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    Bear reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    Stage Fright is definitely great! Love that owl mask the killer wears. (on that note, wasn't there some sort of recent ''artsy'' horror with an owl-headed creature in it as well? i forgot the name of that flick.)
    Company of Wolves is interesting as well, I saw it some years ago, I don't remember much of it, other than that I liked it. I still need to check out the Phantasm series..
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    The Company of Wolves - A really nice, dreamlike and surreal take on the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood. This film feels like Tim Burton directing a grown up adaption of Little Red Riding Hood for Hammer Horror, and it's really cool. And it really works. The atmosphere, dreamlike as I said, is really nice, the cinematography and costumes are amazing and the werewolf transformation is neat-as-fuck. Well, all special effects here are neat.
    Anyway, way better than I had expected. Totally recommended!

    Phantasm - Totally fucking superb horror film from the late 70's. Much, much, much better than I remembered. Aside from a few funny moments, this film is creepy as fuck at times, much due to an Angus Scrimm who is terrifying as The Tall Man, and a superb score. The atmosphere is here, at times surreal and like an awful nightmare, the special effects, the story. Yeah, top notch film!

    The Thing from Another World - You know, I often feel like I am the only one, but I honestly think this is as good as John Carpenter's The Thing. It's very hard to compare them of course as they are two really different films with The Thing being much more faithful to the original source, but as they are based on the same source material it's also natural to compare them. The main difference between the two films is that The Thing from Another World is more of a sci-fi/horror film, while The Thing is more or less pure horror. The Thing from Another World is also a film that you can see with your 10-11 year old cousin or brother without feeling guilty, The Thing is not. Heh.
    Anyway, The Thing from Another World is a nice, atmospheric and suspenseful sci-fi horror film with a fantastic monster. I love how they for the most part shot the monster from a distance with smart lighting making him more threatening, as you don't really get a good view of him at all. You just don't get to know what exactly it is. A smart move. Great film, up there with The Thing for sure if you ask me.

  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    The House with Laughing Windows - Another superb giallo, this time by Pupi Avati. It's surprisingly little stylish for a mid-70's giallo, but what it lacks in style it takes back with it's gripping, almost macabre atmosphere and thrilling mystery. It's a very atypical giallo lacking in style, stylized violence/gore and nudity, but its atmosphere totally makes up for it. A bit of a slow-burner, which may cause some trouble for fans of giallos, but it's really rewarding towards the end as the atmosphere grow more and more sinister and macabre, turning almost gothic at times. Unusual, but among the very best of the genre IMO.
    Lino Capolicchio is superb throughout this film. Brilliant performance.

    Don't Torture a Duckling - Another Lucio Fulci masterpiece, and this isn't only one of his best films being more or less as good as Zombie Flesh Eaters and A Woman in a Lizard's Skin, but one of the best giallos ever as well. A superb mystery with fantastic atmosphere, and for a Lucio Fulci film the story is very good as well. And the rural setting is really nice too. Yeah, not much more to say about this. A must-see for sure!
    There's not much gore or violence int his film, but there is this one scene that is fantastic. It looks so good. It'll give you a moment of terror for sure.
    It's got Barbara Bouchet as well. What an actress!

    Deliria - This film is also known as Stage Fright. This is Michele Soavi's directorial debut, and easily the best I've seen from him. The film is more or less a 50/50 old school giallo and modern slasher, and it really mixes and showcases the similarity of the genres. This is all style and no substnce, but it's so well-made and fun. Stylish and colorful, atmospheric and macabre, and violent and bloody. Visually there's a lot of Dario Argento-esque moments here, and this is a film that should please fans of both giallo and slashers. An outstanding film!

