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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    Pacific Rim
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    punching the guy walking in front of me for cutting in front then walking slower and getting in my way.
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    I kissed a girl and I liked it - Katy Perry what is the worst addiction you've ever had?
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Stratovarius - Dragons
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    I love dead end!
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    well, normally i wouldnt buy such an expensive watch. $600 is a lot of money and i could have spent it on other projects that I have waiting for funding Looking to get some bass equipment or build a NAS for my home network. This watch has given me boners since the first day i saw it and while im not a watch nerd or aficionado I love the looks and my old watch was starting to annoy me. Ive wanted this watch since october last year and I havent exactly done too bad financially this year so far and my birthday is next month so what better way to reward myself for my hard work then splash out on an awesome looking new watch?
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    Been single for quite a few years after I broke up with my gf of almost 4 years quite a while back. she was the only person I felt i ever really clicked with. Ive dated a few times and ive got fairly close with a few girls but I generally find that people are full of shit for reasons i will list below. Ex-girlfriend (4year relationship) left me for an older man who used her as a sex slave, lied to her about being single - it turns out he was married with 2 kids. she wont tell me why she did it. I had a job, i had money, i took her out and bought her stuff. but it seems i wasnt old enough for her and i was already about 4-5years her senior - it happened so long ago, im more or less over it now but sometimes I still get depressed and angry about it. First girl - we genuinely get on quite well, we have a lot in common and she makes great company and spend a lot of time together - next thing i know shes gone after someone else and wont talk to me Second girl - Im unhappy with how the first girl turned out - manage to get talking to another girl who comforts me, she is great company and more fun then the previous girl and we get on well, tells me how people are full of shit but I can trust her. time goes by and we talk alot and get on really well. So i ask her out and she says no - reason being was because she was getting cosy with someone else while she was cuddling up with me, so much for all that talk about how people are full of shit and that i can trust her. THIRD GIRL - Ive known her for a while but shes a friend of a friend and we used to talk then we stopped. At this stage Im still mad at the world and i dont care for company. she makes a big effort to be with me even though i told her I dont care for a relationship. after a lot of begging, I eventually relent and decide to give it a go. shes an alright gal, we have the same interests. we spend a lot of time together, she gives me the sob story of how shes always wanted me & this n that because Im an honest guy. etc etc, we fuck each others brains out quite a few times. we're all happy and cuddly and stuff. Shes happy, I think im happy then all of a sudden she doesnt want to talk to me anymore and is really avoidant when i make any attempt to contact her so i just dont bother. Well. ive never been a pushy boyfriend, Im not a control freak and i geniunely get a long with everyone i meet. I speak to quite a few girls who say they wonder why im still single because im such a nice guy - even some of my friends say it. Im either a complete asshole in disguise or im being trolled by the people asking me why im still single. at this stage, im past caring. Im very cautious and weary of the kind of company i keep especially if they're trying to get close to me. I wouldnt say im totally against being in a relationship, but I just cant trust nobody. Better alone and without the extra emotional baggage
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    sort of an old pic but my gears not changed that much. Schecter Damien Ex-Baritone with a Nailbomb B&N set from BareKnuckle Pickups 1st Gen PRS Santana SE which sounds as sweet as the day i bought her so many years ago. I do have an oldskool Yamaha Pacifica 312 which im currently in the process of doing up and making her into 'superstrat' - This pacifica in question was bought before Yamaha started using cheaper woods on their more budget guitars. Ive played a lot of guitar with rosewood fretboards and maple bodies and this guitar doesnt sound bad at all but it needs a serious overhaul. the pickups are out of phase or something but i dont play as much so i never really went out and got it fixed up. as for dreamgear?? PRS Custom 24 Hizaki's ESP Custom and id be a happy bunny. as for amps, Id take a 5150 Cab, Fender Hotrod Deluxe (I love these amps) Laney VH100R or one of their Ironheart cabs. Ive probably got a few other things i want but thats good enough for me i suppose.
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Well as a child I grew up listening to a radio station that played all the classic oldies - pop/rock songs from the 80s and stuff like that, artists like Elvis, the beatles, the kinks, T-Rex (british classics of course since Im from the UK) I ended up being introduced to Queen/Freddie Mercury through my father who knew I loved Queen and used to get a friend from work to copy me his entire collection and I was stuck on listening to nothing but Queen for many years and Brian May in particular was one of my greatest inspirations for picking up the guitar. As I got older my tastes shifted to heavier sounds, and i got interested in Manic Street Preachers - their early material was quite heavy, heavier then queen at least! and Manics became my next obession until I started getting into techno, trance, dance & DnB. I was using my pocket money and buying all these mix tapes and compilation albums. I was into techno music for a long long tme until a friend forced me to listen to iron maiden. I didnt like it much, Carried onto listening to techno until i eventually got bored of it. It was around this time when i started picking up heavier music again. I cant remember which bands I listened to but I think thats where my journey into progressive metal began and generally from then on my tastes grew and grew and expanded into other genres like melo-death metal and metalcore, deathcore. There are very few genres that I wont listen to and I think part of my taste and associations with certain genres developed because Im also a multi-instrumentalist, I play bass, guitar, drums and a little piano. having some knowledge in how to play these instruments really made me respect musicianship and there are many musicians out there that inspire me. ----- Well, I think that about covers almost everything, there are a few gaps here and there but its 3.20am and my brain is too tired to think so far back
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    kopparberg mixed fruits cider. Battlefield 3 (PC) RO:Rising Storm
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    Hmmmm. Well, I managed to get a job which Ive managed to hold down since last year despite hating it. I worked for the postal service here for 5 years before I was made redundant. They were shutting the sorting office where i worked at and there wasnt enough room to relocate everyone. I currently have a new manager who is a bit of a cunt, and I hope to be leaving this job soon and starting one im more comfortable with before the end of this year. thats something to be happy about i guess..
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    had to order from the U.S as this particular model is quite rare here in the UK and retardedly priced where found. thats a $572 watch, even after i paid import duty it STILL worked out cheaper
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    Longest - Close to 4 years, Shortest - 2 weeks Current: None
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Current obsession? Crossfaith, ArtemA, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, Doll$Box, -OZ-, Make Them Suffer, Saber Tiger, Light Bringer (apart from the Genesis album which i think was rather poor), Caliban, Crossfaith, ArtemA & Make Them Suffer have a strange effect on me that makes me mosh and headbang whenever they down metal break down - even when im walking down the street I cant resist the urge
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Hmmm, strangly enough I loved Akane's vocals in Para:noir, especially for Merciless Sorrow & the code number [13.] I have been listening to D.I.D but I'll have to listen to their stuff again just to be sure.
  16. Walking down the street Shooting people that I meet With my rubber Tommy water gun

