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Status Replies posted by blackdoll

  1. camera obscura 4eva

  2. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

  3. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

  4. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg


  6. friiiday friiiday gotta get down on friiiday~ https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  7. wrighting reveiws <<<<< ima be up all night. I'm slow =(

  8. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  9. wrighting reveiws <<<<< ima be up all night. I'm slow =(

  10. I am listening to Lycaon liss liss Listening to Lycaon, just the kind of music that will make your toes pop. Lycaon mode activated, all day this album and no other music

    . 2 more listening dirty dancing then 2 for a good listen.
  11. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  12. omg it's perfect

  13. omg it's perfect

  14. in the the word of miss A Lycaon is fucking here. sex sex sex me baby, touch touch touch me baby, give it to me give it to me awww come to me come to me awww

  15. IT'S FUCKING FEBURAY!! replace the 'C" word with 'Lycaon'

    Just an addict looking for the next fix!
  16. I wouldn't mind Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ being an old school album since Dahlia IS THE BEST OLD SCHOOL VK SONG EVER MADE; therefore, there is no revival, Lycaon coined and owns it. Lets just take a minute here to be greatful for their non-stop, can't top, always on top music from 2008-2014. They can't even top themselves because the level they started on was so dam high, so every single song is in a endless loop fighting one another, trying come out on top, but can't. Sure we...

  17. I wouldn't mind Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ being an old school album since Dahlia IS THE BEST OLD SCHOOL VK SONG EVER MADE; therefore, there is no revival, Lycaon coined and owns it. Lets just take a minute here to be greatful for their non-stop, can't top, always on top music from 2008-2014. They can't even top themselves because the level they started on was so dam high, so every single song is in a endless loop fighting one another, trying come out on top, but can't. Sure we...

  18. it's times like this when i wish i had a twin

  19. yeah anime is dead for me. TG v3 sucks

  20. I've been trying to stay away from everyone because I keep snapping and being bitchy for no reason :/

  21. watch my newfound favs dezert completely destroy the crowd

  22. best thing for only old Lycaon fans

  23. best thing for only old Lycaon fans

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