  4. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    ^ I agree, Burial Ground is loads of trashy fun, but still has a nice atmosphere (and those...other features you wrote about xD), and Inferno is a classic! Haunting and nightmareish, yesss
  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Original Saku in Last movie you saw.   
    Beasts of No Nation - Cary Joji Fukunaga returns to the screen after his classy and impressive work on True Detective, and he does it good. Beasts of No Nation is a powerful war-drama about a child soldier in an African country, and despite only featuring one big star, it's full of stars. Main-man, or should I say boy, Abraham Attah, is something else. This is his first time on the screen, but he comes off as someone who's done this a hundred times before, a most experienced boy. An impressive, powerful and touching performance, and Idris Alba is as good as ever. His performance is nothing but impressive here. He's simply scary here, and I am not kidding. He's terrifying! His portrait of a rebel leader is top, top, top notch. It's so powerful.
    Top that with an overall strong and touching story, beautiful cinematography, lots of great actors and nice direction by Fukunaga, a man who's something like a prodigy. A unique man as far as directors goes.
    This film is a must-see, and should be a part of every single human being's education because of its portrayal of child soldiers and their life. And of course for being a great film.

  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Pretsy in Emo/post-hardcore/screamo/etc Worship Thread   
    I'm very much into screamo and have been for many a years. Raein, Neil Perry, Yaphet Kotto, Funeral Diner and (older) Envy are probably my favourites and the ones I've spent the most time on, but I am also very much into bands like Orchid, Pg.99, Daïtro, Suis la lune, Mihai Edrisch, Aussitôt Mort and so on. A nice mix of violent powerviolence/grindcore-esque, beautiful post-rock/ambient-esque and pure punk/hardcore-esque screamo bands.
    Raein's Nati Da Altri Padri/Ogni Nuovo Inizio might be my very favourite screamo release. Such a massive EP, that. Brilliant stuff! The band released a new album/EP this year as well, but I haven't heard it yet. But knowing this band it's probably great, as the rest of their discography. Fantastic band!
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    I don't really care if the apes look realistic or not to be honest. It's all about how they act for me, and as well as how the film is build and where they have chosen to put their focus. But yeah, I did like how they looked and moved for most part. Looked very good.
    The apes in the original Planet of the Apes isn't very realistic, but god damn I love the way they look and move. It's so cool. Immense film as well! Gotta rewatch it again soon with the sequels and TV-series as I haven't seen them all yet. And I suddenly felt like having an old school sci-fi marathon of some sort. Hmm. Interesting!
  8. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    ^ "Dawn of..." is real good, I agree! The previous movie wasn't bad either, but this one totally takes the cake. Gotta love how they finally managed to make the apes look realistic.
  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from emmny in Emo/post-hardcore/screamo/etc Worship Thread   
    I'm very much into screamo and have been for many a years. Raein, Neil Perry, Yaphet Kotto, Funeral Diner and (older) Envy are probably my favourites and the ones I've spent the most time on, but I am also very much into bands like Orchid, Pg.99, Daïtro, Suis la lune, Mihai Edrisch, Aussitôt Mort and so on. A nice mix of violent powerviolence/grindcore-esque, beautiful post-rock/ambient-esque and pure punk/hardcore-esque screamo bands.
    Raein's Nati Da Altri Padri/Ogni Nuovo Inizio might be my very favourite screamo release. Such a massive EP, that. Brilliant stuff! The band released a new album/EP this year as well, but I haven't heard it yet. But knowing this band it's probably great, as the rest of their discography. Fantastic band!
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror - Very fun zombie film made to cash in on the success of Zombie Flesh Eaters. This is a plotless zombie film with nothing good going on at all, with the exception of some of the make-up and special effects. But it's 80 minutes of pure gindhouse fun. Cheap, sleazy and silly. Some of the zombies looks amazing, some of them looks like crap, some of the special effects are great, other crap and so on. This is a film only for die-hard zombie fans or general fans of cheap grindhouse horror. I really liked the score to. Helped creating some atmosphere.

    Inferno - One of the most underrated horror films of all time, by one of the finest filmmakers in the history of horror films, Dario Argento. This is 110 minutes of style over substance, but the style is so good here. This film is more a series of amazing set-pieces, beautifully shot images and amazing atmosphere, than a film with a proper storyline. I feel like this film is so misunderstood. It's not about plot, it's about emotion and atmosphere. It's a trippy nightmare, fear on huge amount of acid. The way it looks, the way it sounds, the way everything play out. It's incredible. If you are looking for plot and substance you'll be very disappointed, but if you are looking for atmosphere, haunting and nightmarish imagery of fear, then you'll be pleased, because this film truly has that. A misunderstood masterpiece!
    An incredible film! Top notch soundtrack bu Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake & Palmer fame as well.