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Well that could have escalated quickly.

    2. RoseOfHizaki


      Its lyrics from a freddy mercury song.

  17. RoseOfHizaki

    Hi there, I was invited to join a few weeks back by OriginalSaku while i was lurking on lastfm looking for friends & people with similar musical tastes/interests. It took a while for me to get around to it due to work and other commitments but I am here now! My Lastfm can be found here If you check out my library you can see that my musical tastes vary quite a bit and there are more bands which i listen to which arent listed yet but I have a music collection that easily spans to about 200gigs worth and over. my lastfm profile pretty much says everything about me but one of the most difficult questions ive been asked to date was how long ive been into Visual K, I honestly dont know how long ive been listening to V.K & Jrock etc etc but I used to listen to a load of western and scandinavian bands but I slowly grew tired of them and now I have a 64gig memory card on my S3 which is more or less just filled with japanese music. Im obviously quite a big hizaki fan, I love his solo work and everything he done with Versailles and i was devastated when i heard they were breaking up. Errrrrrr -- tied in first place with Hizaki is my love for Saber Tiger, Concerto Moon/DoubleDealer. I love Japanese music because the standard of musicianship is generally a lot higher, song/riff composition and layering seems to be better which is what I love in my music, I could go more in depth about it but it gets complicated to explain. I also have a youtube page where I upload some hard to find favorites of mine. Unfortunately copyright prevents me from uploading a lot of my songs and ive already had a previous channel taken down once. I think I will leave the introduction here as im terrible at introducing myself. If theres anything else you'd like to know, you can always ask!
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