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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in girugamesh new mini album "鵺-chimera-" release   
    girugamesh new CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016/01, although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their one-man live "2015→2016 鵺(nue)" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/11/29

  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in CLØWD new maxi single "狼煙(noroshi) / Thank you for coming" release   
    庵(iori) session will perform at his birthday presents live "MAKE SOME NOISE" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/09/14
    庵(iori) session members:
    Vo.レン(ren) (Airish)
    Gt.YUI (ex-シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER))
    Gt.庵(iori) (CLØWD)
    Ba.Yu-chi (APRES ECOLE)
    Dr.龍-ひぎり-(higiri) (ex-TRUST-->CELL-セル-(support), now Black Gene For the Next Scene(support))
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to leafwork in Leafwork Jewelry   
    Hello everyone! Some time ago I opened an Etsy shop with the handmade jewelry I make. Check it out if you're so inclined.


  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in 少年記(shounenki) new single "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD" release   
  5. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from paradoxal in Milia∞ will disband & last best album release   
    Sucks to hear, just got into them, and my thoughts go out to Hiroki, 21rd time this has happened to one of his bands in the past six months.
    Hopefully they form a new band because they were really good.
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to beni in What emotions do you look for and release through Japanese music?   
    What emotions inside of you, or the music itself initially drew you to Japanese music (from Visual Kei, to Japanese Rock, to Japanese Indie, etc...) and has that list of emotions grown or changed over time as you grew, and discovered new bands?

    Lyrics were (and still are to some extent) a major draw in when it comes to music to be since ever. When I first got into Japanese music, I'd check out Jpop because I liked the sadness and tranquility most singers expressed in their ballads, such as Utada. I always had a thing for weak/pitchy vocals, and soon after I discovered singers like Ryu of Pura, Gackt, Hyde and T.M Revolution all becoming my favourites. This is because of their themes in their songs such as loneliness and lost love are emphasized because of their 'broken' voices. Overall, the emotions are pure and devastating. Gackt never fails to make me cry on occasions, and I love it when songs can make me so emotional. I'd deal with various emotions like anger to these slower and quieter songs too. Another factor which has been evident since I first for into Japanese music was Oshare Kei; LM.C and An Cafe in particular. I think it's some of the most uplifting music out there, and it never fails to make me happy. My taste in this music hasn't changed at all through the years since I got into Jmusic really, I just got into more and more musicians, like 9GOATS BLACK OUT and other VK ones.


    Do you find unique feelings in Japanese music that you can`t find elsewhere?

    I don't give anything apart from Asian music a chance these days really. I doubt it's because of the Japanese tie in (like anime/manga, the culture, e.c.t) but more because of the language. I find the Japanese language really pretty and elegant, and that's why I think Japanese music has that charm I don't find anywhere else. Jmusic is now something in need every day, so I think it's unique to me in that I can't go without it too long. 


    Do you relate more to the musicians or sound than other kinds of music? 

    Musician wise, I can say yes. Never have I found a musician as interesting as Ryu from Pura. I think I can relate to him in a way. Nothing pulls me in more than lyrics and vocals though. The sound or music isn't too much of a big factor in what I enjoy either, even if ballads is more of my thing than anything. If the energy is right, and the beat catches me, then that's all I need. It just becomes more powerful is the lyrics are impactful. 

