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Posts posted by Bear

  1. 53 minutes ago, niivozombie said:

    Loved this thread so much, lol. There were a lot I didnt remember.

    Surprised I didnt see any of the following:

    - "What do you mean [insert vk indie band] has already disbanded?? They only released 4 singles and one maxi album, who does that??"


    I thought it was more in the line of "What do you mean [insert vk indie band] has already disbanded?? They only released 4 promo pictures and announced they were formed, who does that??"

  2. I usually don't mind product placement at all. While it most often doesn't improve on a film, it doesn't take anything away from it either. I can't imagine having problems with Wayne's World, E.T., I, Robot, Superman II, Casino Royale and Skyfall (and the rest of the James Bond franchise I guess), Toy Story, Risky Business, The Wizard, Back To The Future II and so on just because of product placement, and all of these have really blatant product placement.


    Some films, like Wayne's World and I, Robot are even strengthened by it. Especially I, Robot as it says a lot about our main guy and who he is, and it just adds a lot of credibility to him. But it's some of the more blatant product placement I can think of in a good film. 



    But to each their own of course. Liked the KFC scene a lot meself.

  3. Being better than the first season is no easy task. Stranger Things season 1 is up there with the very best TV-series/seasons ever made.


    Watched the first episode yesterday and can't really decide if I want to binge or watch it over 4-5 days. First episode was so good I wanted to cry.

  4. Day 19:


    Frightmare - There's at least two films known by this title, but this is the Norman Thaddeus Vane flick. A goofy, supernatural slasher that's actually a bit original due to the supernatural elements. Ferdy Mayne stars as Conrad Radzoff, a horror movie icon of the past. He's like a mix of Vincent Price, Christopher Lee and Bela Lugosi, and the character is so much fun. Ferdy Mayne does a really good job, and among the cast you also get a young Jeffrey Combs in his debut. 


    This isn't great film art or anything like that, but it's damn fine entertainment.


    Take a look at all the horror props in the film. Masks, posters and such, and it features  some clips of a very young Christopher Lee. Awesome stuff!





  5. Day 18:


    Splatter University - Splatter University is the first film by Richard W. Haines, a man best known for the cult film Class of Nuke 'Em High. Splatter University is in many ways a very early slasher film. First directed in 81, but it was just over an hour long so they decided to add something like 10-15 minutes of scenes with different students and shit and not released before 84. 


    Splatter University is a Troma Entertainment film, and if you like cult films you should know what Troma is all about. Low-budget horror films that's often drenched in campy concepts, splatter, blood and gore, parody and farce, even though they got things that got nothing to do with horror to their name as well. They got cult classics like The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'Em High, Surf Nazis Must Die, Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. and Redneck Zombies to their name. Complete trash, even though The Toxic Avenger are one of my all-time favourite superhero films. 


    And this film is no different. Poorly written, sloppily shot, awfully acted and very much over the top. But it's a real fun film for what it is. A trashy, sleazy slasher film that kows exactly what it is and doesn't try to hide it. If you are heavily into slashers and like both cheese, trash and sleaze, I totally recommend this. But I know something like 250 slashers I'd recommend before this.





  6. Finished Castlevania, season 1, and what a fucking series. It stays so true to the video games and everything about just feels like classic Castlevania. Not superbly written, but it's good enough with great atmosphere, a fantastic amount of violence and a superb cast. This is probably the first time a western animation film/series has given me a real 80-90's anime vibe. Makes me think of Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D/Vampire HUnter D: BLoodlust and so on. Loved it!

  7. Day 17:


    The Last Man on Earth - The first, most faithful and by far best adaption of Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend. The Last Man on Earth stars Vincent Price who is as over the top and theatrical as ever, and he deliver a performance worthy a proper horror legend. The atmosphere is dark and grim, and captures a true feeling of solitude and loneliness and unlike later adaptions, is more about our main man battling feeling within himself than the vampires. Slow-burning and drenched in atmosphere, and like I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House this is more a mood piece than anything else, as it actually fails on a narrative level. But this is 60's cult horror, and it's cult for a reason. It's a tour the force Vincent Price who spends much of the film alone, narrating with his fantastic voice and just being awesome.


    Really cool monsters too. While the monsters in this film are considered vampires, they are also considered the blueprint for Romero's traditional zombies in Night of the Living Dead, as they are much closer to those than e.g any other vampires made.







