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Posts posted by Bear

  1. That is good. Heretic Rites is another band ripping off Satan's Satyrs, albeit a lot more doomy sounding at times. Not as great as either Alucarda or Satan's Satyrs, their second demo, In Satan's Claws, is really good. Sounds like it was recorded in the 70's whilst in the mid of a brutal acid trip. It's also re-released with two tracks that's not quite as lo-fi and way more up-beat, with some superb keys on them.  The first track sounds a bit more Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats while the second track sounds more like Electric Wizard. Great songs nonetheless.

  2. The thing that worries me is that horror is a niche genre whether we like it or not, and it's a genre that simply shouldn't please everybody. It's a genre that shall divide people. It should be as hated as it is loved. But when everyone, including people who loathe horror films in general, suddenly loves a film, it does worry me quite a bit. Call me stupid, but that's just how it is for me.


    A film getting good reviews doesn't worry me. I love plenty films who debuted to brilliant reviews and all that. But when the the 62 year old woman I work with, who absolutely loathe horror films, love a horror film, I feel like I've got all the reason in the world to turn very sceptical. :P 

  3. 2 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Also, somewhat related to the topic at hand, been really getting into Satan's Satyrs, what a sound! Just what I need right now. "Wild Beyond Belief!" has some of the most crummy, lo-fi but screaming hot sounds I've ever heard, and it shouldn't seem as enjoyable as it is, but damn is it good to blast that caveman production at full volume! Eternal respect to Claythanas for writing, producing and performing/playing everything on here. The demo and the EP are quality stuff too, but this filth is on a whole other level. Musically the rest of the albums are okay too, but do not really match the decadence of the full-length debut imo.


    Wild Beyond Belief! is absolute perfection. Doom metal punk at its absolute finest, and as good as the songs and performance is, the production is the highlight. So filthy and disgusting.


    I think Don't Deliver Us is as good, btw. Very different, but just as good. Sounds like Blue Cheer from hell getting raped by Black Sabbath or something. Creepy Teens is their best song by far. I fucking love those cheerleader-esque vocals.



    I don't know if you've checked it out yet, but I've been talking about Alucarda for years now. They've got the same biker and exploitation-vibe as Wild Beyond Belief! Now, Raw Howls isn't as awesomely produced as Wild Beyond Belief!, but it's got better songs IMO. I consider them equal. And don't believe those calling Alucarda a shitty rip off. While they certainly do rip off Satan's Satyrs, they're not shitty. They're as good. 

  4. W Is War - Filipino action from 83 with a really strond Max Max: The Road Warrior vibe. Or, not that you'd ever confuse this with The Road Warrior, but it's got that post-apocalyptic Mad Maxian vibe to it. The guys are dressed crazy as fuck, act like they're fucking crazy and just look crazy as fuck. This film doesn't contain much of quality at all, but it's insanely fun. And guess what, W isn't for war. W is WILD! Because that is what this gem of a film is. Loved it!


    Battletruck / Warlords of the 21st Century - First off, that battletruck looks immense. It looks powerful and crazy as fuck, and is alone a reason to watch this film. Now, as far as I know this was actually filmed before Mad Max: The Road Warrior, but I believe it was released after, hence the reputation as a Mad Max rip off. But this is actually quite lot more than just a Mad Max rip off. Got a whole different vibe to it, and is visually very different. But at the same time they got a lot in common.


    Not nearly as good as a film such as Exterminators of the Year 3000, but still a really fun, trashy film. And the battletruck looks IMMENSE!!!



  5. Yeah, huge fan of older Candlemass here, with their debut Epicus Doomicus Metallicus beyond my favourite by a long shot. One of the best and most epic doom metal albums of all time.


    Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (what a glorious and fitting title!), Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales of Creation are all must-haves for fans of doom metal.


    Chapter V, Dactylis Glomerata and From the 13th Sun gives me nothing at all. Awfully boring albums, and much less doomy than both previous and later albums.


    Candlemass was a nice return to form, but it didn't last long.


    King of the Grey Islands, Death Magic Doom and Psalms for the Dead ave plenty good music, but Robert Lowe, as fantastic as he really is, was just out of place on those albums and he sounds so unconfident. Don't think he fits the style at all. Would love to hear these with a different vocalist. 


    Death Thy Lover however is once again a return to form, and Mats Levén sounds like he was born to sing for Candlemass. Great release!


    Dark Are the Veils of Death should be a fun release too.


    Also, Candlemass is one of my all time favourite band names. Cool as fuck!


    Bewtiched was also the directiroal debut of Jonas Åkerlund who was a member of Bathory at one time (83-84), and he played on the Scandinavian Metal Attack split. Afterwards he's gone on to direct videos for bands and artists Madonna, Lady Gaga, Metallica, The Prodigy, Paul McCartney, Satyricon, Beyonce and more. But his masterpiece is Spun. Fantastic film!

