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    Tetora got a reaction from beni in SuG - BLACK   
    SuG`s first album since leaving PSC and stating something along the lines of `we could no longer continue going on this way`.
    These events can provide different interpretations of BLACK, which manages to carry on SuG`s identity while sounding vastly different from their previous works.
    As an album it has much more unity between the tracks, with a heavier sound throughout the majority (B.A.B.Y. is the only song that really ties in with the Heavy Positive Rock sound that they may have been mentally typecast in). Among the 17 songs on the album, no two tracks are the same, typical of their adventurous and diverse approach to songwriting, yet the whole album fits together as one work with one identity, that falls under the album title very nicely, unlike their previous album, for example, which felt like it had a distinct A-Side and B-Side seperating the lighter more positive tracks, and the heavy, sharp tunes that start appearing midway through (I loved that album as well, none-the-less!)
    A really unexpected shocker upon my first few listens was the huge step up in each members performances, as well as their prominence in different tracks. I`m not sure if they were previously holding back on past releases to create a different kind of sound, or if they have really being putting in work, but each member really stepped out and shone on this album. Their tone is also excellent.
    Click the spoiler if you want to see a breakdown of each member.
    Details on the Sound:
    A heavier sound, good use of electronic elements and guest arrangements, tracks that put aside the electronic elements altogether and focus on the band, and what is now a SuG signature: Absolutely amazingly deep production with a huge Sonic and Tonic range. The album is an absolute pleasure for me to listen to in terms of how much they can have going on at once, without emphasis on what is important being lost, and without taking away the listener`s ability to follow one individual instrument or input through-out.
    The album features lots of different elements fused together, in what feels like a huge major release`s production combined with a rock band`s style and sensibility with the members in full control. The synth`s, strings, horn sections, and other elements really make the album interesting for me.
    Also, the singles are spaced out and placed nicely to give them some renewed freshness, and avoid that `played out` feel. HELLYEAH originally by Takeru`s Uwakimono project is also re-done in a heavy rock style.
    How does it feel and how much do I like it?
    Despite being such a heavy album and some heavier lyrics, the album still seems so upbeat to me, and still has so many parts to either rock out to, or groove along with that it is indeed quite peculiar. With many other band`s the sound or themes might make the songs downers, or one`s you play in a certain mood, but I could really put on these songs in any mood and enjoy, though they will have different effects in different situations.
    I`m not one for much comparison, but it`s definitely the album that I feel will get the most play from me out of their discography to date, and an album that leaves you waiting for what is next (while playing the tracks out).
    Track Count: 17 (4 previously released as well as 1 re-done track)
    Listens: 10
    Production Quality:
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    With BLACK you get a unique experience that may not be to your taste, as the style, sound and delivery go to quite unique lengths. It`s a band and experience that really stand out, and do something different that mixes niche and mainstream experiences into something different altogether. Even watching the PV`s doesn`t give you the full idea of what the album is about, as there are so many different tracks each with their own unique feel. If you are a fan of their previous work, besides just the more colorful side, you will want to hear this. If you enjoyed the latest PV`s you are in for more than that, but you will probably enjoy yourself. There are instant stand-out tracks, and like usual with SuG, some growers that I appreciate more with each listen.
    For me, personally, this has quickly become my favorite release this year (even beating out my favorite band!), and has been something I have immensely enjoyed. During my first listen, I felt like I was really experiencing something; something different. And the feeling only grows with each spin.
  2. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Delkmiroph in SuG - BLACK   
    SuG`s first album since leaving PSC and stating something along the lines of `we could no longer continue going on this way`.
    These events can provide different interpretations of BLACK, which manages to carry on SuG`s identity while sounding vastly different from their previous works.
    As an album it has much more unity between the tracks, with a heavier sound throughout the majority (B.A.B.Y. is the only song that really ties in with the Heavy Positive Rock sound that they may have been mentally typecast in). Among the 17 songs on the album, no two tracks are the same, typical of their adventurous and diverse approach to songwriting, yet the whole album fits together as one work with one identity, that falls under the album title very nicely, unlike their previous album, for example, which felt like it had a distinct A-Side and B-Side seperating the lighter more positive tracks, and the heavy, sharp tunes that start appearing midway through (I loved that album as well, none-the-less!)
