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Status Replies posted by Mihenno

  1. I've just bought the latest Kiryu and Shounenki, aaaah. So good. And since both are on stock, it should be shipped soon! Someone should keep me away from CDJ ffs ;-;

  2. LMAO the sampling at the beginning of DaizyStripper's "Summer Vacation" "You goin to the party? It's gonna be fucked up lmfao"

  3. Will I receive my albums today hum?

  4. No matter what I do, I can't seem to glue down my eyebrows and hide them completely.

  5. Start cleaning my house, sweat pouring off of me. Decide to turn A/C on and set it to low... Ten minutes later icicles are forming around my nipples.

  6. just paid 6500 yens for FJ... ;_; hurts so much, why is shipping so expensive

  7. Thoughts on DOPPEL's new "Röntgen" mini? Need to listen more, but I think I prefer the "Eggknock" mini.

  8. Re-watching all of Eureka Seven. Ten years later and I love the show even more. I see many things in new ways as well. Will watch AO as well. At first I didn't like that show, but then in the later episodes I started to see it a different way, and it was really amazing.

  9. Oh my gosh! Shounenki's preview is really awesome! ♥

  10. i'm obsessed with the LOTUS?????

  11. Never liked BugLug before (except for メイドインマイン) but WOW, got so addicted on their new album

  12. Wow...Neverland is pretty good.....

  13. Just saw the new LOG PV on the BPR channel. Quite different from the label's usual offering but I will pick it up as Bandsaid always brings something fresh.

  14. Just finished translating the DADAROMA mini album! Check it out if you're interested :P

  15. OMFG!!!! Vistlip's new album is damn good! <3

  16. Can't wait for vistlip's new album ♥

  17. Next week: UNiTE, Blu Billion, Vistlip and Codomo Dragon. Let's do this!

  18. Oi, so excited for new A9 and DIAWOLF. Can`t wait, hope they can become one of my favorites again, rekindle that old love, start over again. I can forget those two albums I didn`t like, and they can forget all those affairs I had with other bands...

  19. ok i just bought a ticket for kamijo's show on saturday, and then i started listening to his music... i regret buying the ticket so much XD

  20. MW/V videos previews are awesome! megamasso never disappoint!!! #crying #kbye

  21. ... And now to wait for my DIV cd.

  22. Ugh, trying to change my avatar, using a pic that's less than 200KB, site says that the file is too big that the max is 1MB. WTF!? How is 200KB > 1MB? o_O

  23. I already bent the back plate of my N3DS and stripped both screws.

  24. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

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