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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    Id go out and show the world what a real man looks like... whats your Ideal date?
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    Not bad - though i HATE the sound of the drummers crash cymbals on the studio video
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    your eyes, They're delicious - you must give them to me D:
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Concerto Moon - Angel Of Chaos
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    Chinese/Japanese but their both very similar anyway. Your BF or GF made you look like an idiot at a party infront of everyone else. What would you do? A. Laugh it off - Get revenge at a later date. B. Slap him/her in front of everyone and put the bitch in his/her place C. Just laugh it off with no hidden agenda. D. bust a cap in their ass to make an example not to fuck with you > E. Say you need a partner for a science experiment and drag them away from the party kicking and screaming to the rape torture chamber you have in your basement where you poke them with sharp things for your own personal enjoyment
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    Scandinavian - Because I can boast about being a viking and going to Valhalla when i die to make it sound dramatic Yohio - yes or no?
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    the entire Stratovarius back catalogue is currently on shuffle.
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    No, i was more of a Tom Clancy type of reader. I dont get time to fit in reading to my schedule much anymore apart from a newspaper. Would you date a sugar daddy?
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Ultimate LaZy - Kanjite Knight
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    I almost started crying because of it.
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    Our tastes are similar - lets be life long friends.
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    I just eated a fried egg and bacon sandwich. it was so greasy I could feel the feel the cholesterol greasing up my veins but for a moment there I didnt give a fuck. delicious sandwich was delicious after 19hrs of no food it was glorious!!
  13. Am I the only person here to think that V.K should only be a japanese thing because they do it so well? Its like being a weeaboo, a few people do it great where as the majority are just bad and get hated on but everyone. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be like your idols though. though when you enter V.K you need a whole lot of stuff, not just talent and skill and it seems that Westerners arent born with the same 'ear' or the same creativity as Japan, Thats not to say that there arent any great or good western bands - there are millions. but for a western band to try and do V.K it just makes me cringe so bad inside. Ive only listened to seremedy, even though the production and mixing of their album/singles were perfect (thanks to Yohio's dad/contacts) but I fail to really see what was so great about them, I didnt like the vocals and I dont think very highly of Yohio even though id go as far to say id bang him when hes dressed like a girl but hes trying so hard to be Hizaki I rather then trying to be more original that i find him boring and rather spoilt as the studio and all the contacts that are pushing him onwards in the industry are his dads. Leave V,K to Japan!!
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    A Rancid Gangrenous Moldy 16 Inch Overstretched Penis - that someone's taken a blowtorch to.... what would be your last dying words?
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Not eaten since 8pm last night - its now coming to 1.30pm, I cant even begin to describe how tasty that looks. As for me - I think i had something like chicken noodles. Propper noodles, none of this pot noodle crap.
  16. RoseOfHizaki

  17. RoseOfHizaki

    NAS - I bought a NAS & 4x3TB hard drives. 10m of Cat6 network cable and 1 Netgear Prosafe gigaswitch. Needed a remote centralised hub where i could access all my music, films and anime no matter what device i was using around the house.
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Iron Maide - Wasted Years
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    Feeling My Age
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    He ordered bio-chemical strikes in Syria?
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Id go and forcefully impregnate every single member of AKB48, the girls in Scandal and wife Miko from ExistTrace Id also hunt down all the members of Seremedy and kill them in their sleep though i might consider having sex with Yohio first before i kill him or kill him first then have sex with his body before it gets cold. If you were a guy and you lost a bet - would you honor your word and dress as a drag queen girl for a day?
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Cantonese. have you ever heard a metal breakdown so hardcore you started moshing in street while you walk?
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    Yes, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion whether its good or bad. Have you seen my baseball?
  24. RoseOfHizaki

    Saber Tiger - Most of their tracks have jizz worthy solo's. Akihito Kinoshita who is the leader and guitarist never ceases to amaze me and its truely amazing how a 80s metal band has evolved over the years and only gotten better despite so many changes in the bands lineup Norifumi Shima - Any band this man is associated with - Dion, Crystal Clear, Concerto Moon, DoubleDealer. Hes like the yngwie malmsteen of Japan. Incredibly skilled and talented on guitar Unfortunately his playing has become rather repetitive and hes started re-hashing the same riffs or solo's for more and more of his recent releases with Concerto Moon which is sad but then I guess the whole neo-classical thing is starting to get a little over done and theres only so far you can take that particular guitar style Onmyo-Za are an awesome folk metal band - almost each and every one of their songs is like telling a story and you dont need to know how to speak or understand Japanese to really get into the 'soul' of the song. - Let the music take you on a journey as I always say and this is true to Onmyo-Za. Seikima-II are another 80s band to come a long way, As 80s bands go they havent really hung on to that original 80's sound as much as Saber Tiger have but theres no mistaking that element in most of their songs when you hear it. In some extreme cases Id almost say they were "iron maiden'esk" somewhat but I love iron maiden so. Kinniku Shōjo Tai - otherwise known as 'King-Show' are another great band to come from the 80s - a strange band to say the least, they dont just dabble in rock and metal but punk and alt rock which makes them rather confusing to listen to if you dont understand japanese. Their heavier tracks however are amazing. I also love Hizaki's playing - so any band he is associated with goes on my list. Syu somewhat to a lesser degree - I cant deny that hes a great musician and i love galneryus but for some reason I just dont 'feel' into him as much as i feel for the other bands/musicians ive mentioned and i cant really describe why. but I was heavily into Galneryus a few years back and they were literally all i would listen to, Maybe its the signature 'scooped mids' tone that he uses that i cant really agree with but to me its like playing in space and the void has completely sucked out any resonance from the strings that would normally transfer to the guitar when a fuller tone is used (I am a musician myself btw even though I dont really get to play that much anymore) Many great examples of the bands mentioned - especially Saber Tiger and Concerto Moon can be found on my YT channel, Feel free to pay me a visit
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