    A really unexpected shocker upon my first few listens was the huge step up in each members performances, as well as their prominence in different tracks. I`m not sure if they were previously holding back on past releases to create a different kind of sound, or if they have really being putting in work, but each member really stepped out and shone on this album. Their tone is also excellent.
    Click the spoiler if you want to see a breakdown of each member.
    Details on the Sound:
    A heavier sound, good use of electronic elements and guest arrangements, tracks that put aside the electronic elements altogether and focus on the band, and what is now a SuG signature: Absolutely amazingly deep production with a huge Sonic and Tonic range. The album is an absolute pleasure for me to listen to in terms of how much they can have going on at once, without emphasis on what is important being lost, and without taking away the listener`s ability to follow one individual instrument or input through-out.
    The album features lots of different elements fused together, in what feels like a huge major release`s production combined with a rock band`s style and sensibility with the members in full control. The synth`s, strings, horn sections, and other elements really make the album interesting for me.
    Also, the singles are spaced out and placed nicely to give them some renewed freshness, and avoid that `played out` feel. HELLYEAH originally by Takeru`s Uwakimono project is also re-done in a heavy rock style.
    How does it feel and how much do I like it?
    Despite being such a heavy album and some heavier lyrics, the album still seems so upbeat to me, and still has so many parts to either rock out to, or groove along with that it is indeed quite peculiar. With many other band`s the sound or themes might make the songs downers, or one`s you play in a certain mood, but I could really put on these songs in any mood and enjoy, though they will have different effects in different situations.
    I`m not one for much comparison, but it`s definitely the album that I feel will get the most play from me out of their discography to date, and an album that leaves you waiting for what is next (while playing the tracks out).
    Track Count: 17 (4 previously released as well as 1 re-done track)
    Listens: 10
    Production Quality:
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    With BLACK you get a unique experience that may not be to your taste, as the style, sound and delivery go to quite unique lengths. It`s a band and experience that really stand out, and do something different that mixes niche and mainstream experiences into something different altogether. Even watching the PV`s doesn`t give you the full idea of what the album is about, as there are so many different tracks each with their own unique feel. If you are a fan of their previous work, besides just the more colorful side, you will want to hear this. If you enjoyed the latest PV`s you are in for more than that, but you will probably enjoy yourself. There are instant stand-out tracks, and like usual with SuG, some growers that I appreciate more with each listen.
    For me, personally, this has quickly become my favorite release this year (even beating out my favorite band!), and has been something I have immensely enjoyed. During my first listen, I felt like I was really experiencing something; something different. And the feeling only grows with each spin.
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to BrenGun in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Do you trust Crowd-Funds?
    Depends on which kind of Crowd-fund it is. But I never would trust a Crowd Funds of musicians.
    Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund?
    Nope not yet. I've not even the money to spent to such things.
    What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project?
    0 bands. I would only donate like that if they would spent the money to some good cause. (or how do you call that in English, ya know those projects to safe people in the world because of a nature disaster or something)
    What do you think your donation range would be? (Be honest, you don`t have to worry about being seen as a cheap-skate, and don`t have to be Mr. / Mrs. Moneybags.)
    20 euro maximum. (because they should be happy, that you give them SOME extra money)
    Are special awards or gifts valuable to you? (Early access to tracks, special messages from the band (or whoever), other perks, etc...)
    Depends on what they will give you. But for Alice nine, you really get less for ya money.
    Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans?
    I think bands who try this, simply want to gain lots of money from fans... its still stealing from us, because they never use it for MUSIC  only
    If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level?
    HAHA no no no no no no really NO.
    What do you think of Alice Nine`s project so far?
    I know which label they are under now... I don't know if it should stay secret? But they could better find a different label with more money. Even Kiwamu would have been better
    But there first song is nice, so lets see what they will give us in the future.
    Any notable musical crowd-funds you want to mention (worldwide or Japanese, though they are different markets)?
    - I don't know any...
    Should a Crowd-Funded release be free? Or should it only be free for those who donate? Does crowd-funding affect your view on downloading a release?
    Yes, Crowd funded releases should be free. Since they got the money for FREE. they didn't spent their own money inside the whole project.
