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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Listening to songs you once loved but eventually fell out of your rotation. Memories trigger in your heart, your soul is pulled towards the past you feel fond of. But it's time to make memories that your current playlist will attach to, that you will revisit five years from now and feel the same way for.

  2. Listening to World`s End Girflriend.

  3. Little compilation of some of my instruments: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/entry-12112901537.html Hopefully link works.

    1. Tetora


      Never use my ameba but going to start scrapbooking junk more. It's mostly cringey to look back on but sometimes it is cool.

    2. CAT5


      Hot dayum, that's beautiful.

    3. Tetora
  4. Locking your update cannot prevent the inevitable: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/723/501/330.gif

    1. Elazmus


      LMAO I'm gonna tip my hat all the way to you.

  5. Log on Ameblo and notice DOG Tokyo Electric Parade is trending... Nice.

  6. Lol, this reminds me of when I was a kid: http://youtu.be/xvbkxlPf2ig

  7. Love that new Royz. Soft song but has just enough attitude to get my blood pumping.

    1. Spectralion


      The MV is too flashy to watch and I feel somewhat bored with the song... Maybe I need time to enjoy it

    2. kyoselflove


      I like it, though I admit I am not really a fan of a lot of their stuff. Lol at Subaru who couldn't keep a smile off his face xD

    3. kyoselflove


      Seriously though, epilepsy warning lol.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  8. Love the movie Amadeus. Mozart was such a playboy.

    1. Duwang


      Amadeus is one of my favorite movies. Glad you enjoyed it

    2. Tetora


      Didn't see it in a while, watched the Uncut Director's Final Remix HD this morning. Enjoyed it even more.

  9. Made a new-and-improved profile page.

  10. Making my first upload on MH now... be here in 30mins to an hour for two exclusives.

    1. ShanethVarosa


      *please be what I think it is* however, I will be here and thanks in advance nonetheless!

    2. Tetora


      I somehow doubt I uploaded what you wanted...Haha.

    3. Yuuko


      Schwarz Stein, Schwarz Stein!

  11. Mayweather Pacquiao. Here we go.

  12. Me + Kyo + RE6 = One heck of a night.

    1. kyoselflove


      Lol I know, not fair. I was checking out your ass by the way.

    2. Tetora


      With a butt like that, I can forgive you.

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  13. Meanwhile, I visit a Pawn Shop to gather supplies for my latest 'business' idea: http://youtu.be/XYT5LM_on_I

    1. kyoselflove


      Lol I love that show.

  14. Million Arthur mobile game worldwide launch on the 18th. Pre-registers get a special Rare card. Good game to pass time, I like collecting the cards and playing with friends.

    1. yakihiko


      Nothing against Teddy, I like what he do. But Mucc make better remixes :D

  15. My friend used to Engineer for a Korean Rock God. He said he wrote all his songs during his long career about one girl. Sad isnt it? I feel like many artists do that...

  16. Need to listen to more BLU-BILLION.

    1. Tetora


      The SPOT for their latest album which plays all their latest singles. I became a bigger fan after Tresor, but I enjoy all their stuff so far.

    2. hiroki


      yessss. everything they released is gold.

    3. Raburr7


      [everything they released is gold.]2

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  17. New 「THE TURTLES JAPAN??PV: http://youtu.be/7XL2BkHhjBk I always found they had a kind of VISUAL style. This one reminds me a little of L'arc though. I wonder if I should try the album.

  18. New addition to the collection... Can't decide if cool or fail: http://imgur.com/Q8vbFav

  19. New CLOWD PV is pretty darn good. Been getting more into this band since a certain somebody recommended them to me.

    1. Biopanda


      I'm vibrating in my seat waiting for my copy of their first single to arrive. Sooooo glad that they decided to sell them through Likea.

    2. hiroki


      @panda, did you preorder it? i planned to order it a day after the release date together with something else but it sold out immediately lol. i alr have the 1st press from their live but wanted a copy of the 2nd press as well.. ;(

    3. Biopanda


      Yeah, I sent FJ a message to buy it like a day or two before it came out. When I checked the product page on the day it came out, there wasn't even an "add to cart" button, so I was really worried that it sold out before FJ could get it.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  20. New Codomo Dragon is almost upon us...

    1. Spectralion


      Too bad, the legit rip of their last single hast surfaced yet...

  21. New DIV is hot fire. On a side note, cd tray in PC wont open at all, going to have to take it apart and put it back together Wright Brothers style.

  22. New girugamesh is dark, heavy, rough, and tight. Sound seems as beautifully balanced as gravitation. Can't wait for the album.

    1. Tetora
    2. yakihiko


      in the end, I'm missing some electro things on it xD

    3. Tetora


      If you mean like MONSTER, I loved that album.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  23. New girugamesh vid out but I am watching the Dem Debate. DAMN IT.

  24. New Kamijo is aight, but I guess I got set for a certain kind of big epic feel after Vampire and he is mixing it up.

    1. Tetora


      How many hundred years ago we talking in terms of Gackt? And yeah, interesting to see him follow in Gackt's footsteps somewhat. I wanna see how big Kamijo can get.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't think he'll ever reach being on the same playing field as Gackt in terms of a solo career. His compositions are fairly niche, where as Gackt has all different kinds of styles. Kamijo's been doing the frilly french thing for 20 years.

    3. Tetora


      I feel the same. Glad Kamijo is still huge VK wise and on Warner though.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
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