  7. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from CAT5 in Bands that use the same structure   
    To me, it doesn`t matter that much if the band changes structure, it`s what they do with the structure, as there is still a huge amount of space to do different things within, and countless songs have used the exact same structures over decades with very different results. 
    It also seems like every couple of years there is a slightly new take on a certain style of music that allows artists to be hugely successful and build high esteem (even if momentary) while stripping the music down to a core simplicity and featuring a certain sound or technique that becomes trendy.
    There are also a number of bands that specialize in having a distinct sound and not straying from it. I can enjoy that, as well as bands that use a varying range of sounds and structures (SID, SuG, MuCC, etc...)
    In the same way movies use the same structures with even less variation, relying on the material presented within that structure to do something different. And even then, there are works that stand as landmarks, like Rashomon, and live on with esteem in certain circles, yet, way more people have seen the latest Hollywood Blockbuster, and were entertained by it.
    The way we interpret mediums relies on past experiences and the sensibilities developed from them. So the vast majority of people will enjoy the same structure, and the same chord progressions, and things that differ from the norm don`t go down as smoothly, the experience is harder to grasp, and appreciate. There are of course the occasional endearing songs with different mechanics, though  a lot of them seem to become popular or connect with an audience due to the way they are still made to sound like the typical structures we expect. 
    I always try to use different chords and progressions myself, though the vast majority of what you try with Diminished chords without proper resolves etc.... won`t make an actually good song that also connects to an audience unless it resembles the typical sounds and structure as much as possible.
    BORN - Alterna 
    I think it`s a great song, though you clearly can`t get a good feel for the landscape of it, and the majority of people will just find it unsettling in terms of it`s changes. Same would go with certain Black Gene songs.
    DOG - Matsuri
    Love the tune and IIRC it was their most popular single. Uses a less typical timing but still resembles what we are used to, and people who are unaware of time signatures will not notice.
    Used a lot of different compositional styles, most of them sound enough like what listeners would expect and still be comfortable with.
    Still utilize a lot of `mainstream` elements, though go further off the deep end. I think their popularity with most fans is due to both being different, and delivering hooks, catches, and structural points we can enjoy under `light-listening`, in terms of a song that you can just put on and rock out to, instead of being lost in the rapid changes of structure and tempo, etc...
    Always did things differently (less so lately but that seems to be the direction he wants to go in), and while he had one of the more different sounds, he was also always one of the best at delivering the popular elements of music that made his songs huge hits.
    Became a lot more popular when they started delivering the elements of songs that really resonated with a wider audience, they were never a band that went into uncharted territory, but once they started into the VK arena, they presented the straightforward audio and visual elements that fans still clamor for, and grew in popularity.
    For me, this would be the greatest exception in my taste. They have made a large number of different songs (not always changing structure, but other elements), and that was part of what made me a fan, though their last two albums did not deliver this as much, and I have been disappointed. For other bands, this would not be as big of a deal, but they kind of developed that expectation in my mind, and let it down. So I think how you see the songs and artist`s relies greatly on what kind of expectations you have in the first place, and they are not always easy to change. So what does the listener expect?
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to Zeus in Bands that use the same structure   
    Having structure in your music isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not having structure in your music isn't necessarily a good thing. The music should just be so good that even if there is a structure it makes the song better or you just don't notice it. If rigid structure in your music is starting to bother you, you should try checking out some genres that don't follow "conventional" structure in their approach to composition. Drone metal, doom metal, black metal and math metal are great places to start.
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in Hyde twitter open   
    Hyde has opened his twitter & instagram
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "メテオライト(meteorite)" release   
    love their new look!
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "メテオライト(meteorite)" release   
    [CD track list]
    03.わらべうた(warabeuta) (included in regular edition)
  12. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in Milia∞ will disband & last best album release   
    Sucks to hear, just got into them, and my thoughts go out to Hiroki, 21rd time this has happened to one of his bands in the past six months.
    Hopefully they form a new band because they were really good.
  13. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in Milia∞ will disband & last best album release   
    Sucks to hear, just got into them, and my thoughts go out to Hiroki, 21rd time this has happened to one of his bands in the past six months.
    Hopefully they form a new band because they were really good.
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Milia∞ will disband & last best album release   
    -pretends topic doesn't exist-
  15. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from tetsu_sama69 in In need of advice/help *URGENT*   