  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from allisapp in random thoughts thread   
    I can't wait to get started on this. Will start during next week, as soon as I finish Narcos. They handled Daredevil really good, and I expect them to handle Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist with the same amount of quality and respect as they did Daredevil. And The Defenders can so easily become among the greatest, if not the greatest, superhero adaption of all time if they continue down the path they started with Daredevil. Yeah!
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from reminiscing2004 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    If you had heard a song like Kakusei Heroism without knowing Bou had left and Takuya had replaced him, you would NEVER have guessed it was a different guitarist. You may not like the song itself, but no way would you have said "oh shit, they must have gotten a new guitarist because this sounds so different from before". You wouldn't have heard a god damn difference at all.
    The difference between Shikisai Moment and Magnya Carta is a million times bigger than the difference between Magnya Carta and Gokutama Rock Cafe. Music-wise Gokutama Rock Cafe is nothing but a Magnya Carta v2.0, and you can hear that the majority of the songs are written by the same guys who wrote the majority of Magnya Carta. It's weaker, sure, but it sounds more or less the same.
  13. Like
    Bear reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    So, I finally got around to watching Deathgasm.
    Take the basic premise of The Evil Dead, blend it with a strong dose of metal and you'll end up with this fun little horror comedy right here. The basic plot of the movie can be summed up as follows; teenage metalhead accidentally unleashes a demon invasion upon his small, sleepy New Zealand town by playing an ancient doom metal song. Hilarity ensues. What follows is a wild ride with lots and lots of blood and gore. Thankfully, the film mostly features practical effects, with only the occasional use of CGI here and there. Awesome. Also, I laughed way harder than I should have at the mental image of the movie's token Dungeons & Dragons nerd deciding to face the ongoing demon apocalypse with Hulk gloves
    Of course the movie has its downsides as well, the female lead (while being quite hot) comes off a bit stiff at times acting-wise and the whole subplot of the evil cult sort of felt dumb to me, but other than that.. Yeah, fun popcorn flick. Go see it/download it if you can.
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    I also received this in the mail the other day:

    Box with the four Blind Dead movies, a disc with a documentary on Amando de Ossorio and an interview with the guy, and a 40 page booklet. It looks very nice.
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Horror Movies   
    That's weird. Both Deep Red and Blood and Black Lace, which tend to be included in more or less everyone's top 5 giallo lists (with good reason, as these are the best!) are very easy to find with a decent amount of seeds. kat.cr has both, as well as a shitload of other giallos. Anyway, all those are very cool. Four very different types of giallos as well. Amer and The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears might be a bit too fucked up and weird for most people, though, but if you like weird there's no reason why they shouldn't please you.
    I don't know as I have never seen the film, but in general a twist tends to mean that's there's something very surprising and unexpected coming, and that itself is a huge spoiler. But as I said, no idea if that's what happens in the film you mentioned. Good work, though. The spoiler tag is here to be used.
    I can see why this ain't a film for everyone, but I really liked it. Thought it was superb to be honest. Psychedelic and nice. I'm sure taking acid gives you the exact same feeling as watching this film. It's a huge trip.
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    I have made no less than 9 liters, or around 6 kg or something of chili con carne today. I reheated it for dinner earlier today with a it of dark beer in it, and it turned out even better than before.It turned out so fucking good! Mmmmmh! Now I gotta find myself a cold beer and celebrate my brilliant cooking skills. I'm a God!
    And I still have some ingredients left. Think I'll make more during next week. Great food to freeze down and just reheat later on. So simple and fast. Yeeeeeah baby. Hail to the King!
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Horror Movies   
    That's weird. Both Deep Red and Blood and Black Lace, which tend to be included in more or less everyone's top 5 giallo lists (with good reason, as these are the best!) are very easy to find with a decent amount of seeds. kat.cr has both, as well as a shitload of other giallos. Anyway, all those are very cool. Four very different types of giallos as well. Amer and The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears might be a bit too fucked up and weird for most people, though, but if you like weird there's no reason why they shouldn't please you.
    I don't know as I have never seen the film, but in general a twist tends to mean that's there's something very surprising and unexpected coming, and that itself is a huge spoiler. But as I said, no idea if that's what happens in the film you mentioned. Good work, though. The spoiler tag is here to be used.
    I can see why this ain't a film for everyone, but I really liked it. Thought it was superb to be honest. Psychedelic and nice. I'm sure taking acid gives you the exact same feeling as watching this film. It's a huge trip.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    As for classics, these five are a good place to start as they're top notch quality and really give a sense of what giallo is all about:
    Deep Red
    Blood and Black Lace
    The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
    Don't Torture a Duckling
    These are all essential as far as giallo and slashers goes. If you like some of these, then you should dig way deeper into the genre as it has got a shitload of amazing movies to offer. I think Blood and Black Lace are my favourite out of this. Such a fine film, man!
    As for more modern films, there's been a few releases over the past 10 years that's amazing as well:
    Red Nights
    Yellow (2012)
    Berberian Sound Studio
    The Editor
    The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears
    These are a lot more experimental and artsy, though.But they're all fantastic. From these I'd say Red Nights are my favourite, but it's a very hard pick.
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from The Reverend in THE HIP HOP THREAD!   
    Fantastic song, and Mr. Mutherfuckin’ eXquire's verse is easily the highlight here. That flow is incredible, man. The entire album is fantastic. Among the most overlooked hip hop albums of the 2000's so far. It might be El-P's straightest effort so far in his career in terms of production, but it's so well-done from begining to end and it's got his name written all over it anyway so even if it's unoriginal in many ways, it still sounds fresh as fuck. Genius!
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in The general Metal discussion thread   
    This legend died recently. What a man, guys! Was a fantastic drummer in his first period in Motorhead.

