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Status Replies posted by blackdoll

  1. yesss Ragnar the pain of loss is real. anyway googled his actor and it says he is going to die, but unlike spartacus i wont stop watching, so going to cry. Funny though he should have waited to model

  2. da da dadada da da dadada

  3. yay new sixteen cell, some metalcore well mathcore i can get behinde http://sixteencell.bandcamp.com/album/the-vale-of-tears tho just a toke single cant be touched

  4. I think i just switched from Team Hyuna to Ga-in. It's just something about the way she drops it with a face while Hyuna facegame is ummmm lacking.

  5. Well i guess there is still Tommy heavenly6, Infernal Revulsion and artema

  6. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  7. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  8. Vikings Vikings Vikings so fucking good, hopefully they will. The main character really entertaining, the female characters good and not for being a bitch, and that bromance tho (not annoying). Fav parts, battle beginning of season 2, and it had a climax the spear getting shoved in him. And the handjob the princess gave in public. The only thing i don't like is that I starting to like rolo even though he did that thing. rank Peaky Blinders. But how the fuck this land on the history channel?

  9. so it turns out oldschoolers that shock value is in American pop, source: https://youtu.be/drFPonh19TI?t=2m46s So much for your "we superior" attitude ahhahahaha.

  10. so it turns out oldschoolers that shock value is in American pop, source: https://youtu.be/drFPonh19TI?t=2m46s So much for your "we superior" attitude ahhahahaha.

  11. so it turns out oldschoolers that shock value is in American pop, source: https://youtu.be/drFPonh19TI?t=2m46s So much for your "we superior" attitude ahhahahaha.

  12. damm it i wish Lycaon would have taped that christmas live were he was singing english chrismas songs because i wanna here it.

  13. Old-Ass Grannies React To..... Lycaon's Disbandment

  14. damm it i wish Lycaon would have taped that christmas live were he was singing english chrismas songs because i wanna here it.

  15. whats with BBC doing 2 shows with redcoats and ex. Being human cast. Anyway it should have been Hal for poldark. Both are good though banished is way better so fucking juicy, like yesssss the whole time. Other news when did playstion become a tv thing. watching powers for the ratchetness.

  16. dressing in all black this week.

  17. dressing in all black this week.

  18. It's a shame I'm not into tattoos. I would have gotten Lycaon across my heart and Yuuki above my ass sometime this month. not even playing

  19. So what's the deal with all the trash posting in the Lycaon thread? It was a big deal when someone wasn't so positive when a member left Black Gene but it seems like negativity towards Lycaon is not as big of a deal even in bigger circumstances?

  20. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  21. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  22. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  23. Camera obscura def, Camera obscura def Camera obscura def def def def def Camera obscura definition make them people go crazy, they want the pleasure so they listen to it daily.

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