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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    Shade Empire - Dawnless Days
  2. Funeral For a Friend were just an amazing post-hardcore/Screamo band when they first came out. Their album 'Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation' really set the highest standard for british post-hardcore/screamo bands and most Brits would say there hasn't been a band that has outdone that particular album. F4AF were extremely influential for the british music scene back in the day and many british bands drew inspiration from them but Unfortunately the band hand a change of direction after releasing such a powerful album and 'went soft' on a discovery to expand their sound. I believe a track off the album is also used on a driving game, either one of the Gran Turismo or Need For Speed Games. Tracks to look out for are: Escape Artists Never Die Juneau Bend Your Arms To Look Like WIngs Red Is The New Black. ---- Escape Artists Never Die & Red Is The New Black are definitely some of my all time favorites. The entire album is worth a listen to. their next album 'Hours' is decent effort but lacks the same raw energy but still a good energy. Since the band has had quite a few line up changes, they're slowly going back to dabbling into a heavier sound again. It has some heavy rifage but all their tracks sound the same but yet its their heaviest album since Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation. F4AF are not for everybody and since most of you arent British you wont really understand what ive really said about this band setting standards as you guys probably have a lot better bands in your country. When it comes to British music - we dont have that many decent heavy metal bands compared to most other countries and thats something we've always struggled with since we left the 80s behind. I think Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin. Queen, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath & AC/DC we're probably a few of the most iconic british bands to come out of the 80s otherwise theres not really that much talent.
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    sever black paranoia - Abel - No idea where or when I got these guy's album. Was just sorting through my old downloads and found it
  4. I dont mind screamo so long as it fits in with the music on offer. I wont be negative and say I dislike the genre as I listen to a fair few screamo bands from all over the globe -. Japanese, American and Aussie though while most of the time i dont listen to screamo bands by default, I listen to bands which incorporates screams/screamo into their music, be it metalcore or deathcore. Variation is the spice of life after all. and incorporating different elements of different genres into a song makes for interesting listening.
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    And heres me, Kinda shy so...
  6. I Find The Lack Of Leo's Disturbing..... So Im here to represent. Hate Gemini's because everyone of them ive come across are two faced (no pun intended) aaaaaaaand my best friend is a virgo, we've known each other for more than a decade and have never had a single argument or fight.
  7. Yes - but Im chinese, Japanese and Chinese people arent so different. Cultures are very similar, As a child I was told an ancient tale about how the Chinese emperor back then (and we are talking millions of years ago) sent out soldiers or conscripts to find him something that would make him immortal so he could rule China forever, He also said that if any of them were to return empty handed that they would be executed... Obviously none of the soldiers or conscripts returned to the emperor and thus how Japan was born and why the cultures are similar, not forgetting Japanese Kanji of course. If you can read chinese then you would have no trouble getting around town in Japan. Unfortunately there seems to be a growing hatred between Japan & China given their history and its come to a point where the Japanese are more racist towards Chinese then black people who visit Japan - This is according to a friend who's just returned from a trip there (and yes, hes black) Ive heard parts of Japan can be extremely racist but when their hate is directed at the Chinese who are of the same colour and more than likely from the same ancestry it becomes a little extreme. Welcome to Civilisation 2013
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    Replaced my K90 with a K70 Had no use for Macro Keys and I hated Cherry MX Switches for typing on the K90. The pic here doesnt exactly do the keyboard justice, It looks a lot better than this.
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    DreamTheater - False Awakening Suite (Epic as fuck - I just wish it could have been longer )
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    I used to love opeth.
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    And another sad thing in all this? She will never know how broken i was after we split. We never spoke about it, Infact she didnt even tell me about her getting duped by the married guy - One of her friends had to fill me in on the goings on and I never said anything to her about it because I knew she didnt want to talk about it. I don't think she ever planned to tell me about it. She really did make a big effort to track me down though, I think i musta changed my number at least 2-3 (maybe even 4) times after breakup and she still managed to find me, Probably asking a few of the people I used to pal around with on facebook and what not. For a moment I was happy she was back and I almost felt complete again but she was obviously just looking for some sympathy as she started ignoring me all over again. I didnt believe her excuse either. We've spent close to 4 years apart without a single word, both gone through crap along the way which made you/her actually attempt suicide (and fail) and here we are talking, trying to catch up and youre worried about falling for me again to the point where you dont want to talk to me anymore? Alrighty..... I cant remember if i said enough was enough, and that next time she managed to contact me (if she ever managed to again) that I wouldnt be as welcoming. I think I was just totally heartless and really didnt care no more but here is our last official exchange... And thus comes another end to another drama.
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    Caliban - Goodbye (Metalcore)
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    Sony SBH52 My old Sony. E MW600 is starting to crap out, Ive honestly had it for so long that even Amazon has wiped it from my order history... Since Sony E are no more and the MW600 being an older bluetooth unit that doesnt support firmware updates means that there is no future for it. Battery is still decent enough though, manage at least 4-6hrs of non-stop. I occasionally use it to listen to music at work when its quiet but i mainly use it for the commutes to and from work. which take about an 1hr.
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    DreamTheater - Sacrificed Sons
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Concerto Moon - Strangers
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    I actually cried at the end of CoD:MW1 when I thought Cpt. Price was k.I.A Its hard to explain my attachment to Cpt. Price but lets just say Ive been playing CoD since it first came out on PC around 2001 and to think that Activision/IW killed him off like that really hit me in the feels. That was until i learned that he actually wasnt dead but captured and being held prisoner in some prison in MW2. Compared to CoD:1 the franchise has really gone downhill since the golden days of PC gaming
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    ARTEMA - Last Sweet Romance
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Saber Tiger - Counter Part
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    You collect them, not play them - Its a disease.
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    guilty feet aint got no rhythm?
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    This Scene literally made me tear up, and i think it was genius on naughty dog's part to include something so intense and tear jerking right at the very beginning of the game. To me It made Joel's character stand out from the very beginning and really made you feel for him emotionally right from the get go, also it sets up the premise and harshness of the world and setting excellently. I actually watched a play through of that on YT - Awesome game. some of it hit me in the feels so bad it was hard not to cry
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    I have something similar for mobile use- HP DM1 3200SA. 11.6" AMD E-350 8Gb DDR3 1600Mhz 256GB Sandisk Extreme SSD Probably gets around the same battery life if not better by a small margin
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    My desk is all kinds of messy right now but I have a V1 Fractal Define XL Heres a shot of the inside though.... Theres been a few changes here n there. the lower graphics card is now sitting where the soundcard is and the soundcard is sandwiched in the middle between the 2 680s, the 140mm at the back has also been swapped out for a NoiseBlocker as the Yate Loon I had started making loud ticking noises. Hard drives have also been condensed into 2x3TB drives instead of 4 drives. they were a mishmash of 2 WD Blacks. 1 sammy and 1 WD Green. My desk setup will come later when ive tidied it a little.
  24. RoseOfHizaki

    As someone who really doesnt care enough to answer....
  25. RoseOfHizaki

    egg noodles with spinach and slow fried shreded turkey, fried with a little black pepper and clove of garlic thrown in at the last moment with a splash or soy sauce. Not the best dish but it was whatever I had in the house, I could of cut up some mushrooms and made an some scrambled eggs to with this dish but i was too lazy... Oh and the 'brown sauce' used at the end to dress the dish up a bit is Oyster Sauce. If I had some black beans and tofu i could have done more
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