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    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in Royz - CORE   
    The album that turned me into a big Royz fan.
    When I got it, I honestly didn`t expect it would get as many plays as it has, even putting them in my Last.fm toplists, but I have learned to take my expectations and impressions lightly. Here is my late review.
    Songs that hit me hardest and get the most play:
    疾風迅雷 (Thunderclap Blast / Hurricane)
    Has that attitude I love, and is a perfect song to roll out with and provide the soundtrack for you conquering the day.
    囁姫遊女 (Not sure how to say this, like Whispering Whore Princess)
    A guitar lick and synth melody that just drags you into a wild mood. Total ROCK feel.
    Soft, tender vocals that charm and help tell a story with a rocking feel.
    There are some real stand-out tracks to me, but the whole album has a strong cohesive feel and signature that really impresses me. Royz definitely has a distinguished feel for this album, even if people didn`t get that impression in the first place.
    The lyrics have a nice feel, while keeping a dark side, like Yin and Yang, there are bright patches and beautiful vocals, but also cockroaches lurking underneath.
    Nice sound, strong instruments and vocals, that focus more on having a good, solid sound than being virtuosos or stealing the show.
    You will notice that the album has a very similar feel as I mentioned, yet it doesn`t run into having too many similarities or feel repetitive, it is definitely something that flows nicely, gives each song emphasis, and can be played straight through without skipping, though in my opinion, you will probably be replaying certain tracks sure to be your favorite, and even just going right to those tracks over and over, I definitely did, and can enjoy every song yet give much more attention to three tracks over the rest which aren`t even lacking anything in my opinion.
    Good quality production and disc print quality as well, obviously not a AAA album feel, but that`s not what it sets out to be, so one shouldn`t be looking for that, the sound is perfect for what it is, anything else may `overproduce` and take away from the feel.
    Overall, I think this is a great album, worth the purchase if you sample REVELATION and 疾風迅雷 and enjoy them. Don`t let previous singles or sounds like LILIA define the band to you, as even with that track on the album, they have a lot to offer that you would miss out on if you were to judge them without trying the actual album.
    One of this year`s highlights personally, so far.
  2. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Spectralion in Royz - CORE   
    The album that turned me into a big Royz fan.
    When I got it, I honestly didn`t expect it would get as many plays as it has, even putting them in my Last.fm toplists, but I have learned to take my expectations and impressions lightly. Here is my late review.
    Songs that hit me hardest and get the most play:
    疾風迅雷 (Thunderclap Blast / Hurricane)
    Has that attitude I love, and is a perfect song to roll out with and provide the soundtrack for you conquering the day.
    囁姫遊女 (Not sure how to say this, like Whispering Whore Princess)
    A guitar lick and synth melody that just drags you into a wild mood. Total ROCK feel.
    Soft, tender vocals that charm and help tell a story with a rocking feel.
    There are some real stand-out tracks to me, but the whole album has a strong cohesive feel and signature that really impresses me. Royz definitely has a distinguished feel for this album, even if people didn`t get that impression in the first place.
    The lyrics have a nice feel, while keeping a dark side, like Yin and Yang, there are bright patches and beautiful vocals, but also cockroaches lurking underneath.
    Nice sound, strong instruments and vocals, that focus more on having a good, solid sound than being virtuosos or stealing the show.
    You will notice that the album has a very similar feel as I mentioned, yet it doesn`t run into having too many similarities or feel repetitive, it is definitely something that flows nicely, gives each song emphasis, and can be played straight through without skipping, though in my opinion, you will probably be replaying certain tracks sure to be your favorite, and even just going right to those tracks over and over, I definitely did, and can enjoy every song yet give much more attention to three tracks over the rest which aren`t even lacking anything in my opinion.
    Good quality production and disc print quality as well, obviously not a AAA album feel, but that`s not what it sets out to be, so one shouldn`t be looking for that, the sound is perfect for what it is, anything else may `overproduce` and take away from the feel.
    Overall, I think this is a great album, worth the purchase if you sample REVELATION and 疾風迅雷 and enjoy them. Don`t let previous singles or sounds like LILIA define the band to you, as even with that track on the album, they have a lot to offer that you would miss out on if you were to judge them without trying the actual album.
    One of this year`s highlights personally, so far.