  6. A new Saw coming this year. Why are no-one surprised? lålz. @Jigsaw9without the 9. So just Jigsaw. Don't have high expectations to this, but I'll watch it for sure. Just because it's Saw, even though the majority of films are either poor or just decent.

  7. oTEz8nt.jpg



    Wizard Bloody Wizard is the title of the new Electric Wizard album. Fantastic title, and I like the cover. There was a new track up on youtube but it's taken down. Apparently Clayton has made his mark onto the band as the track has some elements of Satan's Satyrs, which I think sounds amazing. People seem to think it's hella lot better than Time to Die as well, which as well all know is a good album,b ut their worst. Looking forward to this.



    The track is up on Spotify. Sounds superb!

  8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - I know I am the only one to think this, but I think this is a step up from the first one. Not as fucking jolly as the first one, and that pleased me quite a lot. Everything, with the exception of the visuals, was toned down a lot. The visuals I felt was toned up quite a bit. So colorful and nice. The story however is subpar and as standard and uninteresting as it gets, but the humor, even though toned down quite a bit, hits me hard and both Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer and Bradley Cooper as Rocket really entertains me, and I really hated Rocket in the first film. But the best thing about this film, aside from two points I'll get to later, is Michael Rooker as Yondu Udonta. Not only is Miachael Rooker doing really well here, but the character of Yondu really grew into something great in this film.


    But the best parts of the film?


    Kurt Russell

    Sylvester Stallone

    And Howard the fucking Duck, man. Holy shit!

  9. Psycho Cop - Far from original and there's some massive similarities between this and Maniac Cop which came a year earlier, but this leans a bit more towards comedy while Maniac Cop leans more towards crime. And guess what, this was actually a real surprising and enjoyable film. As a slasher it's a fairly standard film, but the setting is real nice and cheesy, and nice and Robert R. Shafer just makes this film as he is completely awesome throughout the film. Can't act for shit, but he's just really cool.


    Overlooked, underrated and awesome!

  10. Always liked Rammstein quite a lot, but their stuff from 09's Pussy and onward have been very lackluster. I like themes they go for and all, but as long as the music isn't good enough it's not close to enough. But their three first albums are complete classics, and both Reise, Reise and Rosenrot are solid albums. Fun fan! Hope to catch them live someday.

  11. Shin Godzilla - Hell yeah! This is how you make a proper fucking Godzilla film. Thought this film was superb from start to finish, despite some truly dodgy and ugly CGI every now and then. Really liked the weirdness of Godzilla's looks, and how fucking awkward he looked combined with the immense and destructive powers that he showed. He actually looked pretty fucked up (in a good way), menacing, and felt like a proper threat and had that classic movie monster feeling and look to it. Superb soundtrack too.

    Wasn't quite sold on some of the English dialogue, tho. Some of it felt really forced and corny, but I don't really mind. I can look past that.


    All in all a really, really good Godzilla, kaiju and monster flick film.


    As even though the directors approach this film with a different view and idea than the older, classic stuff, they still manage to capture and pay respect to the original Godzilla films in a lovely way.


    Kong: Skull Island - I went into this with pretty low expectations, but I was positively surprised by the end of it. But yet at the same time I was slightly disappointed, because with a few major changes this could've been an instant classic.


    Despite being CGI, King Kong looks and acts nice. He has that superb, human-esque 1933 look to him, unlike what Peter Jacksons semi-realistic and boring King Kong had. It feels more like a classic movie monster and that is always a good thing. I also liked the obvious nods towards classic anime. I did not expect that, but I really liked it.

    And the soundtrack was superb! Creedence Clearwater Revival , Black Sabbath, The Stooges , Jefferson Airplane  and more. I'll never get enough of artists like these in films, especially not war films. That moment when Black Sabbath's Paranoid start playing was immense. The entire scene was just. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That is awesome! 

    I also really liked the adventure part of the film


    But what I really disliked was the action. About half way into the film is breaks into a standard Hollywood actioner, and that's when it pretty much lost me. The fights were boring, the action itself was boring. Like King Kong vs Skullcrawlers? So bad it almost gave me some kind of eye cancer. That might be because I have a huge insight into both kaiju and classic giant monster films. Like, I've seen it all. Might have something to do with it. But it was soulless and forced.


    But the adventure part of the film? So, so good! This is the kind of film I'd LOVE see remaked. For the simple reason that it has so much potential, but is not close to archiving the potential.


    But I am also not in the target group for this film. I imagine regular movie watchers and cinema goers will be entertained as fuck. But for someone above average interest in kaiju and giant monster flicks, and who has seen it all, it's not all that.


    But I was entertained. Not gonna deny that.




    But take a look at Shin Godzilla, then Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island. Shin Godzilla is made for fans of Godzilla and monster flicks in general, Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island eare made for "everyone" and to make as much money as possible. Shin Godzilla is obviously made to first and foremost please the fanbase while Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island are made first and foremost to please your every day cinema goer and all "regulars" without any big, specific interest in films. Simple as that.

