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Everything posted by smilesxchibi

  1. Ah ok ifigured I was missing on really good stuff from the livestreams xD but im ok with anything that is left over from the unboxing. Thank you for the update!
  2. Hi, I wanted to ask when the site will be updated with items once the auction is done? My schedule doesnt match up with the livestream auction lol
  3. Kinda hard to predict where he will be, but I also hope he recruits good members and forms something awesome
  4. smilesxchibi

    PROVIDENCE artwork is absolutely amazing
  5. smilesxchibi

    I also have to point out that Tsuzuku's vocals were soooo much better in VanessA.
  6. smilesxchibi

    I will agree but I also have to add that Lycaon made a great come back and leaving a really great last album. With Mejibray, I see no hope in their future.
  7. smilesxchibi

  8. If you mean for him to come back to the band that is actually what i want xD
  9. smilesxchibi

    Usually that is the case, or if something has come and they can't commit to the band as much as they used but still provide support whenever possible. It would suck if they ditched them without a heads up haha
  10. smilesxchibi

    Probably doing that so it gives the band time to look for a replacement
  11. It would be nice to see them in a formal band, we shall see
  12. as am I T-T I actually enjoy them and I am glad they are recruiting members.
  13. they're pretty quick to add another member if they are announcing a new line-up
  14. dang, they are getting really. can't wait for this
  15. smilesxchibi

    damnit, my babies T-T
  16. smilesxchibi

    haha, wow.
  17. smilesxchibi

    loving them, loved their first release so definitely gonna get my hands on this
  18. i will do whatever it takes to get my hands on this album *~*
  19. smilesxchibi

    or maybe one they actually like?
  20. wasn't IV supposed to retire?
  21. wait, so what exactly will this company be doing?
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