    Any and all room-mates should be introduced to the land-owner, and should sign on to the lease. Even if the lease is not up, an additional party can be added on, taking away responsibility from you.
    You can also write up your own contract with terms stating that without prior notice each month must be paid by your room-mate, and they must give a 30-day notice when they are moving out.
    I am not sure about the jurisdiction you are in, but in many places, a tenant can not be kicked out of a premise until at least 3 months in a row have not been paid in rent. There are laws everywhere to protect residents, so look them up in your own area and don't let land-owners put pressure on you.
    For public transport make sure you are taking advantage of any rebates, such as buying monthly passes instead of weekly or daily, student pricing if applicable, and declaring ut on your taxes.
    For food make sure you are keeping on a tight budget, and paying as little as possible to meet your caloric requirements (nutrients secondary). So ramen, rice, cheap protein source, etc...
    If need be also look into any kind of part-time job or supplementary income flows, even if it is a one night a week gig being a floater or washing dishes.
    Your health issue should also provide you with leeway legally in terms of your rent.
    If you are really desperate consider government assistance in the form of funds, I don't know much about this but it may take a while to receive your first payment however.
    Those are just some tips, but anyway, I think mostly time and finding a real room-mate will be your savior. Put up ads on craigslist or whatever sites, and maybe even nearby bus stops. Your best bet is a student from another country, they are usually well kept, mind their business, and have parents paying for them so no money issues. In terms of tenants they are ususlly the best to have and what many duplex or condo owners accept right away.
    Good luck.
    Your room-mates screwed you over, no need to sympathize with them, they are adults and are solely responsible with the fact that they left you high and dry while not even being upfront about it.
    For future room-mates, screen them, don't just accept whoever, see a couple at least, pick the best one, ask for first and last month's rent up front. Get a reference from them, even if it is their parent, then you have their parent's number if anything. Google them, etc... Gotta do what you gotta do. 'Friends' can be the most likely ones to screw you over since they think they can get away with it.
  16. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Zeus in In need of advice/help *URGENT*   
    Any and all room-mates should be introduced to the land-owner, and should sign on to the lease. Even if the lease is not up, an additional party can be added on, taking away responsibility from you.
    You can also write up your own contract with terms stating that without prior notice each month must be paid by your room-mate, and they must give a 30-day notice when they are moving out.
    I am not sure about the jurisdiction you are in, but in many places, a tenant can not be kicked out of a premise until at least 3 months in a row have not been paid in rent. There are laws everywhere to protect residents, so look them up in your own area and don't let land-owners put pressure on you.
    For public transport make sure you are taking advantage of any rebates, such as buying monthly passes instead of weekly or daily, student pricing if applicable, and declaring ut on your taxes.
    For food make sure you are keeping on a tight budget, and paying as little as possible to meet your caloric requirements (nutrients secondary). So ramen, rice, cheap protein source, etc...
    If need be also look into any kind of part-time job or supplementary income flows, even if it is a one night a week gig being a floater or washing dishes.
    Your health issue should also provide you with leeway legally in terms of your rent.
    If you are really desperate consider government assistance in the form of funds, I don't know much about this but it may take a while to receive your first payment however.
    Those are just some tips, but anyway, I think mostly time and finding a real room-mate will be your savior. Put up ads on craigslist or whatever sites, and maybe even nearby bus stops. Your best bet is a student from another country, they are usually well kept, mind their business, and have parents paying for them so no money issues. In terms of tenants they are ususlly the best to have and what many duplex or condo owners accept right away.
    Good luck.
    Your room-mates screwed you over, no need to sympathize with them, they are adults and are solely responsible with the fact that they left you high and dry while not even being upfront about it.
    For future room-mates, screen them, don't just accept whoever, see a couple at least, pick the best one, ask for first and last month's rent up front. Get a reference from them, even if it is their parent, then you have their parent's number if anything. Google them, etc... Gotta do what you gotta do. 'Friends' can be the most likely ones to screw you over since they think they can get away with it.
  17. Like
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in ex-LUCHe. members new band "Smileberry" has formed   
    awesome~ vocalist sounds like LUCHe.'s Tohma
    edit: lol, ok that's why. thanks trombe for updating member info!
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in ex-LUCHe. members new band "Smileberry" has formed   
    new band "Smileberry" will hold their first live at Shinjuku ReNY at 2015/09/10, and their new one-coin single "Smiley" will be released at 2015/09/09 (1 song, 540yen)
    "Smileberry" members:
    Vo.Motoki (ex-ヴェル(vell)-->LUCHe.(斗真/tohma))
    Gt.パル(paru) (ex-Vanish-->Varbarossa-->LUCHe.(望弥/nozomi))
    Gt.律(ritsu) (ex-Rose valley-->ユキライン(yukilein)(support)-->レプリカ(REPLICA)-->Cherry(support)-->GEARE(support), Anride(support)-->LucaRia)
    Ba.由奈(yuna) (ex-TiRaRa-->ZEAK-->LUCHe.(ゆたか/yutaka))
    Dr.チャーリー(charlie) (ex-EVE(support)-->SEEK OF LIBERTY-->トモダチ(tomodachi)(support)-->LUCHe.)
    btw they will hold their one-man live "泣き虫退治。(nakimushi taiji)" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2016/03/25


