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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Deathtopi4

    New Liphlich, yayyyy
  2. Deathtopi4

  3. Deathtopi4

    Nice nice, sounds awesome!
  4. Deathtopi4

    Everything I was watching this season is pretty much over so I'll make my comments. Ajin: great story as expected, don't like the animation. Erased: I'm kind of iffy about the changed ending but the end was oddly romantic in a twisted way and that sort of thing appeals to me so eh. I loved it overall. Sekkou Boys: Best anime I've ever watched hands down. Nothing can top this. Nothing. Osomatsu-san: Super funny. Ichimatsu is my spirit animal. The angsty-then-not-angsty end made me want to punch a wall but I still enjoyed and am looking forward to the second season that will probably happen. The Spring season is looking pretty lame, the only thing I'm looking forward to is Sakamoto desu ga? and maybe a few others.
  5. Deathtopi4

    So scary ;~; I'm glad they're fine and look to be in good spirits in the photo
  6. I for one am excited for anything with Mao and Mizuki~
  7. When I was a lot younger I used I used to pretend I had crushes on some of the prettier vk guys (because those are about the only men I find even aesthetically attractive) in order to try to trick my brain into being straight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. incredible. beautiful. amazing. 100/10 best fashion I've ever seen. I am in love.
  9. Deathtopi4

    If Ryo formed a one-man band I would listen the heck out of it <3
  10. Deathtopi4

    Read about this on tumblr this morning and I'm heartbroken. They've become one of my favorite bands T.T (and lots of people are hating but Karma's melodrama is all part of his charm, I find it lovable....)
  11. Deathtopi4

    my band would be called "Your Waifu is SHITNOODLE" and we would just do heavy metal covers of anime music and occasionally write our own songs about anime related things, for example topics like "who has the best waifu" and "why does Naruto never end." We would be awful but loveable. My role would be album cover artist / songwriter / backup vocals.
  12. Rage at the power company or at Frontier if it's just the internet not working on its own. Suffer and cry. Then I read and try to preserve the batteries of my electronics in case it turns into an outage that lasts several days...
  13. So cute!!! I'd buy it if I had the money...
  14. I am so ready for this song *_*
  15. Deathtopi4

    This just made my day lmao
  16. Deathtopi4

    Yayyy they're back!
  17. Deathtopi4

    Sounds awesome, I think the PV is kinda cute too
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