    And those who donate should get lots for free before the actually release date.
    But still it won't affect me at all.
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to relentless in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    1. Do you trust Crowd-Funds?
    2. Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund?
    3. What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project?
    4. Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans?
    No, because it puts the consumers (listeners) and artists in an awkward position where the former feel an even greater sense of entitlement for helping to fund a project. I gave a band $10 to make an album, and for perks I got a digital download of the album and guitar picks. Because the band wasn't prepared for the amount of backers, it took them over a year to get all the perks shipped, and in the meantime many that backed the project were demanding a quicker turnaround or a refund. Suddenly, bands / artists more than ever are at the mercy of the consumer and have greater reliance on their satisfaction, and have increased pressures to distract from the music-making process. It's a trend which I hope dies soon.
    5. If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level?
    Even though this is already relevant in popular music, it would create an even greater divide. A major band could start a crowd-funding effort, set the goal at $25,000, and easily double that. Hell, they could probably even triple it no problem. Some bands would do the honorable thing of taking that extra money and putting it into better production, others I'm sure would hold onto it and spend at their discretion.
  5. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from ricchubunny in SuG - BLACK   
    SuG`s first album since leaving PSC and stating something along the lines of `we could no longer continue going on this way`.
    These events can provide different interpretations of BLACK, which manages to carry on SuG`s identity while sounding vastly different from their previous works.
    As an album it has much more unity between the tracks, with a heavier sound throughout the majority (B.A.B.Y. is the only song that really ties in with the Heavy Positive Rock sound that they may have been mentally typecast in). Among the 17 songs on the album, no two tracks are the same, typical of their adventurous and diverse approach to songwriting, yet the whole album fits together as one work with one identity, that falls under the album title very nicely, unlike their previous album, for example, which felt like it had a distinct A-Side and B-Side seperating the lighter more positive tracks, and the heavy, sharp tunes that start appearing midway through (I loved that album as well, none-the-less!)
    A really unexpected shocker upon my first few listens was the huge step up in each members performances, as well as their prominence in different tracks. I`m not sure if they were previously holding back on past releases to create a different kind of sound, or if they have really being putting in work, but each member really stepped out and shone on this album. Their tone is also excellent.
    Click the spoiler if you want to see a breakdown of each member.
    Details on the Sound:
    A heavier sound, good use of electronic elements and guest arrangements, tracks that put aside the electronic elements altogether and focus on the band, and what is now a SuG signature: Absolutely amazingly deep production with a huge Sonic and Tonic range. The album is an absolute pleasure for me to listen to in terms of how much they can have going on at once, without emphasis on what is important being lost, and without taking away the listener`s ability to follow one individual instrument or input through-out.
    The album features lots of different elements fused together, in what feels like a huge major release`s production combined with a rock band`s style and sensibility with the members in full control. The synth`s, strings, horn sections, and other elements really make the album interesting for me.
    Also, the singles are spaced out and placed nicely to give them some renewed freshness, and avoid that `played out` feel. HELLYEAH originally by Takeru`s Uwakimono project is also re-done in a heavy rock style.
    How does it feel and how much do I like it?
    Despite being such a heavy album and some heavier lyrics, the album still seems so upbeat to me, and still has so many parts to either rock out to, or groove along with that it is indeed quite peculiar. With many other band`s the sound or themes might make the songs downers, or one`s you play in a certain mood, but I could really put on these songs in any mood and enjoy, though they will have different effects in different situations.
    I`m not one for much comparison, but it`s definitely the album that I feel will get the most play from me out of their discography to date, and an album that leaves you waiting for what is next (while playing the tracks out).
    Track Count: 17 (4 previously released as well as 1 re-done track)
    Listens: 10
    Production Quality:
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    With BLACK you get a unique experience that may not be to your taste, as the style, sound and delivery go to quite unique lengths. It`s a band and experience that really stand out, and do something different that mixes niche and mainstream experiences into something different altogether. Even watching the PV`s doesn`t give you the full idea of what the album is about, as there are so many different tracks each with their own unique feel. If you are a fan of their previous work, besides just the more colorful side, you will want to hear this. If you enjoyed the latest PV`s you are in for more than that, but you will probably enjoy yourself. There are instant stand-out tracks, and like usual with SuG, some growers that I appreciate more with each listen.
