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Status Replies posted by blackdoll

  1. AvelCain x Lycaon boys only live, looks like the boys had fun xD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvkIwXsCMAAEkp2.jpg:large

  2. people 5 years ago = VK IS SO BORING NOW

  3. yes The Awesomes is back, 2nd best non children cartoon. ehhh maybe 3rd or 4th (havent watch the new eps yet). archer and chozen are really good too.

  4. Is it wrong that i think http://youtu.be/Pp0QWdvHQW8?t=11s should tour with Lycaon and preform with them on stage and not Born? (that video doesn't represent them btw)

  5. Is it wrong that i think http://youtu.be/Pp0QWdvHQW8?t=11s should tour with Lycaon and preform with them on stage and not Born? (that video doesn't represent them btw)

  6. "whooo anasakaii laaaa yuleru lalalala halaburera ohh yeaaahhh whooo anasakaii laaaa yuleru lalalalala ohh yeahh. gofuiiyo nakade"

  7. So black gene your good but your vocalist is kinda screwed you over with "misty." shouldn't have sung like that ice and stopped. I crave that level of emotional nakedness....

  8. Lycaon ==> Femme Fatale ==> Grieva ==> Arlequin

  9. Please MH HELP, i need your knowledge of the visual kei industy! is Femme Fatale going to last?

  10. Finally got some time to write some reviews :)

  11. Lycaon ==> Femme Fatale ==> Grieva ==> Arlequin

  12. Please MH HELP, i need your knowledge of the visual kei industy! is Femme Fatale going to last?

  13. Please MH HELP, i need your knowledge of the visual kei industy! is Femme Fatale going to last?

  14. Please MH HELP, i need your knowledge of the visual kei industy! is Femme Fatale going to last?

  15. Please MH HELP, i need your knowledge of the visual kei industy! is Femme Fatale going to last?

  16. FLY!!!!!! i start a new diet of 悪女??微笑 and dahlia listen like other fans but laced in sick, the sun goes down i party now (x2) ...... count your fucking eargasms.... close your eyes pray for songs........ so clap your hand to the sound of Lycaon playing now, watch the doll come alive, sex will stand where boredness once stood!!!

  17. FLY!!!!!! i start a new diet of 悪女??微笑 and dahlia listen like other fans but laced in sick, the sun goes down i party now (x2) ...... count your fucking eargasms.... close your eyes pray for songs........ so clap your hand to the sound of Lycaon playing now, watch the doll come alive, sex will stand where boredness once stood!!!

  18. FLY!!!!!! i start a new diet of 悪女??微笑 and dahlia listen like other fans but laced in sick, the sun goes down i party now (x2) ...... count your fucking eargasms.... close your eyes pray for songs........ so clap your hand to the sound of Lycaon playing now, watch the doll come alive, sex will stand where boredness once stood!!!

  19. ok now i just need femme fate and the ranks will be closed. haa though i really just want shadow :P

  20. omg its here. wonder if ill cum (edohsama request box).

  21. omg its here. wonder if ill cum (edohsama request box).

  22. omg its here. wonder if ill cum (edohsama request box).

  23. Lycaon&AvelCain are having a BOY’Z ONLY live wonder whats thats about, and is yuuki going to change how he preforms? and special goods are sold too. http://ameblo.jp/juliette5/entry-11888898036.html

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