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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Frickidy fucking fuck ass baloney Dezert you eggs, why you gotta hurt my heart like this. I was just about to preorder this too...
  2. Deathtopi4

    Awesome as ever, very nice!
  3. Deathtopi4

    Meto, Izumi, and Kamijo the emo vampire cry in a corner, whimpering "notice me senpai..."
  4. Deathtopi4

    Loving the new look!
  5. Lmao, I hope they improve because I'd love to be a fan of a band called Orgy of Villains.
  6. Deathtopi4

    So edgy xD I'm still excited though!
  7. Deathtopi4

    Cool! I hope they'll release it on bandcamp (at least eventually) like their singles.
  8. It's good for "my daily dose of news, downloads, and drama."
  9. Deathtopi4

    Got these in the mail today, and also finally got the digital download of TSO's new album that came with concert tickets~
  10. Very strongly approve to the support members, especially Saki and Ryo.
  11. None, I like to make my own rips and look at the booklet in case it's got anything interesting going for it.
  12. Deathtopi4

    Man, first I see the news about Cardia and now this. Even though I haven't been as into their new releases, it's still gonna be sad if they do disband
  13. Those covers are completely hideous, the curtains and sparkles are so tacky and awkward....
  14. Lol I hope they do include the digital singles, makes things simpler... But good news about the album!
  15. Deathtopi4

    Well that sucks... ><
  16. Excellent, they're always fabulous!
  17. Great, glad it's not another single. I tend to prefer their longer releases.
  18. It can be really cool as long as it fits with the song and all that. And is used it relatively small doses. Usually when it's overdone I find it annoying, but occasionally I'll hear a song with autotune all over the place and I'll like it. So it just depends lol.
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