    For me, personally, this has quickly become my favorite release this year (even beating out my favorite band!), and has been something I have immensely enjoyed. During my first listen, I felt like I was really experiencing something; something different. And the feeling only grows with each spin.
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to doombox in NOTHING TO DECLARE 1st single "We Stand Alone" release   
    1. The Path (of the righteous man) 2. Homecoming and Rough Landing 3. We Stand Alone   2015.03.14 RELEASE / ¥500 (Tax in) / EOR-002  
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to BrenGun in [REVIEW] Acid Black Cherry – L (Album)   
    Acid Black Cherry 4th album. A release which is better than my first exceptions.
    This album came in 3 versions; I’ll decided to review only the CD only (itunes) version.
    Acid Black Cherry, “Janne Da Arc” vocalist yasu solo project is around our hearts for many years already. He creates good music he creates perfect music. This release brings you more calmer songs with a taste of heavy rock.
    With “L” yasu proves again that he is a true musician who can write true music. Music which is written with the heart. Music which has a story. Music which is written with time.
    What about the already released tracks?
    On this album again there are only 4 songs which we already know, for myself I didn’t like 3 of them. Well I liked INCUBUS but, INCUBUS felt as it was not “ready”, not finished. Since it was an introduction to this album. I really did do like GREED GREED GREED, which has such cool rock feeling. The 2 others, Kimi ga inai, ano hi kara… and Kuro neko ~adult black cat~ didn’t get my attention at all, when they where released as a “single”. I didn’t like them.
    But are the single songs now enjoyable?
    My answer is “YES”. Somehow this album made all 4 single songs good songs. songs who flow easy inside the album. songs who you won’t put off, even if they aren’t liked as “single” songs. It’s a bit strange, but this is what happens more often if you listen to the work of Acid Black Cherry.
    What about the new songs? are they enjoyable?
    Of course they are, I’m glad that yasu did choose to create more calm rock songs. The music is a bit more lighter. But still with a beautiful rocking sound. There is only 1 new songs which I don’t really like and that song is “Versus G”.
    I truly love; Round & Round “L-Eru”, liar or LIAR, Loves, &You. Those lyrics and sound are splendid, very beautiful, songs which really though your heart. And who really made me fall for this album. Also it was a very good choice to put “Round & Round” as the first track on this album. It introduce you calm but with a rock sound inside this album. You won’t get enough of this album after you put this one on!
    How does the album really feel?
    Even if some of us prefer more the harder rock songs, I still think that everyone can enjoy this album highly. Since this album has so much inside. hard rock, light rock also a slight of pop sound. It has cheerful tunes, it has sad tunes. The lyrics are sad, are happy, it can let you cry, it can let you smile. It is a love album. Some tracks even let you remember of “Janne Da Arc”, but that’s cool! Since some of us really miss them and it always gives a good feeling when those tunes turn up. Also yasu’s voice, it really though your heart in this release. Those who didn’t bought this album, really will regret it.
    A slight detail to the sound, song by song:
    ♪♪♪ heavy rock | ♪♪ hard rock | ♪ soft rock
    ♪ 01.Round & Round
    ♪♪ 02.liar or LIAR?
    ♪♪♪ 03.S&M
    ♪ 04.Kimi ga Inai, Ano Hi kara…
    ♪ 05.L-Eru-
    ♪♪♪ 06.Greed Greed Greed
    ♪ 07.7 Colors
    ♪ 08.~Le Chat Noir~
    ♪♪♪ 09.Kuro Neko 〜Adult Black Cat〜
    ♪♪♪ 10.Versus G
    ♪ 11.Nemurenu Yoru
    ♪♪ 12.Incubus
    ♪ 13.Loves
    ♪ 14.& You
    As you can notice it is a very calm album with a few more heavy rock tracks.
    This album has also not the “electric rock sound” which many visual kei and other kind of bands add to their music. Which I’m really happy with. Because creating an album which sound like “L” is much more special and showing your fans that you really can “create” music.