    Like I said, the best adaption of I Am Legend. The next one, The Omega Man, is also fantastic. But it's a totally different film. It's technical superior to this, but is more a straight up sci-fi actioner with lots of cheese and amazing one-liners. Cult, but in a different way. 


    I Am Legend with Will Smith starts of really cool. Dark, grim and atmospheric, before it turns into a sub-par zombie film for the second half. Could've been so good, but it simply isn't because of the second half of the film.



  8. Day 16:


    Annabelle: Creation - The first Annabelle was nothing short of a disappointed where more or less everything was wrong. So with that in head, I did not exactly expect much of this. Before this, director David F. Sandberg impressed the world with his short film Lights Out, while he later disappointed the world with his first feature film, Lights Out, which was just one huge, standard boring and modern horror cliche after another.


    But Annabelle: Creation is almost exactly what the first one should've been. Ok, so it's a tad too long, go for a few cheap scares too many and takes the easy way out at the end. But for the vast majority of the film you get some very good atmosphere, beautiful shots and a good cast doing some very nice acting. I don't think this is nearly as good as The Conjuring, and not quite as good as The Conjuring 2, but unlike the first one which was a mess of a cheap fucking horror film, this actually has something in common with these films in form of how the scares are chosen and how the atmosphere is created, despite being much further away from the premise of The Conjuring I & II than the first film.





  9. Day 15:


    I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House - I'd say I am above average interested in horror films, and I'd say I've seen a decent amount of horror films. I probably hit a four digit amount over 8-10 years ago. But despite this I am not sure if I've ever seen a horror film as slow as I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House. This will bore 99/100 people who watch it to death, but I thought it was a stunning film.


    I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House is something as rare as a modern film set to a rather modern time that truly catches the gothic atmosphere of the past. A dream-like, gothic haunted house film unlike anything I've seen. Director Oz Perkins doesn't seem to give a fuck and just plays around with his filmmaking. Perkins choose very unusual way to tell a tale, and doesn't really give us a narrative film. Perkins instead plays around with structure. It's not about plot at all. It's about atmosphere, it's about death and the dead. It's just one of the most gothic film I've seen, but you have to be able to enjoy pure mood pieces to be able to enjoy this. It's mellow, slow and dream-like.



    A house with a death in it can never again be bought or sold by the living. It can only be borrowed by the ghosts who have stayed behind.





  10. Day 14:


    The Babysitter - I had not heard about this film until it popped up on Netflix as I was just browsing through the newly added film. I loved the poster and checked the genre, and as it said horror I just had to check it out. So what I knew about this film was its title, its poster and ultimately genre.


    The Babysitter...what the fuck? Well, The Babysitter is Netflix's new original film. A very teeny horror-comedy filled with incredibly childish, immature and dumb humor, lots of violence and lots of blood. It's a campy coming-of-age story, while flawed and far from deep or superbly written, offers one hell of a fun ride and I was in tears several times during the film, and I was laughing out loud for real. It was that fucking funny.


    So, this isn't a film that'll please a lot of people. But it really did wonders for me, and it's only slightly behind I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore as far as Netflix films goes.





  11. Day 13:


    Wolf Creek 2 - The Hitcher meets Wolf Creek? That's a fairly accurate description I'd say. While the original Wolf Creek was more of a standard thriller, it worked really well offering nice atmosphere, a badass villain and lovely chemestry between the cast. And there was this sense of claustrophobia and realism that really made the film what it is.


    For this, John Jarratt returns as Mick Taylor and he is as good as he is over the top. He offers a lot of entertainment throughout the film, and this is more or less based around him. But at the end, through the 100 minutes, we get a bit too much of him as he loses some of his mysticism which is something I really need for bad guys like him. But the film starts really strong and the first half an hour or so is brilliant. Then, after that. it slowly starts to drag a bit.


    Some fantastic, brutally gory scenes and violence throughout the film and some nice cat and mouse games. But the film is 25 minutes too long for its own good. Enjoyable and lots of fun, but could and should've been a bit better.






  12. MV5BMzQ4MjEyNjg4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTY1



    Oh dear God, does this look fucking brilliant. Director S. Craig Zahler debuted with Bone Tomahawk, a film that is among my very favourites within both horror and western. And he doesn't seem to have lost it in the years before. Been told that Vince Vaughn is just fucking terrifying and brutal in the film, and that he makes his best role ever. Can't wait for this!

