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Posts posted by hiroki

  1. http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/visualtanuki/1390996473/












    Have fun babe.


    Thats the thing : ppl saw him on Shibuya O-west on that day, he also tweeted the day before this shit happened so he couldnt be disappeared for two days, so yeah it was a shitty way to promote themselves, something that doesnt suprises me cuz its visual kei and there's a lot of disgusting people.


    Don't try to compare real matters as accidents to this staging made just to get lots of RT's :D


    Are you seriously citing tanuki as your source? LOL. C'mon, give me a break. If tanuki had any sort of credibility, we'd be able to sort the members of any randomly selected band in order of their genital size :D


    Also, yes he tweeted on 26/1, but that was an automated tweet from a blog update, which the RayC staff have access to. The content for the blog update on that day was the same across ALL the members and the updates were done across a period of ~5 minutes, i.e. Vuit didn't update it himself.


    I can't believe Daisuke just wrote a ridiculously long entry to apologize and to say how miserable he felt after some people accused them of staging a hoax. He absolute owes no one any sort of explanation. The band should divert their attention elsewhere and not waste time on something as meaningless as trying to convince the cynics.


    I'm not going to continue this conversation because I dislike drama and, more importantly, I'm glad Vuit has been found and there's no value to keeping this thread alive. I'll just end by saying that I don't THINK it's really so hard to suspend judgment for once when there's no clear evidence either way. It's only respectful, not just to the band, but also the fans. Just my 2c.

  2. Stupid marketing method...at least it worked hahaha


    Yeah I suppose everything's a "marketing method" - from conditional disbandments, to someone stealing band funds, to looking for a member who had lost contact. Maybe even the accident that happened to vistlip a few years back was also for "exposure". Although I guess nothing can be the best advertisement than someone actually dying. Right?


    I think that's nothing short of offensive to fans who are genuinely concerned about wtf happened.

  3. 滅入ってないで前を見な
    cuz i thinking 壊して行きねえさあ
    何人に届くのかな?and i



    Thanks for the Kanji :) I fully agree that it's a reflection on coming to terms with the past and, accordingly, the band's own history.


    Here's my take on the lyrics (some extrapolations based on the context in parentheses):


    To look ahead without being depressed

    Being able to say, "Well that's alright"

    Cuz i'm thinking I'm not going to destroy them:

    The fragrance of lilies and that nostalgic place.

    But the midday bell tolls and I must go

    It wasn't much, but I stashed my desire to (stay)

    How many people can (my thoughts) reach?

    Having etched all our different lives into my mind,

    It's ok just like this; isn't it fine?


  4. Hmm, seems like I'm the only one here who prefers their newer songs over their older ones :P (their older stuff are still amazing though..)


    My top 5:

    yours only
    Dream Catcher


    Best release would have to be their "Any verse" album - it's def in the top 3 releases of 2013 for me. ;)

  5. They found him.


    From Vuit's twitter:


    25日のライブ後の打ち上げで飲み過ぎてしまったため知り合いの家に泊めてもらい、充電することも忘れた状態で寝ていました。 起床したのは本日の0時頃で状況が把握できませんでした、朝方帰宅しメンバーに状況を話した次第です。 ご心配をおかけした皆様に心からお詫び申し上げます。 Vuit


    Rough translation: "After the live on 25th I drank too much and stayed over at an acquaintance's place, and I fell asleep without remembering to charge my phone. I woke up today at midnight without realizing what had happened. In the morning I returned home and immediately contacted the members. Sorry for causing everyone to worry." - Vuit

    What is the most satisfying aspect of uploading for you?


    I usually only share stuff that I really like myself. I guess the most satisfying aspect is to find more potential fans for the bands that I like by sharing, even though I know perfectly well it can be counterproductive.


    Honestly I've never really given much thought when uploading, nor am I too calculative about the whole thing, since I believe reciprocity is key when it comes to a community like this. Although I must admit that it still pisses me off when people silently sneak into the forums and take everything without bothering to even take a few seconds to show their appreciation.

