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Status Replies posted by Mihenno

  1. "I wanna beat him up who has horseface."

  2. I just want to sleep all day.

  3. Okay, I'm better.

  4. Just found out I have to take an 8 hour trip to Philadelphia tonight. Loading up some new music and packing my bags.

  5. I was in a bar with classmates on Sunday, when suddenly my glass exploded (cold drink, warm glass) and everything flew into my lap. Now I have couple of scars from the glass in my arms. D:

  6. I can't stop listening to Mucc's Yue ni, Matenrou Single... I love them so much *weeps in a dark corner*

  7. Grandma entered the room and said what are the girls on your wall (it was a poster of PLUNKLOCK) .. I: no, grannt these are boys... Grandma: REally? But they are wearing women jackets... I: facepalm/.

  8. I haven't done anything else today but blasted the PV spots of BANG ME and Alive. Such awesome music *u*

  9. BANG ME in 22 days <3

  10. I spent half of my pay check on CDs. I am uber upset with myself. At least I got Vier la drain's last single :3

  11. Today is long and boring, but there are many awesome things to look forward to. New ALSDEAD, new VAMPS, new DOG etc...

  12. Anyone know how to calibrate a monitor so that the colors are "true"? I have a laptop running vista and idk what I'm doing.

  13. WHOA WHOA WHOA, Stop the presses! Epic new look, all white, new hair, and they top it all off with some Sombrero-Kei!? http://i.imgur.com/NpCe4ot.jpg

  14. I'm seriously freaking out. 17 hours left. Then I'll see Lycaon. I feel like crying and laughing (mostly crying though) and I think I'm suffering from the worst pre-post-gig depression ever. Soon it will be over and they'll be gone. Boohoo :(

  15. I'm seriously freaking out. 17 hours left. Then I'll see Lycaon. I feel like crying and laughing (mostly crying though) and I think I'm suffering from the worst pre-post-gig depression ever. Soon it will be over and they'll be gone. Boohoo :(

  16. New NIRGILIS:

  17. So excited for my Japan trip tomorrow.

  18. waiting for fantastic magic

  19. iTunes just took a shit all over me


  21. Listening to songs you once loved but eventually fell out of your rotation. Memories trigger in your heart, your soul is pulled towards the past you feel fond of. But it's time to make memories that your current playlist will attach to, that you will revisit five years from now and feel the same way for.

  22. I tried コドモドラゴン 12481248x times cuz you guys are all like "WHAHT AN AWESOME BAND" but it doesnt grow on me yet......

  23. I tried コドモドラゴン 12481248x times cuz you guys are all like "WHAHT AN AWESOME BAND" but it doesnt grow on me yet......

  24. I'm hyperventilating because of Shounenki's new look and the fact that they uploaded the full version of IN THE SUNLIGHT on YouTube.

  25. just recorded a video of my stuffed corgi jamming to Codomo Dragon...

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