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to Ada Suilen in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Three words: Artistic, Inspirational, Evocating  This is what i ask from Japanese music and also from every kind of music worldwide
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to Number Girl in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Hair, sexually arousing basslines, vocals that sound like the feeling of your hands reaching out of a sunroof into a clear blue sky, hair, the scent perfume that reminds you of the girl with her hair dyed in the colors of the sunset, the bitterness I felt when I stepped into the rain when I left behind my umbrella, guitars that weep, moan, fall like rain drops, or battle each other to death, hair, the schadenfreude over the misfortune of the one who broke you heart and the following realization that no matter what, you're still just as alone as you were before, basslines like heavy mist that engulf the darkened highway carved into the Blue Ridge mountains, hair, ribs, tattoos, vocals that wake you up before anything else in the entire world, and though you're still tired, make you still want to watch the sun rise, the guitar that takes you to the apartment window with a cup of coffee and a skyline view you've always dreamed of having, hair, sunglasses, and a melodies that bring a smile to your face as you return to that place you once were and relive one of those bittersweet memories.  
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to relentless in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    It's intimidating; but relieving. Refreshing in a way that can only be likened to a long and sometimes arduous journey across the beautiful setting of the countryside. In the countryside, your ears and eyes open to sights and sounds unfamiliar, yet the path is never lost. You continue your journey forward, picking up on all the animals that scurry across the mountainous trees, which stand at heights as if reaching for the stars. It is perhaps the end of the journey which is the most cherished. As you come to a clearing you realize you were closer to home than you imagined. You reach the top of a hill and look down, and in that moment you are renewed with a strength you have not had since the beginning, and push forward to your destination. Perhaps the greatest moment, is the end -- that moment when you reach your destination. Everything has built to this point, and overwhelming feelings of excitement wash over as you step into the doorway of your destination. Home.
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to Senedjem in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Poorly rendered synth church organs, voices that do the errrr-ER-eeeerrrrr thing, long buildups, an atmosphere I like to call the 'gypsy crystal aesthetic', shit that sounds magical and mysterious, high pitched voices sounding sad
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to keyinjpop in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Action packed and in your face songs, atmospheric and emotional songs, haunting and tense songs, experimental and unique songs.
    Really, I just like music that feels complete, solid, where everything in the track works and compliments each other.
    As for vocals, meh, I can tolerate a lot but I prioritize the instrumental over vocals since even the best singer out there can still bore me with a textbook ballad.
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoselflove in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Hmmm, this is hard for me.  I tend to love all kinds of genres and sounds.  Usually I just sample music until something just feels right, then I fall in love, haha!  I'm usually not a fan of screaming but when it comes to MEJIBRAY and Dir en Grey, I find the growls and screams strangely comforting and unique that I love it!  For the most part, I love music with defined styles like you said.  Just buying a cd from one of my favorite bands, ripping it onto my iPod and then playing on shuffle, never hearing the song before and I can instantly tell it is them, that right there is awesome! xD
  9. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from kyoselflove in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    I thought it would be fun and interesting to do short, `elevator pitches` of the kind of Japanese music you are drawn to.
    I think it will be most interesting to do it without mentioning genre, or anything like that, and instead of saying  `VK` or `Indie` etc...  because there are so many different sides of those, to express what kind, in terms of feeling, sound, etc... without common terminology.
    Just describe the essence of it.
    Here`s mine, feel free to do yours how you want, and stray outside of Japanese music in general if you feel the need to:
    Action packed, in your face, with attitude. Something that defines its own sense of `cool`, and carries the feeling of `a desire for more in life`. Vocals and instruments that have defined styles, and carry emotion. Bonus points come with a meaning that either keeps it simple but relatable, or goes beneath the surface. Something that`s different, not because they are trying, but because that`s what they are, and reminds you to stand up with pride.
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    If it suits my taste and I can't get the same sound anywhere else, then there is a chance of me liking it. Soft-energetic vocals in power metal bands. Warm-poppy energetic rock. Deep-heavy vocals in chaotic or clean rock.
    I think that is really the only three things I look for now in Japanese music. 
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    Frilly, out of tune, cross dresser shit recorded on a $15 budget by bandmen whom barely know how to play their instruments. The more chinchillas, feathers, && leathers, the better. Faux-french and / or clavichords are an added bonus.
