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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    To save way more money than what I did in 2016. My goal as it stands now is to go out of 2017 with $8460 saved up in 2017, plus whatever I've already got on my account now. I think this will be fairly easy though, so I am currently going through things to see if I might have to double it or something.
  2. Bear

    I downloaded Discord instead of using the browser version and it was much better than the browser version. Worked fairly well to be honest. Was nice.
  3. Bear

    So has anyone here digged really deep into the Tokusatsu films of the 50's, 60's and 70's? I've always been really into Kaiju, but I want to dig really deep into the non-Kaiju Tokusatsu films of the 50's, 60's and 70's. I don't care if it's sci-fi or horror, if it's good or bad as long as it's drenched in special effects and is fun as fuck. It can be Invasion of the Neptune Men, a film so fucking bad it's amazing, or something way better like Matango which is a truly brilliant film. Very interested in diggin' deeper into the Kaijin sub genre too. Supervillains is often fun, but they tend to be underdevelpoed as fuck and with far from enough screen time. But as far as I've understood Kaijin usually have a supervillain as a very central or main character? Sounds awesome. I really want to watch Kamen Rider Amazon (74-75) which looks absolutely sick and twisted too. Seems to be quite different from other Kamen Rider series, with lots of creative monsters and special effects, and even a nice amount of blood and gore. And this is supossed to be a childrens series. Looks crazy as fuck!
  4. Bear

    Ew. I am disgusted. Bye.
  5. Bear

    Let me guess: you're also among the group of people who think the altered "special editions" of the original trilogy that the cunt that is George Lucas consider the ultimate versions are better than the originals too. I hope I am wrong, but if you like the prequels I'll be very surprised if I am in fact wrong. Watched Chappie today. A bit disappointing, but a lot better than its reception gives us the impression of. Not a masterpiece, and the happy ending was kinda lame, but other than that I had a good time. Solid and fun, if nothing more. Also watched Ted 2 which was total fucking dogshite. I liked the first one, but this only made me smile once, and that was the semen-scene. But even that scene, which was by far the best in the entire film, didn't make me laugh. Crap film.
  6. Bear

    Rewatched the original Star Wars trilogy, the The Star Wars Holiday Special and The Force Awakens. I was a bit afraid that The Force Awakens wouldn't hold up after seeing what a new Star Wars film can actually be like in form of Rogue One, but I was not disappointed at all. Rehash of Star Wars? Sure it is, but I don't care. Still think it was the right move to be honest. Bring back the true feeling of Star Wars for the old generation, but modernize it to please new, younger minds. Still love the film! Time for a rating: 1. Star Wars (10/10) 2. The Empire Strikes Back (10/10) 3. Rogue One (9/10) 4. Return of the Jedi (9/10) 5. The Force Awakens (8/10) 6. The Star Wars Holiday Special (1/10, so godfuckingawful it's good) 7. The Phantom Menace (4/10) 8. Attack of the Clones (2/10) 9. Revenge of the Sith (2/10) I thik all three prequel films are horrendous. Just godfuckingawful. The reason The Phantom Menace gets a higher score is ONLY because of the pod race which is pretty cool. But other than that I can't really find anything decent about any of these three films. Awful characters, poor story-telling, really fucking shitty CGI and so on. They're basically big lumps of bad CGI. I really hate the visual style they've gone for in these films too. Looks way too polished, pretty and artificial. Shite films, and I hate every single human being who enjoys any of these. Death to all!
  7. Bear

    Wait, what? You have to know how to blast to be in a death metal band? I didn't know that and I've been into death metal for 15+ years now. There's a shitload if mid-tempo and slow(er) death metal bands out there without blast beats and god knows what where Shinya would do just fine. Technically speaking of course. But as a drummer and band member I've always looked upon him as the weakest link in Dir en grey, especially in recent time with Uroboros, Rinkaku and Sustain the Untruth. I don't hate the drumming on these releases and I'm not really annoyed by it, but I've always felt like it was just there, and he does these things just for the sake of doing them, not because it adds anything cool/interesting/special to the songs.
  8. I have one wish for 2017 and that's for the original, unaltered Star Wars trilogy to get a proper release again. I don't care if it's on VHS, DVD or Blu-Ray. Just get it fucking out there. Would make life twice as good in an instant.


