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Posts posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Yoko Kanno and Mastodon are the only artists I have any sort of familiarity with out of that list but I'm not really into either song in particular :/


    1. 摩天楼オペラ - 蜃気楼

    2. New Breed - Marry You

    3. Oomph! - Sex hat keine Macht (Transporterraum Remix)

    4. Galileo Galilei - コウモリかモグラ

    5. L'Âme Immortelle - Licht Und Schatten

    6. ギャロ - 黒鶏式葬送曲第壱番-ドウベ-

    7. Dir en Grey - ザクロ

    8. Mucc - Japanese

    9. Mucc - 帰らぬ人 (Woah double Mucc haha)

    10. 暁Records - 君とアリオト



  2. 3 hours ago, frayed said:


    Nope, this one I can confirm first hand, the boy does not talk at in-stores! :) He does draw pictures and gesture to get his points across, and he does this well. I think it's what Ruri said, he's the "weird" character so he can pull this type of stuff off while maintaining a strong personality. (re: Last in-store I went to, he had Koichi in STITCHES because he kept pretending to ride a magikarp. Don't ask.)

    I feel like life is a little better after hearing this story thank you

  3. Multiple versions of CDs with different songs on them irritate me so much. Like, make as many versions as you want with different bonus DVDs or whatever else, I don't really care, but there should always be one version of the album available to buy that has ALL the songs from the release on it. That's all I ask lol. Also, kinda the same thing but putting out Itunes versions of the releases that don't have all the songs on them. Like I'll probably buy something right off the bat from Itunes if it's got all the songs, but if it's missing a song or two I'll likely just pass it up and wait until I have the money for a physical copy with every song. And since currently I'm pretty much just buying digital releases to save some money, that's probably going to be long wait >.<

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