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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    finally have every version of every album. And a full cheki book. Never buying them again, fuckin hoes charging way to much. Shirt surprisgly i can fit, but it's so tight, not sure ill wear it. and of course this.
  2. blackdoll

    So yuuki is my obvious, but I'm secretly faving the fuck outta ichiro. And Hiyuu is my side bitch. anyway since his name is still zero is he going to keep doing his mana tribute silence thing And should i by the PV? It's not like it is Dahlia. Also anyone else get a femme fatal vibe from the tracklist?
  3. blackdoll

    I'm still debating because the bonus track that was included in only one of the editions wasn't all that and should have just been on the live cd @The Reverend, which minus a point (or more for me since i want perfection) . and i still somemore listens to 2 others which were straight good through in through.
  4. I cant believe i forgot about @Pho

    1. enyx


      Honestly, how dare you?

    2. blackdoll


      i know, i just got so rapped up in myself and shoppin. Feel free to punish me, anyway you like.

  5. blackdoll

    well you not the only one So much for having a daddy. Anyway do you mind if i follow you? Your pics are super on fleek.
  6. blackdoll

    Big daddy http://Instagram.com/kurochan_pi
  7. blackdoll

    best review ever!
  8. @Zeusi get why you keep reviewing, that shit is fun. I guess my bad thinking you only did them to brush your ego, and have likes. Though a special long one like this, idk if ill have the attention span to finish it. Bright side i have until December. 

    1. Zeus


      wow i didn't think that you would ever get into reviewing but i'm glad you did! yeah, i mostly do this for fun since i don't really promote my reviews outside MH too much and i don't get paid for it in any way (free CDs would be nice from VK bands tho :) ). just have fun writing and release what you can. it doesn't need to be as proper as mine are.

    2. blackdoll


      Yeah i get all into things slowly.

    3. blackdoll


      though i might just be babbling instead of reviewing.

  9. blackdoll

    stalk fromjapan
  10. Yeahh i think it's time to go to Japan and kick their ass. He we go again with Gossip era bullshit https://twitter.com/Initial_L_zero/status/784060317986803712 https://twitter.com/Initial_L_hiyuu/status/784045472721678336
  11. blackdoll

    Eve's stans probably have the cds, so they just assume he was the main composer, when in fact every release was split in 3. In fact Royal order is when they started collaborating as a band. heho
  12. http://www.newnownext.com/abu-dhabi-gay-death-penalty/10/2016/?xrs=synd_facebook_logo
  13. hopefully will  get my stuff tomorrow

  14. when you want to choke someone to death while stabbing them.

  15. blackdoll

    Warning, It going to be a long Lycaon 2 months like when CO was released. haha Love my new sig, cause it's so true
  16. Your favorite singer probably suck as for Yuuki's, icy, hockey puck!

  17. blackdoll

  18. Lycaon makes bitches go M.I.A. cause They fly like paper get you high like planes if you catch me at the border whats playing has Lycaon in the name.

  19. blackdoll

    slay em dead
  20. blackdoll

    Ari&nicki - side to side,
  21. blackdoll

    i dont see how that's possible. just standard slutfits and history class
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