    But it won't happen as George Lucas is a fucking idiot.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      If only my friend... All the little changes just range from inconsequential to dumb... leave it alone George!

    2. Bear


      The changes made it closer to the original vision, but I don't think there's a single one of the changes that has improved the film in any way. The CGI used are already dated as fuck, and they simply doesn't look any good at all.


      The worst of the lot is probably the changes done to the sarlacc in the Pit of Carkoon. The original looks menacing and scary as hell, the revisited one looks silly, dumb and fucking out of place. And dated as fuck of course.

  9. Kagrra for sure. I can't think of a single band who sounds anything like these guys, and it's a shame because the worlds needs more Kagrra-esque bands. Of both eras. Flawless band!
  10. I'll have to go with the first wave. I just love that raw and wild thrash/speed metal a lot of them bands brought to the table in their early days. The first few releases by X Japan and Aion, Rosenfeld, , Gargoyle, Harkenkreuz, Mein Kampf, Rommel and so on. The visual kei metal scene wasn't very big at this time as far as I know, but the few thrash/speed metal bands I know of from this time rules. Following that I'd probably go for the fifth wave because of Kagrra and Heidi.
  11. Bear

    Twice as long, but with 2--5 poor(er) songs thrown in. Aight, sound great. Would not buy.
  12. Bear

    If the 35 minutes are great, what's the problem? I'd rather have 35 perfect minutes than 50 where 5-15 minutes are less than perfect. I could never imagine Slayer's Reign in Blood (28 minutes), Framtid's ‎"Under The Ashes" and "Defeat Of Civilization" (27 minutes and 21 minutes), Extreme Noise Terror's "A Holocaust in Your Head" (26 minutes) or Repulsion's "Horrified" (29 minutes) being any longer. They're all perfect as they are. And I'll gladly pay full price for all of them as they are brilliant and totally worth it. But at the same time I could never imagine or want for Cultes des Ghoules' "Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love" (100 minutes) or Reverend Bizarre's "III: So Long Suckers" (125 minutes) to be any shorter as they are perfect as they are.
  13. Bear

    That depends on the genre, the type of music the band plays, how good the songwriting is and so on. But there's no such thing as a perfect album lenght, but a general thumb rule for me is that the more agressive the music is, the shorter the album should be. There's always certain exceptions of course, but just in general. But for agressive music such as grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, hardcore, crust, "war metal" (aka really violent brand of black/death metal) and so on I prefer it to be between 15-50. For other genres such as ambient, (slower/symphonic/more atmospheric) black metal and doom metal I'll easily take 80-140 minutes playtime. But it depends on how well the album is set up, how good the songwriting is and all that. So for me, the perfect album lenght can be anything between 10 minutes and 140+ minutes. Number of songs however doesn't matter. If an album has 25 songs and play for 60 minutes or have one song and play for 60 minutes has nothing to say. No difference whatsoever. It's about the styleof the music and the songwriting. The general quality of the music.
  14. Bear

