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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

  2. RoseOfHizaki

  3. RoseOfHizaki

    as fragile as a sparrow with bones made out of glass
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    got back not long ago from a 1am showing of James Bond: Spectre - Decent movie but Skyfall was slightly better.
  5. RoseOfHizaki

  6. RoseOfHizaki

    ( MeloDeath/Doom metal)
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    you must be solid, cuz baby you rock my world ;p (God help me.....)
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    Dream Theater - On The Backs Of Angels
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Regrets.... night sweats.... Occasional thoughts of suicide. Green light... I'm OK. Feeling fine just a little tongue tied.
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    Human League - Dont you want me You finish work real late in the night as you work at a club as a bartender. There is no trains or trams running and calling a cab home is out of the question..... So you get on the bus, smile at the driver and give him a little wink as you drop your fare in his collector (or swipe your contactless card - whatever) and walk up the stairs to find a seat. There are a few people sitting on the upper deck of the bus - a couple who are cuddled up to each other, a guy listening to music with a big pair of AKG headphones and a guy who is reading a manga. The final guy sitting right at the back who is too busy looking out the window to notice you come up the stairs and take a seat near the front of the bus. You're tired, your feet hurt from standing all day and your clothes smell of cheap cigarettes and alcohol. The last thing you really need is to stress over something but somehow you know that guy sitting in the back of the bus. You have a quick glance back. He's still not paying any attention. But you definitely recognise him. The guy who used to bully and beat on you throughout your highschool life and college till he got booted off campus and not allowed to return, but being the nerd that you was back then was completely powerless to stop his actions. For years you have dreamt of revenge, For years you have cursed his name under your every breath and for years you have wished him harm in the most cruelest and most evil way possible..... You havent had a chance to exact your revenge - you havent seen him since he got booted out of college. But you are no longer that scrawny twig of a nerd back then. Puberty was good to you, You grew up to be a fine specimen of manlyness - in fact you're so manly that you occasionally bounce the bouncers at work when they get too rowdy bouncing drunkards and trouble makers. you are the supreme awesome of manlyness, Even your cat tries to rape you at night while you sleep! You snap out of your trance with a wry smile of nostalgia.... What would you do if this was you? Would you get your revenge or would you just ignore him and let him pass after seething through your teeth at every mention of his name over the last 10-20years??
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    Cringe all you fucking haters want but I fucking love this motherfucking song.
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    King Misfit - Five Dollar Soldier
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    80s style synth pop
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Opeth - Master's Apprentice (Prog|Melo|Death|Black metal) Some pretty oldskool opeth!!
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Squished bed bugs!
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    Just a small update on this situation...... She got fucking Karma'd. They ended up breaking up after less than two weeks together and i have no idea why but she was so utterly obsessed with him the moment she saw him. Love at first sight, but i guess he didnt feel the same way or was an asshole. I didnt know the guy she dropped me like a basket of dirty laundry for personally so i cant comment regarding him, but I'll be honest. Deep inside i was hoping he was a total jackass Yup, What a shame....what a shaaaaaaaaaaaaame. Lesson 101 - How not to date/pickup/treat guys you have an interest or possible interest in... No doubt she'll try and contact me and giff me dem puppeh dawg eyes and love letters full of "im so sorries" and im just gonna be like.... Touch it....go on, touch it.....touch it...
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    Im over her - It was just in that instance like when you bump into a really good old school friend after 20 years, that "holy shit its you!!" moment. In a small way i regret not confirming if it was her or not. I wish i did try to sneak a little closer just to hear her voice and confirm it (she has quite a distinct accent) because to see her would put a little smile on my face that she's doing ok. She seemed quite happy while she was talking to her friends. I still think about her every now and again but it doesnt bother me. She has her life to live and i have mine.
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    So youre at work when someone who closely resembles your most beloved Ex appears, Youre not sure if its them because its been so long, but at the same time you dont want them to see you, At the same time you just want to be close to them one more time, but your heart stops. your body is refuses to move from you are standing and you feel like you cant breath. Then she leaves with her friends and you mentally and emotionally collapse and slam your head against the wall for at least not walking over there and saying a simple 'hello' just to prove to yourself that you have the heart and the courage of a motherfucking lion and even If you fought depression for three years after your break up you've still here and that youre still strong.
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    I loved the first and second album... Just listening to a few samples on youtube and it kind of makes me cringe a little.... part of it strongly reminds me of the weaksauce material that Crossfaith now produce - theres definitely a hint of it somewhere. I think i'll give the album a download before committing to a purchase.
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    Heres a band that randomly peaked my interest this morning. They seem to be a mix of many things. Lead singer is hella cute. She sounds almost similar to Chelly from SuperCell but she screams/growls I dont think shes very good at it still... She does need a little training to get it right. A young band with some potential. I think they have enough to beat Dazzle Vision if they keep at it. Maiko's vocals were pretty much perfect.
  21. All we need now is Dazzle Vision to reform My life will be semi-complete
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    I love this band, but Ryosuke's vocals are such a trap
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    Crowd Of Rebellion - Calendula
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