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Posts posted by hiroki

  1. ooooh, that looks good....I need to switch off of iTunes lol


    Basically this. I've been thinking of switching to foobar for a long time, but the more I procrastinate, the more music I'll amass, and the longer it'll take me :'( As things stand it'll probably take me a few weeks to set foobar up and get it reasonably organized ><

  2. For me, disliking a band because of its fans is rather silly, since a band has no direct control over fan behavior in most cases. Of course, I'll  be deeply relieved to find fans of my favorite bands having enough sense to conduct themselves in a proper manner. But even if they don't, it is tangential to my enjoyment/distaste of the band's music, since I would rather focus on evaluating the band on its own terms. Not doing so is simply unfair. Granted, this might be a bit difficult for people who are particularly steeped in "fan communities" - but I'm not, so I shall not comment on that.


    On the other hand, I don't particularly find anything wrong with having 2 pages on a band's new look, mainly because aesthetics constitute a part of the overall experience of any vk band. I would rather have bands invest some time/effort to pay some attention to their own presentation than disregarding them completely. So having fans who are sensitive to those stuff is a good thing (even as aesthetics may not be my primary criterion for judging if a band is "good").


    The best songs by the above artists are melodic sophisticated/progressive/orchestrated pop or rock songs, usually made for games/anime/drama CDs. Most of their other songs are just simple plain pop songs, no way near the quality of the songs I like. If these artists do have the talent and a good production team, why don't they make an album with consistent style and quality? It's like they don't treat music seriously. But I guess it has to do with the taste of most J-pop fans.


    Pop artists are different from "bands" by virtue of the fact that the overwhelming majority of them don't compose their own music. I'll not try to claim that they have no "input" into the kind of music that they eventually "produce", or that they are uniformly "worse" than singer-songwriters (I have a few favorite pop artists and dance/vocal units myself). But when you have a handful of people composing your song, another few arranging it, yet a different person writing lyrics, etc. etc., you have a lot less control over the kind of sound or concept (assuming there's one) that result.

  4. For me there are only 3 stand-out discoveries:


    SINCREA: I started listening to Fest Vainqueur since they began activities 2(?) years ago. It was listenable - in fact probably above average - but after a while the music becomes forgettable. And so I didn't bother to seek out music from their previous band. When I eventually got around to do that... holy shit, even with just 10% of their tracks played I already knew I've found another band to enshrine as my all-time favorites. I really regretted not knowing about them earlier :'(


    LUCHe.: Seriously, high high hopes for them. They know what they're good at and don't try to be over-deliberate with their music. They're probably already one of my top 10 bands with just 3 singles released.


    Ray℃: I love them so much :3 Their drummer just left and I'm praying that they don't disband. Also, it's so nice of them (and their label) to do the free album thing. :'D

  5. I've felt really miserable to see some bands go, but after a while I"ll somehow get over it (as we all eventually do).


    The one and only that seriously hurt like hell even today is DELUHI.


    I literally couldn't do anything for like 2 weeks when I heard the news. Didn't even turn up for my exams. x.x

  6. If anyone's interested: here's a very old video of me playing Versailles' "Episode" one lazy afternoon when I had nothing better to do. Sorry for the crappy audio quality, I recorded it using a very old digital camera =(



    As you prob can tell as well (haha), it's mostly improvised and not very well executed (especially in the piano solo section where I got too nervous thinking I was gonna forget the chords lol). >.< Maybe I'll redo it one day after some actual practice...

  7. I'm not much of a Moran fan, but I absolutely love SNOWING.


    And then there are those symphonic metal bands which I simply can't appreciate (to put it euphemistically). But I can listen to "Everlasting Dream" (HGP) and "Episode" (Versailles) all day. Although, to be fair, "Episode" is nothing like the typical Versailles song but it is amazing nonetheless. Sometimes less is more ;)

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