    How I spent my day at work today: 07.15-09.00 - watched people play Mario Maker on youtube 09.00-10.00 - spent this hour lying on the couch doing nothing 10.00-10.30 - in the gym all by myself, shooting football into the wall. 10.30-11.00 - walked around outside the building 11.00-12.30 - took a break. Had a couple of cups of coffee and watched people play Mario Maker on youtube 12.30-13.00 - played 2048 on an iPad 13.00-13.45 - played drums and guitar all by myself 13.45-14.10 - was playing cards with some of the kids Easily one of the least productive days on work ever. Well, the entire weekl has been a lot like this. Only difference is that I've spent about an hour a day cleaning a huge, dirty shed. With music on my ear of course. Tomorrow will be much of the same. It's a decent way to earn some money. It's only four days until all hell breaks loose again, so I gotta be like this now that I can.
  15. Well, that sucks. They finally reached up and reached their potential with Terminal Redux and I was very excited to see where they'd take it next. Doubt they'd manage to top it, but still, would've been interesting to see what they were gonna do anyway. Dave will continue Vektor, though. That's good at least. But I wonder how much if an input the other guys had on the band's sound and songwriting. I'm pretty sure Dave is the main songwriter, but I am not sure.
  16. Bear

    Rewatched Superbad today. Still the best fucking comedy ever. Films doesn't get funnier than this. 10/10!
  17. Bear

    Syre you didn't, but a twist can make or break a film, and a twist in itself is usually considered a huge surprise. It should be something totally unexpected. When you know there's a twist you know something else will happen, and that things isn't what they seem to be. That means that even if you don't know exactly what is gonna happen, you know something is gonna happen. And that is in fact a huge spoiler. Revealing that there's a twist is something that will make a lot of people look for the twist (because we already know its coming), which again makes it easier for us to reveal and see the twist before it's actually appeared. A spoiler can be a lot more than just revealing an important plot element. A spoiler is synonymous with "something you'd like to find out yourself", and a twist is exactly that to me. The best twists are the ones I don't see coming at all, not even knowing they are about to come, even if I know nothing about what. But anyhow, that's just my opinion. Like. Yeah. Mine.
  18. Bear

    I've tried this a few times and both me and my gaming mate are far from impressed. It's been working like a poor man's Skype for the both of us.
  19. Bear

    I'm not gonna be a complete dickhead, but sou should never reveal a twist if there is one. Just saying a film has a twist is a huge spoiler.
  20. Bear

    Nothing wrong with generic as far as I see it. You're talking to someone who loves 49/50 slasher movies made back in the mid-/late-70's and 80's. And as we all know, 98% of these films are generic as hell. Which is not a problem for me at all.
  21. Bear

    FInally got Requiem for Fools and Sigh / Kawir - Suicidogenic / Sinn. Happy days!
  22. Bear

    Why would you be looking forward to a new Sigh album if you only like one our of eleven albums, and that was the debut album released 23 years ago?
  23. Bear

    Thangorodrim - Taur-nu-Fuin Do not be fooled by the cover, this is not black metal. Thangorodrim plays something we've come to known as dungeon synth over the years, a subgenre of ambient closely related to black metal. Thangorodrim plays dungeon synth similar to what Mortiis did from 93-96, and he does it really well. Taur-nu-Fuin is the best dungeon synth since Mortiis' Crypt of the Wizard. Highly atmospheric album that would be the perfect soundtrack to an evening with Dungeons and Dragons among friends, or something along those lines. Or just alone with lit candles on a dark, quiet evening.
  24. Bear

    Anyone seen Lights Out yet? I've only seen the short film which was great. David Sandberg is set to direct Annabelle 2. Annabelle was utter fucking garbage so I remain sceptical, but Sandberg looks like a very interesting director so I am interested. And The Spierig Brothers who made the great sci-fi thriller Predestination are directing the upcomming Saw film, Saw: Legacy. I can't say I dig the Saw franchise, but the first one is excellent, the 2nd is good and 7th are decent too. Not really looking forward to it, but I'm interested for sure. And talking about upcoming horror films, I am really looking forward to God Particle, the third installment in the Cloverfield franchise. I rewatched Cloverfield yesterday and I gotta admit it's aged very well. Works really well as both a found footage horror film and a kaiju film.
  25. Bear

    Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is something of a modern classic and a hidden gem imo. Imagine John Carpenter, Tim Burton and Joe Dante making a film together. It's like a mix of Carpenter-esque horror, Burton-esque fantasy and Dante-esque comedy. An instant classic!
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