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Everything posted by smilesxchibi

  1. smilesxchibi

    Gahhh, really wish any of these members would form a band.
  2. honestly not too hopeful about this, though i am very curious as to what he will bring to the table
  3. i have no clue what's going on but im excited(?) xD
  4. smilesxchibi

    the band doesnt have a single original member now, pretty sad and fucked up of Haku. hoping the remaining members can stay together after the disbandment
  5. smilesxchibi

    hmm, it's an ok song so far. pretty energetic but nothing like their previous work
  6. Im still gonna buy it lol I need it
  7. smilesxchibi

    Really digging the song and pv
  8. smilesxchibi

    i assume they meant the sessions a while back along with the blog photos
  9. smilesxchibi

    ahh, that. yea i remember that blog entry. i guess he missed the music scene and wanted to make a comeback.
  10. smilesxchibi

    do you mean this new session?
  11. smilesxchibi

    saw it coming as well, they seemed pretty quiet lately and that last album wasn't so great.
  12. smilesxchibi

    i freaking love it, i freaking love them and i definitely will be ordering the album (in both types)
  13. smilesxchibi

    Song titles sound like something they would have released in their earlier days, though I like how much they have progressed over the years. I honestly do enjoy both their earlier days and their current style.
  14. I'm thinking it could have been some sort of argument between the band and label.
  15. smilesxchibi

    pretty cool glad they stuck to working together
  16. smilesxchibi

    Awww I hope you have an awesome trip and stay safe.
  17. smilesxchibi

    digging it, wish their stuff wasn't live-limited though
  18. smilesxchibi

    I have been wondering the same thing. I thought for sure he would bring back Chariots or start a new band
  19. smilesxchibi

    as well I
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