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Status Replies posted by Yuri

  1. Have you ever had that feeling that you'd want to check new albums out or just try new bands out but you don't have free time for that? I used to had that for 5 years I think. It was caused mostly by school and pretty bad Internet connections (dorms etc) and FINALLY, after those years I'm able to check "new releases" out from 2012 or even older. omg I'm so excited.

  2. It's been about 6 years since I stopped listening to western music. Before I discovered visual kei, or any Japanese music for that matter, I was super into Damon Albarn and all his projects, particularly Blur (Modern Life Is Rubbish is their best album and everyone should listen to it for how British it is!) 


    Anyways, after discovering Japanese music etc. my tastes got a lot heavier, last time I'd listened to rock/metal I was 12 and going through a 'emo' phase (really I just mixed black with neon, my parents would make me shave my hair off until I was 16  so it was super short). Recently, I've given System of a Down a listen to, and oh my god their album Toxicity is something that should not be missed out on if you have ears! It was amazing! It gave me the same energetic feel that 'DISORDER' by The Gazette gave me, just non stop, fast paced music that you can't help but love. 


    As I've written this I've come to realise it has very little point...I guess I'm just feeling grateful for the rush that music can give to you, if that makes sense at all.


    Favourite tracks from Toxicity - 'Prison Song', 'Atwa', 'Psycho'


    Favourite tracks from DISORDER (since I mentioned it) - '$ocial Riot Machine$', 'Maximum Impulse', 'Hanakotoba'

  3. It's been about 6 years since I stopped listening to western music. Before I discovered visual kei, or any Japanese music for that matter, I was super into Damon Albarn and all his projects, particularly Blur (Modern Life Is Rubbish is their best album and everyone should listen to it for how British it is!) 


    Anyways, after discovering Japanese music etc. my tastes got a lot heavier, last time I'd listened to rock/metal I was 12 and going through a 'emo' phase (really I just mixed black with neon, my parents would make me shave my hair off until I was 16  so it was super short). Recently, I've given System of a Down a listen to, and oh my god their album Toxicity is something that should not be missed out on if you have ears! It was amazing! It gave me the same energetic feel that 'DISORDER' by The Gazette gave me, just non stop, fast paced music that you can't help but love. 


    As I've written this I've come to realise it has very little point...I guess I'm just feeling grateful for the rush that music can give to you, if that makes sense at all.


    Favourite tracks from Toxicity - 'Prison Song', 'Atwa', 'Psycho'


    Favourite tracks from DISORDER (since I mentioned it) - '$ocial Riot Machine$', 'Maximum Impulse', 'Hanakotoba'

    1. Yuri


      I feel you. Always when I was listening to those "mainstream" bands or just more "unasian" I felt like they had no power. Even I started to compare Japanese hard-rock bands to American metal and I didn't feel any difference.  The only exception was Scandinavian metal which I adore still a lot.

      I don't know is its only me but I haven't really liked System of a Down. I got bored after one month of listening to them. Maybe it was because of my friends of that time who was super hyped on it and I was pretending to be like hipster, denying everything what was popular and others' opinion. Probably I should give them a try again after some years but for this year I wanted to focus more on albums which I had for years but haven't listened yet.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I realised if I really wanted to check out all the Japanese rock/metal/punk bands I would need to spend my whole life on ONLY listening to the albums. It's depressive that I'm just unable to do it.

  5. I realised if I really wanted to check out all the Japanese rock/metal/punk bands I would need to spend my whole life on ONLY listening to the albums. It's depressive that I'm just unable to do it.

    1. Yuri


      Yeah, I suppose. It doesn't have any sense tho

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. I realised if I really wanted to check out all the Japanese rock/metal/punk bands I would need to spend my whole life on ONLY listening to the albums. It's depressive that I'm just unable to do it.

  7. I realised if I really wanted to check out all the Japanese rock/metal/punk bands I would need to spend my whole life on ONLY listening to the albums. It's depressive that I'm just unable to do it.

    1. Yuri


      If I lived in Asia/America it would be easier but in Europe there aren't that many concerts. And yeah, for now it's too expensive for me to attend most of lives.
      Well, even if many don't really release stuff there are old albums which would be nice to listen to. I prefer to have my own opinion about stuff rather than base on others' opinion. Additionally you cannot judge CD/artist by listening it once. It also takes some time.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. Holy shit, I just renew my really old friendship and realised that's so amazing feeling when you know somebody cares about you so much. Take care of your friends as well everyone :tw_heart:

  9. I enabled the dark theme on youtube because my eyes couldn't handle that much white anymore and suddenly youtube like a new site XD

    1. Yuri


      I recommend you to do the same with everything else. Your eyes will be not as tired as they use to be.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I'm so lazy today oh my god. Like I just made a sandwich and I'm tired ugh.  I also love complaining while I do stuff. 

    1. Yuri


      Yes! I remember when I had to study a lot for last week's exams and EVERYTHING was more interesting than studying! That was so, sooo bad!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm so lazy today oh my god. Like I just made a sandwich and I'm tired ugh.  I also love complaining while I do stuff. 

    1. Yuri


      Yeah, I feel you. Yesterday I spend the whole day on watching funny cats and dogs videos. I hope it won't be my new addiction though. p.p

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. You know, I was one to defend Crossfaith's musical changes for one reason or another... but I think they WIPED OUT. They're not bad musicians and I get that some changes won't always grab the attention of frequent listeners... but personal opinion... The new MV/song isn't really memorable for me. It's not awful, but it's not great. Thoughts?

    1. Yuri


      Yeah, like "Wipeout" reminds more ZION than is more original. I like them a lot but I refrain sounds very "American" and pop (of course they have always been metal/electro/pop but that one was more, much more into pop). I hope their other songs won't be like that.
      Also FREEDOM was cool, Rou Reynolds' influence was noticeable, what was... really interesting and amazing!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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