    Which I also did notice by listen to this album over and over is when “& You” ends it actually flows again inside the first track “Round & Round”. You don’t really notice that the album has ended. Which also makes it impossible to put the album off, because if flows over and over.
    Album rating:
    I never did expect such great album after I did listen to the 4 previous singles. I never thought that this album could be so great. Its the best work yasu has given us in his solo carreer. Acid Black Cherry did it again, to publish a great album. It’s not strange that more and more people will like them, because they deliver again and again good music.
    Also posted at Japanese Music Strike
  9. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from smilesxchibi in SuG - BLACK   
    SuG`s first album since leaving PSC and stating something along the lines of `we could no longer continue going on this way`.
    These events can provide different interpretations of BLACK, which manages to carry on SuG`s identity while sounding vastly different from their previous works.
    As an album it has much more unity between the tracks, with a heavier sound throughout the majority (B.A.B.Y. is the only song that really ties in with the Heavy Positive Rock sound that they may have been mentally typecast in). Among the 17 songs on the album, no two tracks are the same, typical of their adventurous and diverse approach to songwriting, yet the whole album fits together as one work with one identity, that falls under the album title very nicely, unlike their previous album, for example, which felt like it had a distinct A-Side and B-Side seperating the lighter more positive tracks, and the heavy, sharp tunes that start appearing midway through (I loved that album as well, none-the-less!)
    A really unexpected shocker upon my first few listens was the huge step up in each members performances, as well as their prominence in different tracks. I`m not sure if they were previously holding back on past releases to create a different kind of sound, or if they have really being putting in work, but each member really stepped out and shone on this album. Their tone is also excellent.
    Click the spoiler if you want to see a breakdown of each member.
    Details on the Sound:
    A heavier sound, good use of electronic elements and guest arrangements, tracks that put aside the electronic elements altogether and focus on the band, and what is now a SuG signature: Absolutely amazingly deep production with a huge Sonic and Tonic range. The album is an absolute pleasure for me to listen to in terms of how much they can have going on at once, without emphasis on what is important being lost, and without taking away the listener`s ability to follow one individual instrument or input through-out.
    The album features lots of different elements fused together, in what feels like a huge major release`s production combined with a rock band`s style and sensibility with the members in full control. The synth`s, strings, horn sections, and other elements really make the album interesting for me.
    Also, the singles are spaced out and placed nicely to give them some renewed freshness, and avoid that `played out` feel. HELLYEAH originally by Takeru`s Uwakimono project is also re-done in a heavy rock style.
    How does it feel and how much do I like it?
    Despite being such a heavy album and some heavier lyrics, the album still seems so upbeat to me, and still has so many parts to either rock out to, or groove along with that it is indeed quite peculiar. With many other band`s the sound or themes might make the songs downers, or one`s you play in a certain mood, but I could really put on these songs in any mood and enjoy, though they will have different effects in different situations.
    I`m not one for much comparison, but it`s definitely the album that I feel will get the most play from me out of their discography to date, and an album that leaves you waiting for what is next (while playing the tracks out).
    Track Count: 17 (4 previously released as well as 1 re-done track)
    Listens: 10
    Production Quality:
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    With BLACK you get a unique experience that may not be to your taste, as the style, sound and delivery go to quite unique lengths. It`s a band and experience that really stand out, and do something different that mixes niche and mainstream experiences into something different altogether. Even watching the PV`s doesn`t give you the full idea of what the album is about, as there are so many different tracks each with their own unique feel. If you are a fan of their previous work, besides just the more colorful side, you will want to hear this. If you enjoyed the latest PV`s you are in for more than that, but you will probably enjoy yourself. There are instant stand-out tracks, and like usual with SuG, some growers that I appreciate more with each listen.
    For me, personally, this has quickly become my favorite release this year (even beating out my favorite band!), and has been something I have immensely enjoyed. During my first listen, I felt like I was really experiencing something; something different. And the feeling only grows with each spin.
  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in SuG - BLACK   
    SuG`s first album since leaving PSC and stating something along the lines of `we could no longer continue going on this way`.
    These events can provide different interpretations of BLACK, which manages to carry on SuG`s identity while sounding vastly different from their previous works.