    Hell yeah!
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    One of the best movie clips ever. Fucking classic!
  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    A Serbian Film sucks, and that comes from someone deep into all kinds of exploitation film. Didn't have any impact on me whatsoever as I felt it tried way too hard to be shocking. "Let's take everything that's awful and press it into one film. That'll be cool and shocking, bro.". No, it won't. That's not how you make a shocker anymore. It's also way too polished and well-made for its own good IMO. 3/10, boring.
    I'd rather watch Martyrs, Audition, À l'intérieur, Irréversible or some other classics if I want something shocking, because these films has a lot more going on. The terrorizing, dark and disturbing atmosphere and feeling in these films are amazing. It's a lot more than just some graphic shit like A Serbian Crap. Mmmmmh!
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    A Serbian Film sucks, and that comes from someone deep into all kinds of exploitation film. Didn't have any impact on me whatsoever as I felt it tried way too hard to be shocking. "Let's take everything that's awful and press it into one film. That'll be cool and shocking, bro.". No, it won't. That's not how you make a shocker anymore. It's also way too polished and well-made for its own good IMO. 3/10, boring.
    I'd rather watch Martyrs, Audition, À l'intérieur, Irréversible or some other classics if I want something shocking, because these films has a lot more going on. The terrorizing, dark and disturbing atmosphere and feeling in these films are amazing. It's a lot more than just some graphic shit like A Serbian Crap. Mmmmmh!
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Horror Movies   
    Deathgasm looks neat! I really want to watch it, but it's still not available. The film looks like so much fun.
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Last movie you saw.   
    Jurassic World - Far better than I had expected, but it just pales compared to the original, and let us be honest here; this is more a remake of the two first films than a sequel. It's basically a modern and updated version of the original. It's enjoyable for what it is. In fact I was very much entertained, but it's not something I'll rewatched very often. And a few things were just too stupid. Not sure what they were thinking. Anyway, I was entertained. A 7/10 type of film I guess. A weak 7, but a 7.
    I did like the battle at the ending, though. Felt like a proper kaiju fight. Very surprising, but cool.
    The most disappointing thing here is the amount of CGI. I could only spot a few scenes where they used cool, charming animatronic dinosaurs. The rest looked like CGI. Rather good CGI, but CGI nonetheless. It's a shame they didn't follow the original in it's use of practical/animatronic and CGI. It's basically the perfect recipie for how to use CGI.

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