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Everything posted by Tetora

  1. Tetora

    In my post I pointed out how the many of the very first VK releases had Western styled titles with similar themes to get attention. So how is this new or changing anything? And X Japan are far more 'respected' than pretty much any band. VK and Rock always had an air of doing whatever you want, and defining your own sense of what is cool, rather than just trying to fit in. Yet when any band tries something different, or comes out with a loud title or look, people bash them for not following the status quo. People also complain about bands looking too similar but when someone does something that stands out they are the target of all negativity. Another popular thing is to compare them to other people to say they are copying someone as if that completely demerits them. Japan, VK, Rock and music in general are centered around taking old things and recycling them into new products, yet this only applies as criticism to certain bands who are not in the 'cool books'. IMO this band is way better than all the negativity they get, and there is nothing new about this title, but obv. It somewhat works as this thread as of my typing this has more replies and views than UNiTE.'s thread, which has way more content for a more popular band.
  2. Ah, so much new music in my life lately, feels good. There is so much coming too... DDD, Viper, Garden, POV and new UNiTE esp.

    1. Mihenno


      I'm excited yet overwhelmed

  3. Tetora

    Cool, last mini album rocked so I am looking forward to this. Btw, none of these titles are more edgy, foreign, or just plain stupid than releases by X Japan, Buck Tick, or Hide, for example. It was always a part of heavy rock music, and IMO is cooler than song titles with 20 obscure kanji, or some 'poetic' sentence about a flower. A title is just a way to get attention, and it is working for BORN and Sadie, despite them being the bands that it is cool to hate.
  4. I havent received any of my copies yet, and was wondering: Is the photobook different for each edition, or is it one photobook and only different covers? Because I might change my order to only one limited, and the rest regular so I can fit another item without going over cost limit... Thanks.
  6. Absolutely blown away by new DOG single. Never heard them do something like this. My favorite ever.

    1. ricchubunny


      where did u find it?

    2. Tetora


      I own all Dog releases.

    3. Gaz



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  7. Tetora

    I understand brah. Not embarassing to express yourself.
  8. Tetora

    You guys should post your perspective of your countries in a thread if you haven't already. I want to know more about it. My random thought: I had memories of my dog I found on the street when I was a kid. There was a thunder storm this morning, and I remembered how when there was thunder she would get scared and jump into my bed with me and lie right in front of my face crying. I miss her.
  9. Anyone else keep getting Mejibray, Born and Gazette porn every time CDJapan sends them something?

  10. New short PV. Sounds great, I already have both bonus track types ordered. I love that they have Scottish tartans very close to the clan I was accepted in!
  11. One day I will have every cd from every band I like. One day....

    1. Owl


      first step to harding. staaahp

    2. Tetora


      Lol. WG my tastes for rock never changed actually, I just listen lesd to classic rock, more to VK now. And yeah, it is gonna be hoarding for sure, so many bands, it is a lifetime effort!

    3. kyoselflove


      That's going to be hella expensive lol

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  12. Tetora

    So many other people out there esp. if you are anywhere near Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc... Time to get some digits, meet some new people and move on. Good luck brah. (Side-note, ppl love this thread, every-time I drop in there are so many ppl viewing it).
  13. Tetora

    I dont really try and split things up into different terms or categories. To seperate vocalists and singers seems like a way to mentally masturbate over ones favorite singers, no? Like its all just about the message or feeling you get across. Whether it be with tremolos, huge range, perfect falsettos, or just with a scratchy off-key voice and emotion. It's all the same chit. Mick Jagger would never win any singing competition, but he's sold more records and moved more people and changed music more than every American Idol combined. Jimi Hendrix and Van Halen didnt even really know music theory but come out on top over every 'virtuoso' as well.
  14. So... When is new UNiTE music coming?

