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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Just GOTTA hear that new DIV release to see what it is like.

  2. Beautiful Nirgilis Remix: https://youtu.be/7ckbl1eaRfw

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      that remix is dope as fuck :D

  3. That feel when your boys at CDJapan come through and ship an item that says「may take 5-7 day ?? in one day. Clutch.

  4. Royz just sealed the deal.

    1. Mihenno


      those previews were good. Resparked my interest in them lololol :D

  5. Same routine every time: Aspiring singer comes to me thinking he is the next Steve Perry, sends me a recording or sings live. Says they will do whatever it takes. . I explain nicely they don't know notes, intervals, or how to breath, and need to do solfege, etc... They run away and are never seen or heard from again.

    1. Owl


      How cruel!

  6. The lines between good and evil have been blurred on this planet. All I can do is try to see the World as I did when a child, with the knowledge of a man. 風林??山??。

  7. Desperately need some new clothes in Miitomo, just tried to roll up on some hunnies but got goofed on.

    1. Tetora


      I'm wearing stockings over underwear because no pants, and I am saving up for a sweet pleather jacket that will make me look like a bad boy.

  8. Can not wait for Mao's new solo stuff. Maybe a little friendly competition with Aki who was AMAZING.

    1. hiroki


      me too... so excited to see what he comes up with :D

  9. 3/5 status updates: Yakihiko

    1. yakihiko


      398/400 : Tets *coughs* xD

  10. Past trauma holds many people back. They are afraid of failure, ridicule, and injury. Doesn't matter how bad you are at something, the important part is to keep trying. That's how you get the most respect, not just from others, but from yourself. If you hide or give up, you'll always suck.

    1. kukew


      This... You're right and this is what I need. Thank you, Tetora. And Ganbatte!♡ 

  11. At work after 0 hours sleep... Uverworld and Moran keeping me going.

  12. As much as I have not been a fan of recent A9, I have had SHINING on repeat for a while now.

  13. Revisiting the CORE album by ゾロ。I recommend it if you want a good mix of emotion, melodies, funky rhythm and amazing guitar work.

  14. Just got back from watching Wrestlemania 30, that was so epic!

  15. BugLug fans! Please join me in the lossless section in just under an hour (10:45 EST) for not one but two exclusives.

  16. Cool karaoke cover of Mejibray's Emily :

  17. One of those nice days when you can just put on any album and enjoy it. No fussing, no tracks you are tired of, just pushing play and getting carried away.

  18. I'm just a lion on the Savannah laying about with my headphones on. No complaints, just the here and now, and my vision of the future.

  19. Really counting the days now until new D.I.D. I will miss the former guitarist but am excited to hear what they do with Pablo.

  20. Almost time for Samurai Blue to make their comeback! 絶対諦??????!

  21. No matter how much you want to push and flop, Japan plays with guts, dominating the game. Even if they dont win the game, they play like real champions.

  22. My friend used to Engineer for a Korean Rock God. He said he wrote all his songs during his long career about one girl. Sad isnt it? I feel like many artists do that...

  23. Can't wait for new DOG and SuG...

  24. Log on Ameblo and notice DOG Tokyo Electric Parade is trending... Nice.

  25. So now all my current favorite artists have upcoming releases or made comebacks... Except Abingdon Boys... I am watching, and waiting...

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