    As an album it has much more unity between the tracks, with a heavier sound throughout the majority (B.A.B.Y. is the only song that really ties in with the Heavy Positive Rock sound that they may have been mentally typecast in). Among the 17 songs on the album, no two tracks are the same, typical of their adventurous and diverse approach to songwriting, yet the whole album fits together as one work with one identity, that falls under the album title very nicely, unlike their previous album, for example, which felt like it had a distinct A-Side and B-Side seperating the lighter more positive tracks, and the heavy, sharp tunes that start appearing midway through (I loved that album as well, none-the-less!)
    A really unexpected shocker upon my first few listens was the huge step up in each members performances, as well as their prominence in different tracks. I`m not sure if they were previously holding back on past releases to create a different kind of sound, or if they have really being putting in work, but each member really stepped out and shone on this album. Their tone is also excellent.
    Click the spoiler if you want to see a breakdown of each member.
    Details on the Sound:
    A heavier sound, good use of electronic elements and guest arrangements, tracks that put aside the electronic elements altogether and focus on the band, and what is now a SuG signature: Absolutely amazingly deep production with a huge Sonic and Tonic range. The album is an absolute pleasure for me to listen to in terms of how much they can have going on at once, without emphasis on what is important being lost, and without taking away the listener`s ability to follow one individual instrument or input through-out.
    The album features lots of different elements fused together, in what feels like a huge major release`s production combined with a rock band`s style and sensibility with the members in full control. The synth`s, strings, horn sections, and other elements really make the album interesting for me.
    Also, the singles are spaced out and placed nicely to give them some renewed freshness, and avoid that `played out` feel. HELLYEAH originally by Takeru`s Uwakimono project is also re-done in a heavy rock style.
    How does it feel and how much do I like it?
    Despite being such a heavy album and some heavier lyrics, the album still seems so upbeat to me, and still has so many parts to either rock out to, or groove along with that it is indeed quite peculiar. With many other band`s the sound or themes might make the songs downers, or one`s you play in a certain mood, but I could really put on these songs in any mood and enjoy, though they will have different effects in different situations.
    I`m not one for much comparison, but it`s definitely the album that I feel will get the most play from me out of their discography to date, and an album that leaves you waiting for what is next (while playing the tracks out).
    Track Count: 17 (4 previously released as well as 1 re-done track)
    Listens: 10
    Production Quality:
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    With BLACK you get a unique experience that may not be to your taste, as the style, sound and delivery go to quite unique lengths. It`s a band and experience that really stand out, and do something different that mixes niche and mainstream experiences into something different altogether. Even watching the PV`s doesn`t give you the full idea of what the album is about, as there are so many different tracks each with their own unique feel. If you are a fan of their previous work, besides just the more colorful side, you will want to hear this. If you enjoyed the latest PV`s you are in for more than that, but you will probably enjoy yourself. There are instant stand-out tracks, and like usual with SuG, some growers that I appreciate more with each listen.
    For me, personally, this has quickly become my favorite release this year (even beating out my favorite band!), and has been something I have immensely enjoyed. During my first listen, I felt like I was really experiencing something; something different. And the feeling only grows with each spin.
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to The Reverend in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    I certainly couldn't put a list of my ten favorite VK bands in strict order (I mean, is the difference between anyone's 6th and 7th favorite bands really that great?) so I figured I'd break my ten down into categories.
    The usual caveats apply: yes this list could be different if I did it a week from now; of course there were some bands I loved but didn't release enough material for me to list them as an all time favorite (lookin' at you Hybrid-Zombiez), etc.
      -Luna Sea
      -Dir en grey
    Both of these bands had 3-4 album streaks that were both A. Amazing and B. Changed the landscape of VK forever. Couldn't do a favorite VK band list without 'em.
      -Merry go round
    I know emmuree aren't actually from the Nagoya area, but c'mon, how many of you thought they were based on their sound? I'm far from a VK historian but when I hear 'nagoya-kei' I think something slightly darker, gothier, and more melancholy than your average band. These bands fit that description perfectly... and they all have albums I can listen to from start to finish (an important consideration for me when considering my favorite bands).