  15. Only need to buy 500 yen version and any other to get all 3 tracks thankfully. I have 500 yen edition preordered because I like the song but not sure if I want one of the live versions or the PV version...
  16. Tetora

    Hope everything works out.
  17. Looks pretty sick to me. Gonna look even better on the actual album instead of just a floating pic on the net. But anyway, they could have a picture of dog poop on the album cover... I`m still gonna buy it, it`s GIRUGAMESH.
  18. Tetora

    Not sure what you mean? I dont think I ranted, I was just talking about certain stuff and was referring to how people can end up in the 'friendzone' even if they didn't do anything wrong, and aren't bitter people, aka chit happens. Just wanna know where you are coming from, don't barf on me bro.
  19. Tetora

    Friend-zone does exist, by some definitions, but not all definitions people use are correct, IMO. Simplest way to put it is to say it is how you are `sorted`in someones mind. You are seen as someone who cannot be more than friends. This can be due to looks, personality, status, whatever. It is not a permanent state, where there is a will, there is a way. I have never been in this zone, but have mates who have either been stuck in it, or gotten out of it, even after years. Here are some other terms: Beta Orbiters: Guys `stuck in the friendzone` who constantly hang around girls they have feelings for, in some kind of insincere relationship. They often try to defend he girl they orbit in a dishonest, jealous way to try and ward off anyone interested in relations with her. I have often experienced something similar to this, especially when I go to a party a girl invites me to, and show up to find a group of dudes scowling at me the whole night every time I talk to the girl. Like please brahs, I am only here for the Tostito`s and salsa, leave me alone. White-Knights: People who constantly do favors, and go out of their way to suck up and please someone they like, in the hope that it will lead to sex and or a relationship. Nothing wrong with being nice or doing things for people, but if you do it for covert reasons and are not honest with the person, maybe there is something wrong there? I remember a dude in school who would always give two girls money at lunch, in the hopes they would like him. Messed up on both parts. Black-Knights: People who have become bitter to relations with the opposite sex, and try to portray a phony `bad-boy or bad-girl`persona, because apparently, jerks always win, good-guys finish last. Usually butt-hurt individuals attracted to PUA, and who go on and on about the opposite sex being such bad people. ------ I don`t really label things or try to sort them like that, but given the right description I can say I have experienced many similar things / people. IMO, there are a lot of people with low self-esteem and damaged egos who either don`t know better, or went down the wrong road. I try to follow the saying that `Human beings are inherently good`. There are just a lot of unfortunate people who end up doing manipulative, or dishonest things, as well as a lot of people who end up in an unfortunate place like the friendzone when they don`t want to be. As long as you are as honest as you can be, and don`t live life always trying to get something out of other people, or feel entitlted, you should be fine. Some people are nice people and end up in the friendzone for no good reason, and they even feel like they can never express their feelings to those they care for. Such is life. Just my two cents.
  20. Tetora

    That is good to hear.
  21. New Kamijo is aight, but I guess I got set for a certain kind of big epic feel after Vampire and he is mixing it up.

    1. Tetora


      How many hundred years ago we talking in terms of Gackt? And yeah, interesting to see him follow in Gackt's footsteps somewhat. I wanna see how big Kamijo can get.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't think he'll ever reach being on the same playing field as Gackt in terms of a solo career. His compositions are fairly niche, where as Gackt has all different kinds of styles. Kamijo's been doing the frilly french thing for 20 years.

    3. Tetora


      I feel the same. Glad Kamijo is still huge VK wise and on Warner though.

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  22. Tetora

    Badass manga: Gantz, Dogs Bullets Carnage, Fist of the North Star, Jojo, The World is Mine, Loveless, 青のExcorcist, Reborn, GTO, MPD Psycho (character has same name as me, yesss, but a different kanji), Gundam Ecole du Ciel, Macross TRASH, Devilman, Astroboy, etc...
  23. Tetora

    Tekken Revolution, best out of 5. Loser eats their underwear on webcam. Just bring it.
  24. Tetora

    Interesting. I wonder if there is also a 'boom' in major releases from pop artists. Many analysts predicted that Japan's music industry would surpass America as the biggest in the world in 2013, when that didn't happen they cited a lack of major album releases as the biggest reason, as well as smaller issues such as a huge drop in the popularity of purchasing musical ring-tones etc...
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