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Posts posted by hiroki

  1. i also dislike how all the media's spotlight is on 3-4 "swing voters", as if being a republican and having the ability to independently review the facts + the moral conscience to take a stand to do what you believe is the right thing are mutually exclusive. as much as politician these days (regrettably) vote in lockstep, i'm sure this is a hard vote for many republican senators too given how blatantly flawed a SCOTUS candidate kavanaugh is (like, even for conservatives, you've got to be in ultra-crazyland to actually believe hand on heart that he's the best conservative judge out there). but to always expect your colleague to do the right thing on your behalf while gleefully casting the politically expedient vote is just.. cowardly.


    also, i haven't seen this in the media much: but i've been wondering what john roberts (the chief justice) is thinking watching all of this unfolding. his jurisprudence is conservative, but he's obsessed with preserving the legacy of the court and would hate for the supreme court to be viewed as some sort of ideological apparatus (most famously: he decided to join the liberal justices to vote 5-4 against repealing obamacare through a curious technicality on taxation, which scholars interpreted as his unorthodox way of protecting the supreme court from being seen as a partisan institution).  it would be interesting to see if he drifts further left to become more of a swing vote if kavanaugh is confirmed.

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