him with the force of Goku himself, and ask him what the f*** he is doing...
    He says he is just talking to her, and he looks like he is going to make a move on me... I am ready to unleash.
    I shove him again, and tell him he shouldn`t talk to her like that, it`s not right.
    He says sorry, it`s his ex-girlfriend.
    I say I don`t care, you shouldn`t talk to her like that, and you should say sorry to her, not me...
    I am one second away from just starting to beat on him if he says anything else or try to keep talking to her, so I make him go back the way he came, and he does, pitifully.
    I start talking to the girl, saying she shouldn`t take that from anyone, and she just smiles and says thanks...
    Everybody is looking at me, and a lady comes up to shake my hand, etc... I feel good about what I did, I was pumped up and felt like a champ... but at the same time...
    It feels so wrong, like she wont let make it stop, and it will keep going on... Like all I did was postpone it...
    I hate it, I hate people like that, and I never ever want to be like that. At the same time, I hate that he is Chinese, and acts like that, and he is so much of a coward that he can only talk like that to a small woman, and b*tches out when I get in his face. Like China has this rich history, and overcame so much, and had martial artists defending their villages, and putting their lives on the line against evil dynasties, and had good emperors trying to defend China, and all that happened, and we still have chickensh*ts like this coming out of the great country. Tbh I would have loved to use the martial arts my Sifu taught me to beat the hell out of this guy...
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Travelling   
    I prefer to travel alone as well because most people aren't interested in the same kind of things. Anyway I have a few amazing though somewhat random memories of the time I was living in Japan:
    1) Cycling 20km just to see Japanese pampas grass. I was dead beat at the end of it but to witness the expanse of golden lights dancing at dusk when the grass is in season was something special.
    2) I found myself in a very rural part of Ise because I had visited the shrine in the morning and didn't want to return to Kyoto so early. There, local trains run once every 2 hours. While waiting for the train I met a high school girl who approached me to ask for the train schedule, whether the next train stops at every stop, and a bunch of other strange questions (for a Japanese at least). From our conversation that followed I found out that was her very first time taking the train - she cycles to the next village for school every day but that morning her bicycle had died so she had no choice but to take the train. I remember teaching her how to pay for the train ride and the priceless look on her face when the train started moving =D
    3) I wandered into this small ramen place in rural Gifu when I was in the area as a stopover between Takayama and Nagoya. They had no menu whatsoever. Apparently the shopkeeper knows every single of her customers, and she would get their orders ready the moment they step into the place. Obviously they were excited seeing someone they've never seen before, so everyone gathered around me and we chatted about random stuff from Japanese politics to the dog next door (they much preferred the latter topic).
    4) Going up to the Japanese Alps was fun, but unpleasant because I forgot my jacket.
    5) Among my closest friends were a freelance translator who had probably been to half the countries in the world, a Japanese with rainbow hair who had gone to Paris to study fashion, and a somewhat popular host(!) in Osaka. There were other less quirky but no less amazing people I've met as well.
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from nick in Show Your Desktop   
    Let me show you how it`s done:

    Computer I found.
    Split between French, English, and Japanese. Dunno how to convert it all to one language at a time, and have to restart it everytime I want to switch back to Japanese. Restarting takes almost 15 minutes. No joke.
    All sorts of stuff new and old on my desktop, didn`t read it all so hopefully nothing incriminating.
    Amongst the icons there seems to be C.V.`s I made for African people, research, and a rip by Linh-San/Sama/Senorita which I used to compare. The rip seems quite nice btw.
    I don`t like to use computers outside of work so I don`t care about buying a new one, I mostly use this when I absolutely have to, or to store stuff on my External Drives, otherwise I do everything on my phone.
  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from chemicalpictures in Travelling   
    Started travelling alone when I was 16.
    In life, I was mentored by money-makers who wouldn`t spend a dime in excess, and would pinch every penny.
    Look for cheap bus routes that make more stops and take longer,  but are way cheaper.
    Book all planes as far in advance in possible.
    It can be half the price to fly to one country, then take another flight to the one you want to go to by a cheap airline. For example, if you want to go to one European country, which is popular, it may cost $1000, but if you fly to a smaller, less popular country, then take their airline to your destination, it can be $4-500.
    Hostels are good, but have their downsides. They can be dirty, or noisy, or less safe, but you will also meet many other travellers, learn things, and save money.
    In Japan, you can stay in a regular hotel in Shinjuku for 10,000 Yen, or stay in a Capsule Hotel for 2,000...
    If you want to teach in a foreign country, try to get the job before you go there. I know many people who work in Taiwan, South Korea, etc... 
    Staying in Japan is hard if you are a foreigner, the best thing to do is enroll in a school, or transfer schools. Exchange programs are possible from High School upwards if you have good grades, and a little bit of money to put down sometimes.
    When things have not worked out, I have had to sleep on the street. Find a good spot, either so secluded nobody will ever pass by, or in a busy place where there are enough people to be witnesses, so no-one will try anything, or steal your bag while you are sleeping. Wash in a bus station, airport, or go pay for one entry to a gym with showers. Do a short workout so they dont see what is up, and then hit the showers. I have always befriended homeless people, and found out the good spots to sleep, like one sweet place in a park, but the sprinklers turn on at a certain time, so you have to move...
    Anyway, I have some experience, and like to share, so let me know if you guys need any help. Would love to hear you advice and stories as well.
    Btw, in areas warm to foreigners, always mention you are not from around there, it makes you exotic and interesting, and people will want to get to know you, or give you good advice. Life is like a video game when you are travelling, and I find it pretty nice.
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to whitegrey in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    I just discovered ORIE... 3-piece indies with female vocals, founded 2013, one 2-track demo released in november, 1st MV released in february. It's simple and happy with good backing and a nice pace. Can't go wrong with this I guess...

    official web; http://orieband.jimdo.com
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    Tetora reacted to injectcandy in Travelling   
    Haven't visited Japan yet, despite lusting for it over the past 10 years or so. It's just not my time I guess.
    I have however, visited Hawaii (island of Oahu) and that was like the next best thing to Japan or Korea (or at least I felt like it was). Tons of Japanese tourists and lots of things catered to them, so it was practically like being in Japan! They have a lot of Japanese stores as well as certain famous restaurants and ramen houses. Plus, of course, there's the amazing sights of tropical paradise (almost like Okinawa?)~ I seriously recommend it if you can't get to Japan or feel a little overwhelmed with the idea of being outed as a  'gaijin'. It's still the US, so you won't be looked at or treated funny for speaking English. It's not cheap, but it's worth it for beach lovers, city explorers, nature lovers and photography junkies (it's seriously heaven for landscape shots!!). It's also ridiculously rich in culture and quite an amazing experience. It's something you need to soak in for a while. I went for 5 days and trust me, that is not enough. Definitely planning on making my return for a longer period of time.
    I haven't traveled all that much outside of North America so I can't really recommend much. I do agree that New York City is an awesome and exciting place! If you're a big city person I absolutely recommend it as there is so much to do, especially (but not limited to) Manhattan.
    I do hope to make a trip to Asia one day. I'm not too big on wanting to visit Europe, however I would love to see the UK and the Scandinavian countries :')
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