      -Madeth Gray'll
    Love him or hate him, Kisaki has left an indelible mark on the scene through both his bands and his various labels. I got into visual kei around 2000 so obviously Matina was a big influence in what I liked as I started to discover the world of indies VK.
    Grieva and AvelCain are new to the scene but embrace an amalgamation of sounds from past eras. I get the impression these bands listened to and liked the same bands I did growing up, and now they're releasing awesome, heavy VK while wearing their influences on their sleeves. Kagrra, I sort of cheated and included here under the guise that their sound is a throwback to sounds before VK was even a thing... full of classic Japanese instrumentation and timeless melodies.
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to sentarou in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    Since I love making lists, I feel obliged:
    Black Gene For the Next Scene DIV DIAURA 己龍 the GazettE lynch. MEJIBRAY SCREW UnsraW シド
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to yukidogzombie in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    1 The Pumpkin Head
    2 NoGoD
    3 Mix Speaker's,Inc.
    4 An Cafe
    5 Phantasmagoria
    6 Dolly
    7 ELM
    8 LM.C
    9 VAMPS
    10 The GazettE
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Recent selfie

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    Tetora reacted to ShanethVarosa in DIV - SECRET   
    Great review, I'd have to agree. I'm actually going to write my official review for VKH-Press later today and I feel like I have a lot to consider with this album.
    On it's own, the album is decent and solid. But I feel like when you compare it side by side with Zero One it just... Doesn't measure up. I mean... First of all, I just really don't understand what Taste of Life and Golden Kinema Gekijou are doing on here, of course being that they were released before Zero One and didn't get updated at all. That being said, I LOVE ToL, but I would even say give Aozora ni Parachute a chance to be on an album or something... but maybe that's just me. Additionally, I didn't even like GKG, but I did love B-Side "Pieces." So again it was disappointing to me that GKG was on there instead of maybe Pieces.... 
    Anyway, HK was a great single and so was You and Butterfly Dreamer. I feel they all have legitimacy on this album. As well as PoV, but I didn't care for that song as much, it just felt like a generic rock song without much feel or impact. And Justice I couldn't place for the life of me until I realized it was the B-Side from their Sid tribute single.
    After all is said and done, there's 7 new tracks, of which about 3 of them are genuinely remarkable but maybe thats just me. Ai no Uta was kind of boring and the fact that it was so short felt like it was an intro that didn't even set the general mood for the album. Story was straight up boring and Rage/Secret Night were both high energy and enjoyable, but again when compared to what I know this band is capable of they just don't leave a mark. 
    The best songs are Wing to Heaven, Dearest, and Stars. All of these songs are genuinely uplifting, feel-good, spring time songs which are produced well, composed perfectly, use the electro-rock influences (such as heavy autotune) that I come to expect from them at this point. They really present this opposite viewpoint from Zero One which had darker moments, this album focuses more on the light which is good too... 
    But I just don't know if they could really ever top Teddy, Asterios, Cocktail Color, Vanish, and Hotarubi. 
  16. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Yukimoto in SuG new album "BLACK" release   
    Oh man so funny, lol. And then the part where he is leaving almost brought a tear to my eye, but he had to say 'BLACK!'
  17. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from clow_eriol in SuG new album "BLACK" release   
    Oh man so funny, lol. And then the part where he is leaving almost brought a tear to my eye, but he had to say 'BLACK!'
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in random thoughts thread   
    when you just watched a show because the character is hot as fuck and the show turns out to be great. but damm that bitch is such a cunt.
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    Tetora reacted to fitear1590 in random thoughts thread   
    There's a liking limit 0_o?!
    (Apparently, I don't give thanks enough on here, hehe)
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to ghost in Dan's videos   
    After reading some psalms from the Bible, I was inspired to write a short song. 
    I drew inspiration from bands like Rentrer en Soi and Screw (from their indie days) and, as the song is based off the Bible, there are some orchestral/Gothic qualities to it as well.
    The video was just for fun so there isn't really a narrative. It's also pretty corny.
    Don't look to deeply into it ; )
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Dark Kinma in Your last music-related buy!   
    ^I can see Magic Trading Card Game ahah =)
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to leafwork in Your last music-related buy!   