  12. Shin Godzilla - Hell yeah! This is how you make a proper fucking Godzilla film. Thought this film was superb from start to finish, despite some truly dodgy and ugly CGI every now and then. Really liked the weirdness of Godzilla's looks, and how fucking awkward he looked combined with the immense and destructive powers that he showed. He actually looked pretty fucked up (in a good way), menacing, and felt like a proper threat and had that classic movie monster feeling and look to it. Superb soundtrack too.

    Wasn't quite sold on some of the English dialogue, tho. Some of it felt really forced and corny, but I don't really mind. I can look past that.


    All in all a really, really good Godzilla, kaiju and monster flick film.


    As even though the directors approach this film with a different view and idea than the older, classic stuff, they still manage to capture and pay respect to the original Godzilla films in a lovely way.

  13. Funny thing about Narcos atm is that a lot of people where  very sceptical due to the events and a few specific  death's in season 2, but most people seem to think that this is a huge step up from season 2 which again was a huge step up from season 1. Seems to be going the right way for sure.

  14. Robo Vampire - As far as I am concerned, Robo Vampire is Godfrey Ho's absolute masterpiece. First off, who is Godfrey Ho, you ask? Godfrey Ho is the Ed Wood of Hong Kong Cinema, just with 1/10th of Ed Woods talent. Which does say a lot about Godfrey Ho. He's a Z movie fan favourite because everything he touches turns into golden shit. So terribly bad it's good, for those who likes films like this. Also, an interesting fact: Godfrey Ho has been credited under more than 40 different names during the course of his career.


    Robo Vampire offers and incredibly disjointed story, giving you at least three different stories for the price of one. None makes much sense, especially not together in the same film. Maybe even more than that. You have a cyborg that is a Robocop rip-off, with no less than a suit that looks like a poorly constructed cosplay done by 4th graders, fighting classic Chinese vampires (hopping vampires) that shots something out of their arm, you have a story about a kidnapped drug enforcer and good guys vs bad guys, and something I believe to be a love story with a traditional Chinese ghost like the beautiful one found in the masterpieces that is A Chinese Ghost Story trilogy. This film is ÜBER fucking SHIT, but it's good shit. Hilariously mindblowing.


    But I have a saying and it goes like this: You can't spell Godfrey without GOD. That's how I see the man, and that is how I see this film. Godly!



    Btw, some years ago someone created a webseries called Ninja the Mission Force which was a huge tribute to Godfrey Ho. Totally recommended!

  15. On 5.4.2017 at 8:29 PM, Bear said:

    Black Magick SS - Kaleidoscope Dreams

    I've been a fan of Black Magick SS' psychedelic rock with hints of black metal since the begining, and this is by far their best release so far. It's so cheesy, but it sounds awesome. Really, really good, and as unique as it is good. Original band!


    I am not getting enough of this EP and I've probably played it between 5-10 times a day for the past month or so. Probably the very best release of the year for me. First thing I do when I wake up is to spin the EP once, then take shower, then spin it twice more before I go to work. Last thing I do before I go to bed is putting this on repeat 2-3 times and just enjoy it as I go to sleep.


    The chorus of Kaleidoscope Dreams and Tåget as well as the intro to Tåget is probably my favourite parts of the EP.  The clapping towards the end as the chorus repeats just makes the song a little bit better too. Cheesy! I kinda wonder if Tåget, which is Swedish for train btw, is a reference to the Holocaust. But I just can't make up what they're singing.

  16. Exterminator 2 - I think he first one is total fucking cult classic, but for some reason I never watched this. It's the only directorial feature of Mark Buntzman, but he does a good job. From what I know they had a lot of problems during the production of the film, with everything from the budget, to having to re-locate shooting, re-shoots and censorship issues. I think the latter is the biggest problem of the film, because the film is lacking in violence. But as with most Cannon Films sequels, this is dumbed down quite a lot. It lacks the madness and overall grindhouse-feeling of the original, it's far from as dark and gritty as the original and lacks the humor. I once saw someone call The Exterminator "First Blood done in a hateful, nihilistic fashion", and that is spot on. This is almost the opposite, like a parody of itself. It's like they tried to do what they did with Death Wish and turn it into an over the top gonzo action film, but it just isn't over the top enough. But hey, it just blow-torches itself throughout its entire runtime and I was very much entertained.


    You want to clean out the streets? I am the streets!


    Exterminators of the Year 3000 - One of the many cheap Mad Maxploitation films of the 80's. It's directed by none else than Giuliano Carnimeo (The Case of the Bloody Iris, lots of Sartana and a shitload of other Spaghetti Westerns), but is one of his last films. Cheap, cheesy, mindless and just an excuse to make an action film, but it's immensely entertaining and fun. And I just can't get enough of these cheap and cheesy Mad Maxploitation flicks. I love 'em!



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