  7. I have a bad habit of hoarding CDs of certain artists I used to be obsessed over but no longer like (or like as much). Which explains how I ended up with ~1000 CDs even though I don't listen to most of those bands anymore. It's probably one of the most silly things anyone can do ><


    I'm usually annoyed to find out that in reality artists get peanuts out of CD sales, but it's just how the industry works and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it. As for whether they want to use the money to smoke or do drugs, it's none of my business. I buy CDs because I enjoy their music, and am paying for their time/effort/talent in that respect. Whether they spend this money in a "moral" way is their own choice, and not something I'll be bothered by. It would suck to have someone supervising how you spend your money :P

  8. Haha, I sing along to Royz too (mostly their older songs like "hoshi ni negai wo" - it's simply too catchy not to sing along XD). Since I always learn lyrics by ear, I dunno the lyrics for their newer songs as I haven't listened to them enough.


    And I know almost every vistlip song by heart :3


    Like paradoxal, I can't do harsh vocals at all XD Not that I can even figure out what they were trying to sing in the first place...

  9. Would you care to elaborate this? I'm not quite sure I get you here. Is it because of the styles of the vocals you find in metal, or because of the lyrics you find in metal?


    I suppose you could say it's the style of vocals one tends to find in metal.


    I've never really been a fan of harsh vocals (the more "extreme" it gets, the more uncomfortable I feel XD), and am used to vocals carrying the melody line. I had a discussion with a friend about this, and was told something to the effect of vocals being augmented in metal to perform what an instrument typically does (e.g. through distortion or percussion). Even if I'm not particularly irritated, I still find harsh vocals distracting most of the time.


    There are exceptions, though. DELUHI is one of my favorite bands, and I can't really put my finger on the reason - I suspect it's how the amazing overlay of Juri's clean/harsh vocals more than offsets the roughness of his harsh vocals (and his voice is easier on my ear than most other metal vocalists). I like Para:noir too, and it's prob owing to Akane's harsh vocals being modulated by autotune to the point that they aren't "harsh" anymore. Sadly I can't stand D.I.D at all.


    But, yeah, I digress :P

  10. I have a huge bias towards vocals. I guess I'm one of those that don't really see vocals as just another set of instruments (and maybe that's why I've never really been able to get into most metal bands). Lyrics have a semantic aspect to them that's in excess of what instrumentals can ever do. If I feel like just listening to instrumentals I'd happily switch to my classical playlist.

  11. I can't think of anyone whose voice is as flawless as SID's Mao in lives. Top notch every single time and I dunno how he does it.


    Guild's Ryuichi is amazing too.


    As for the more 'operatic' kind of delivery, both Kawamura Ryuichi and Yuki (Raphael/rice) are great.

  12. Like almost everyone here, my musical tastes certainly expanded a great deal as I grew up. I gave a lot of things that I never think I'd try a go. I loved some of them, hated others, and was indifferent to the bulk of them. I guess I'm not sure if that counts as 'refinement'.


    Ever since I was young, there were a few genres/scenes that I've vacillated between - visual kei, classical, and r&b/poppish stuff. There are points in my life where I listened to nothing else but just one of them - or a subgenre within them - almost exclusively, and these periods can last anywhere from a few days to months. Still, I find that eventually - and that may be a long long time - I will return to my other music at some point.


    Of course there are also stuff that I absolutely loved which I am unlikely to listen to as much as I used to, but I've never felt ashamed of having liked what I liked. And I know that at some point I'll return to them and reminisce over how much I used to be so obsessed over a particular song/artist. The nostalgia that washes over you at the moment you accidentally stumble on something you haven't listened to in 10+ years is amazing. I guess these are little 'surprises' that will always keep me interested.


    So, no, I don't think I'll come to "hate" what I used to love - at least not as dramatically as some other people have.

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