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in SuG new album "BLACK" release   
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in vistlip LIVE DVD & new album release   
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    Tetora got a reaction from Visutox in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Due to recent events with the band Alice Nine, I have been thinking more about Crowd-Funding and other techniques that bands or artist`s can use to take alternate approaches to releasing music, and working in the industry.
    I am sure many of us have different opinions, and have also heard our fair share about seemingly noble causes, as well as doubtful or downright disagreeable cases of crowd-funds / Kickstarter`s.
    Here is a quick Questionnaire that may make posting easier, although you can obviously feel free to write in any format, and talk about any area of music from across the globe.
    Do you trust Crowd-Funds?
    Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund?
    What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project?
    What do you think your donation range would be? (Be honest, you don`t have to worry about being seen as a cheap-skate, and don`t have to be Mr. / Mrs. Moneybags.)
    Are special awards or gifts valuable to you? (Early access to tracks, special messages from the band (or whoever), other perks, etc...)
    Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans?
    If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level?
    What do you think of Alice Nine`s project so far?
    Any notable musical crowd-funds you want to mention (worldwide or Japanese, though they are different markets)?
    Should a Crowd-Funded release be free? Or should it only be free for those who donate? Does crowd-funding affect your view on downloading a release?
    Still thinking it over myself, so I may post mine again later, though so far:
    Do you trust Crowd-Funds?
    I don`t trust them, I don`t believe it is always ethical to market towards regular consumers to invest in something that is a dangerous market for even the most skilled Venture Capitalist`s or Angel Investors
    Have you ever given money to any form of Crowd-Fund?
    No, I have invested in other ventures but not Crowd-Funds.
    What band`s do you think you would support if they had a Crowd-Funded project?
    As for band`s that I would support at the moment, not sure, but the angle A9 is coming from is more of an inspiring one, where they are trying to get back to being themselves, so I would be more inclined to support band`s that are coming from similar situations as opposed to ones that may come off as simply unable to secure record contracts.
    What do you think your donation range would be? (Be honest, you don`t have to worry about being seen as a cheap-skate, and don`t have to be Mr. / Mrs. Moneybags.)
    For music, if I really did donate, it would be somewhere reasonable to me, although I am already feeling that the gifts handed out for A9 in particular are tempting!
    Are special awards or gifts valuable to you? (Early access to tracks, special messages from the band (or whoever), other perks, etc...)
    Yep, as mentioned above, if the gifts are good, it can kind of hustle you into raising your donation, even for a shrewd spender... Ten or twenty bucks more and I get this!?
    Do you think crowd-funding is a sustainable practice (can it be used often or only on occasion), and that many bands can use it at the same time, or does it present an even greater price-tag to fans?
    Anything can happen, but at the moment, not on a large scale. I think, like everything else the audience will eventually turn against it, and move on to the new thing they want or think is best for business.
    If Crowd-Funding became more popular, would that create a greater wealth gap in the music industry, where more popular bands can sustain more releases and advertisement, while smaller bands can not succeed or compete, and labels are not as profitable so fewer bands can actually exist on a visible level?
    If it ever, theoretically moved to a larger scale, I think if not linked to the record industry it would diminish a certain part of the musical economy, and give a big advantage to bigger bands, where-as smaller bands would get lost in the mix. It might be harder to diversify yourself or convince an audience, and if you fail at raising funds, you are left with even less gained than if you flopped a record or tour.
    What do you think of Alice Nine`s project so far?
    Interesting, it can definitely be a milestone, especially for one of the biggest modern Visual Kei bands to succeed at it, and with such a message behind it that I think will connect with other bands. Ultimately I think it needs to move beyond crowd-funding though.
    Any notable musical crowd-funds you want to mention (worldwide or Japanese, though they are different markets)?
    Should a Crowd-Funded release be free? Or should it only be free for those who donate? Does crowd-funding affect your view on downloading a release?
    I think it can depend on the level of donation, obviously, but I am debating on the subject of charging again for a release. As for downloading, I feel like more people may think `we funded it, we should be able to do what we want with it`, and that for cases like A9, people may just release the tracks early to others, and also release the bonuses such as the HQ tracks, etc... So, I think despite people being positive about crowd-funds some will still want to dictate what is done with the music made.
    Thanks for reading (and possibly answering).
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