  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to one-eyed waiter in The complete output of THE BLACK SWAN thus far   
    Mission statement and introduction
    I wanted to review something of theirs and I figured I'd write about everything they've done so far lol, since I feel there are some unfortunate tendencies in their material. I will rate songs a) based on personal preference and how much of an actual finished song it feels like since many of these don't actually seem like much more than riffs thrown together with swoosh transitions. A relevant point is that I absolutely adore ネガ's first 3 EP:s and, progressively less, the rest of their output. I also liked PERESTROIKA and loved the absolute fucking trainwreck that was VANITAS.

    So, basically, THE BLACK SWAN is in some ways Jin's continuation of late NEGA. The metalcore ambition is there but this time we are presented with two guitarists that actually seem to be able to play the written riffs*, bass lines that are audible** and a drummer that is pretty technically good***. Jin however carries over, along with what seems to be a lot of the songwriting such as the ever-missed PERESTROIKA synths.

    * this point I am factually unsure of as there seems to be no live footage of TBS anywhere. I stand however by ネガ fucking everything up after losing Hiroki
    ** at the expense of being really cheesy
    *** again, in the studio. I'm not at all saying that Yuu was bad, but a lot of the TBS drum lines feel more solid than NEGA's
    Review part

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆
    How finished: ★★★☆☆

    ☑ Long piano intro
    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion
    ☑ Obnoxiously loud bass

    Sadly, having watched the first TBS teaser video, you had pretty much heard all of this song. I guess it's pretty cool that it's mostly in 3/4 time or something and the main riff is actually kind of refreshing the first time. Things like the unexpected accentuated bass in the chorus makes for some kind of a twist and it's pleasant. There is however nothing at all new or interesting happening for the rest of the track after the chorus (which is all in all pretty bland), not even a proper breakdown. Where is the kitschy bad metalcore goodiness? This doesn't leave a huge impression on me at all, so I move on.

    Rating: ★★★★★
    How finished: ★★★★★

    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion
    ☑ PERESTROIKA vocoder
    ☑ That fucking guitar whine thing

    So judging from the name I expected some "sexy" sounding shit like MINDLESS from PERESTROIKA which I would most rather forget tbh. Instead we are treated to some pretty cool sounding dissonant-ish ~mysterious~ delayed guitar, turning into a pleasant mid-tempo main riff that keeps the arpeggiating melody theme which is a nice thought. The guitar work sounds pretty interesting during the verses and there's even some exciting trade-off with the bass! Wow! Later, shit hits the fan when we get a fantastically catchy dubstep-ish breakdown that transitions into a really epic guitar solo. The song then rounds off without feeling like a chore. Never during this song do I feel bored and this borrows the exact right proportions of PERESTROIKA and NEGA to make it enjoyable.

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆
    How finished: ★★☆☆☆

    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Obnoxiously loud bass
    ☑ That fucking guitar whine thing

    Also being featured in the initial TBS teaser, there really isn't much more to this song than the first half. It's a little bit heavy and it's pretty fast and there are some budget D.I.D.-sounding elektronix idk. The verse feels pretty badly disjointed. There is a swoosh transition between every fucking part of the song. The chorus sounds like a more boring version of NEGA's VORTICAL [E]MOTION. What's pretty cool however is the breakdown, introducing(?) that whine that one of the guitarists seems to really like. After that however, there is, as in 自深傍観者, absolutely nothing interesting going on whatsoever.