  12. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in Describe the type of Japanese Music you like (without using genre or common terms).   
    I thought it would be fun and interesting to do short, `elevator pitches` of the kind of Japanese music you are drawn to.
    I think it will be most interesting to do it without mentioning genre, or anything like that, and instead of saying  `VK` or `Indie` etc...  because there are so many different sides of those, to express what kind, in terms of feeling, sound, etc... without common terminology.
    Just describe the essence of it.
    Here`s mine, feel free to do yours how you want, and stray outside of Japanese music in general if you feel the need to:
    Action packed, in your face, with attitude. Something that defines its own sense of `cool`, and carries the feeling of `a desire for more in life`. Vocals and instruments that have defined styles, and carry emotion. Bonus points come with a meaning that either keeps it simple but relatable, or goes beneath the surface. Something that`s different, not because they are trying, but because that`s what they are, and reminds you to stand up with pride.
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in Introduce yourself: Here I go ! (:   
    Okay I finally finished the Intro Video and I'll apologize in advance for:
    -my grammatical mistakes
    -the quality
    -that it took me so long
    and please DON'T expect to much from it xD well here you go:
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nyasagi in Visual kei is dead! (at least on youtube)   
    Tetora, think about the current VK videos. What are these about? Just the band playing and looking pretty... not many bands make interesting PVs anymore. I often watch them just once and never come back to them again, because there's nothing to see. Maybe the videos are good for girls who want to stare at their favorite member, but I just don't care about it that much. I'd rather see them performing in an interesting PV story, than look at them playing/signing all the time. This is just boring!
    There is no shock value anymore, because bands stopped using it. The bands focused on gathering female fangirls, not shocking people. I think being cute always creates better response in Japan? Everything is cute there. The idea of VK is supposed to be different, than this. I don't understand why they do it, because VK has always been an underground scene. Do they really expect to earn piles of money like this? Or maybe it's just a music trend that will go away, eventually.
  15. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from seikun in Current pictures of old vk guys   
    Inu Para is the website.
    It brings you to the portal linked above for Dog, Buglug and Blu Billion, the three bands under Resistar which is unofficially led by DOG.
    Yukari was brought in by Haru and management to help with production and mastering etc. With Resistar and Dog Studio.
    I have all Resistar releases if you have any requests to see what he worked on. I also have that magazine.
    Here, I will provide a pic:

  16. Like
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    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in random thoughts thread   
    Should I dye my hair back to black? I refused it so many times to stay white haired although I agreed with my dad to dye them back to black a LONG time ago
    but now I've this urge to dye them black again.. urgh that's so confusing ><
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
    So excited that I'm halfway done with my fanfic~♥
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in random thoughts thread   
    i knew kaya was hot but woooooo that's  really hot. 
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Vitne Eveille in Visual kei is dead! (at least on youtube)   
    A side-note to what Shmilly said about how many people are busy and won't even take the time to like a video... this is so true, but I've only really noticed it on Facebook so far.  On my official musician facebook page, I have asked serious questions that sometimes would only require a simple "yes" or "no" answer, and I would get 8 LIKES...no answers!  Talk about frustrating, lol.
    I've begun to feel like a personal facebook account is much more powerful, because you can better interact with friends and fans.  The FB Pages are so one-sided and money-thirsty that it is almost not worth using.
    Kinda off-topic, but kinda relevant lol
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to CloudyTree in Alice Nine contract with PS COMPANY will expire   
    Despite all the hate for PSC: They made fucking good music under their management!
    But I'm interested in which direction they head now and hope also that they depart of Universial Music.
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
    me again desu
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to Sakura Seven in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me. I am Daniel. The Elusive Art-Keiteuse.

  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to kai_desu in Moving Servers - Complete! DS Is Online!   
    I'm sure you've all noticed that DS hasn't been up for the past few months. I want to apologize for this - we ran into server issues with our host that knocked the site down. This happened shortly after I moved the forum to our new host, and by that point I was pretty burnt out.
    Nothing was lost. I'll be working on moving DS to the new server this week and getting things back online. Once it's back up, I'll jump back into building out some missing features of the site (specifically, artist profiles).
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to fitear1590 in ユナイト(UNiTE.) new double A-side single "レヴ / ice" and new live-limited single "Re:niver" release and new drummer will join   
    Unexpected cover art!

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