  13. Day 12:


    A Night of Horror Volume 1 - Great anthology horror 10 directors, 8 different short films. As usual with films like this there quality is very up and down, but for most part is was very enjoyable. Lots of nice practical special effects and lots of fun.


    Point of View and Scission was the highlights for me, followed by The Priest and Hum. Some of the other were good fun too, and a couple were on the weaker side of things. Dark Origins and Ravenous were the least enjoyable ones.





  14. Day 11:


    AM1200 - 40 minute long short film by a man called David Prior, starring people like Eric Lange (Narcos), John Billingsley (Star Trek: Enterprise) and Ray Wise (Twin Peaks). If I didn't know any better I'd say this was a H.P. Lovecraft adaption, but in this is actually an original script. But I can say that's director-writer David Prior knows his Lovecraft and how Lovecraft build his tales. This is dark, cold and eerie as fuck, well-acted and superbly shot to create some immense atmosphere. A must-see for any fan of Lovecraftian horror.


    My only real complaint is some dodgy CGI, but it's just minimal.





  15. Day 10:


    The Autopsy of Jane Doe - I was very much looking forward to this, but at the same time I just had to meet the film with a good dose of scepticism because it has a Norwegian director. And director André Øvredal's previous film Trolljegeren got so grand reviews in the Norwegian media that I did not bother seeing it. The Norwegian films that gets covered over here are usually the more mainsteam and boring-as-fuck-ones, while the good ones don't get anything. Barely gets a mention.


    Anyway, André Øvredal shows great promise with The Autopsy of Jane Doe. He's not afraid of taking his time, show close ups of a body being cut apart, and telling his story in a most unusual way, while he at the same time use well-known techniques used in horror films to creat something very familiar. It's smart and clever, creepy and atmospheric, and even the jump scares are fairly well-done, even though you can sense them coming from long away. But they are not in focus at all. Claustrophobic, slightly arty and very exploitation-like. Liked it a lot!





  16. I kinda agree, and if I look at my top 15-20 superhero films if the past 17 years, the majority of them are films that looks at superheroes a bit different, and take a different angle to it all. Nost of them are aimed at a minor league audience as eellfar, as oppossed to the other 97% which are mainli aimed towards the vadt majority of cinema goers.


    Like Dredd, Faust: Love of the Damned, Kick-Ass, Watchmen, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Deadpool to name a few, but they are all very distinctive and different to be both honest and fair, and will have a smaller audience than Batman, Superman and Iron Man, The vAengers, Thor, Spider-Man and so on, just to name a few as an example.

  17. Wonder Woman - Much better than expected and a decent superhero film, but if this exact film was made by a male the hype train would not be so big. It's an original film without much origin information, way too much slow-mo and cheap-ass CGI. It takes an incredible amount of time to get going, and when it gets going it's just one poorly directed action scene after another. And even when it takes its time, like in the first half, it doesn't do much at all. It's kinda just there.


    There's some cool and different action scenes in the film, but the majority are ruined by poor CGI and/or slow-mo. 


    Now this sounds incredibly negative, but I thought it was decent entertainment. But there's no chance in the world it deserves its grand reviews and ratings.


    Doctor Strange - This however is exactly how you make a superhero film. First off, Doctor Strange never feels very super. And just that alone makes it stand out a bit in the huge world of superheroes we've got today. There is some doggy CGI here, but what really makes the majority of CGI work fairly well is that it never tries to look real. The visuals is fairly trippy and weird, the origin story feels like an origin story and its tone is just very different from most other films. By far the most artistic and out-there MCU film yet.


    Visually it feels a bit like a trippy Inception at times, only this isn't pure filth as Inception is. It's actually fairly pleasant to look at.

  18. Day 9:


    The Hallow - For most part a nice and atmospheric horror film with some very nice practical effects, but every now and then I am just completely dragged out of the film's atmosphere because is abysmal CGI. It's not much, but enough to really weaken the film a lot. But I liked the overall mythology and fairytale-esqe atmosphere which certainly is a big plus. Imagine Straw Dogs  as a dark fantasy/horror or something and you get what this is all about.


    Nice seeing Benjen Stark and Roose Bolton too.





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