    Rating: ★★★★☆
    How finished: ★★★★☆

    ☑ 15 NEGA songs fit into one
    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Obnoxiously loud bass
    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion
    ☑ That fucking guitar whine thing

    TBS' first single lead is probably the most NEGA-sounding song they've done. We have verse shouting, swoosh noises and a brooding church organ synth or whatever. The works! The pre-chorus however offers something new to the table which is pretty exciting. We are then subjected to a chorus that really oozes NEGA cheesiness. The trademark guitar whine then leads into a breakdown and a kind of awkward insipid guitar solo. All in all, this is basically the formula of NEGA's VANITAS singles but much more cohesively executed and featuring every TBS indulgence so far. Bonus mention for OK though lulzy video.

    Rating: ★★★★★
    How finished: ★★★★★

    ☑ Phantasmagoria level SE
    ☑ Better than 壁

    So this is, as far as I understand, the live closer song of choice for TBS. After a totally emotional SE intro we are given a very straightforward, catchy mid-tempo metalcoreish main riff which alternates with a standard fast-paced "blastbeat" part throughout most of the song. The verse leads into a really solid chorus with interesting bass work and the "HAATE YOUUURRSEEEEELF" parts are fun. Drums are really solid throughout. All in all, this is very stable and really sounds like the whole band working together. There are no swooshing sounds either (as far as I could hear anyway), which is amazingly refreshing!! I'm actually sure this is equally as solid live.

    long japaneez title song
    Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
    How finished: ★☆☆☆☆

    ☑ You have heard this before
    ☑ Fucking wooden bass or whatever
    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion

    I honestly did not know what to expect from the long-awaited ballad but saw that it would feature like a stand-up bass or sth? That seemed like a pretty cool gimmick. Starting out with that chord progression that you've heard at least 10 times in VK played on an acoustic guitar, we are then introduced to a half-hearted drum beat. At around 1:30 we finally get the promised wooden bass which really doesn't do anything interesting at all. The line could have just as well been played on a regular bass (maybe for an even better effect idk.) By 2:45 we have a pretty bland build-up and the chorus is just meh. Jin has thus only used his ~quiet voice~ so at this point we can safely expect an EXPLOSION OF EMOTIONS later on. Idk, whatever, I just don't care. At 3:40 or something some sketches of potentially interesting guitar effects trikkery appear and pass by unnoticed. An arpeggiating guitar break with engrish whispering just isn't enough to save the song at this point and when the chorus hits for the climactic final stretch, it is accompanied by the most boring drum line imaginable. Basically this is that excruciating track WILL from NEGA's VANITAS but somewhat ~darker~ and somehow even worse. This seems like a sketch of a sketch of a finished track and is painfully bland.

    Rating: ★★★★☆
    How finished: ★★★☆☆

    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ That fucking guitar whine thing
    ☑ Key change

    Fast song. At some point we get a verse with clock ticks instead of a beat? Whatever, I forgive you just give me more of the fucking synth voice goodiness. The next thing I know I'm at a fun bass solo after which the tempo actually slows down (NEGA did this a couple of times and it's so cheap and dirty and I love it) for the really sweet breakdown, where a whine™ leads the way into a crazy (faster) guitar solo. The rest of the song isn't much to write home about and I guess it has an overall "basic" structure-wise feel but one cannot deny the fun factor.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆
    How finished: ★★★☆☆

    ☑ Piano intro
    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Obnoxiously loud bass
    ☑ Key change

    From the start, this feels like business as usual. The piano intro sounds like a 2009 ネガ SE which suddenly and really nicely erupts into a cool early ネガ level haunting low-tempo riff. Rushing through a fast part, the verse is quite exciting with interesting guitar and actually pretty surprisingly tricky drum work from Len, transitioning into an alright, slightly cheesy chorus. Another verse leads into the build-up for the fast part from the beginning but then dissolves into... another build-up... or something... Anyway, this eventually results in a really solid headbanging breakdown. Then the song goes back into the chorus and then into the chorus again with a key change, a guitar solo and a really loud, almost painfully cheesy bass line. The chorus then slows down and the song kind of dissolves into nothing. All in all, this is kinda disjointed but the components are by themselves solid and fun. Bonus mention for cool video.

    Rating: ★★★★★
    How finished: ★★★★☆

    ☑ i like girl. i like sex. i like money. i'm shit noodle
    ☑ Jin trying to sound like a girl
    ☑ Swoosh transitions

    From the beginning this is slated to be completely amazing. The main riff of this is like exactly 瞋恚の炎 by PERESTROIKA but with super wild synth, making it so much more fun. This is precisely the kind of kitsch I want to hear from a band like TBS. I don't even know what to write, everything about this is just super fun, from the headbang parts to the chorus to the guitar solo to the fact that this is Jin venturing into weird semi-ironic V-ROCK IS DEAD territory.

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆
    How finished: ★★★★☆

    ☑ NEGA level drum machine
    ☑ You have heard this before

    Can TBS deliver a good ballad? This does not answer the question as this track really isn't anything special as far as VK ballads go but kind of OK I guess? At least it is a well-defined song compared to the long ass japaneez title one and has a guitar solo and actually decent arrangement. Thankfully, there's no wooden bass in earsight. Whatever, songs like this are not the reason I listen to TBS.

    SICK (黒夢 cover)
    Rating: ★★★★★
    How finished: ★★★★☆

    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Juicy ass bass slides
    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion
    ☑ That fucking guitar whine thing

    OK so this is from a Kuroyume tribute album which got uploaded here recently. Now I basically don't know anything about Kuroyume or the original song but this is a controlled and quite pleasant, fun and unique (featuring all the appropriate hallmarks) sounding effort from TBS where all of the band really comes through in quite technical ways. Especially the piano-tinged breakdown and the solid guitar solo sound really fresh.
    Rating: ★★☆☆☆
    How finished: ★★★☆☆
    ☑ Clean guitar delayed to oblivion
    ☑ Swoosh transitions
    ☑ Broken glass SFX
    This is TBS' first attempt at a fast ballad-ish song I guess, and I must say I expected more. We are introduced to a gentle guitar intro which turns into a slightly weird main riff... Which is okay, since the verse actually sounds good! The chorus is not great though and the following breakdown is just plain awkward. The guitar solo is slightly more solid. All in all, just nowhere near 17歳の孤独 #sorrynotsorry
    Some kind of conclusion
    I suppose this indicates some kind of trend of half-assed song writing but also some technical proficiency. There is hope for some good music to be made and songs like TRIPPER genuinely show promise. This seems however to more often than not be eclipsed by contrived transitions and generally some late NEGA awkwardness. Though once again, the reason why I listen to TBS is to get my dose of gimmicky metalcore with that guitar whine used as much as possible.
    P.S. the trailer for the new single has a really bland chorus. Man oh man.
    P.S.#2 eagerly awaiting first faux jazz song and a decent ballad
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Crube in WWE Discussion is about wrestling drama and overcoming odds!   
    That broken nose Cena sustained from that knee to the face looks pretty damn painful and yet still went on with the match. He earned a lot of respect for that.
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in BORN new mini album "オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)" release   
    猟牙(ryouga) produces brand "BLACK DEAD MUZIC" has formed
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to yakihiko in BORN new mini album "オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)" release   
    Clothes by Ryoga?
    I want everything, if he does an underwear wrote BDM, I want too.
  24. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in シド(SID) new maxi single release   
    They read our minds!
    All the way in November though, long wait but the last album was epic, and I am hoping this single will kick off the string of singles for their next record.
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to HanakoHikari in Doodles dump   
    decided to update this thread:







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