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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. RoseOfHizaki

    I fucking love you
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    First off, im not that obscene because im not from that part of london but im sure he's not like that in real life - he might swear a lot but hes putting it on for the video
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Im always swearing. I think its because I was born and raised in London
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    250ml cans
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    Back in college i used to drink probably 10 redbulls in under 1hr in the mornings.... Yes I pissed a lot, Yes it was definitely bad for my health but I got into a brawl with someone i cant remember why or what for, but I was so high on caffeine it felt like i could slow time, similar to that futurama episode where fry spent his $100 tax return on 100 cups of coffee. I just felt like I totally leveled up like in DBZ, i was totally untouchable. every dodge, every punch, every kick i threw was just so euphoric. I won the brawl anyway though people had to pull me away from the other guy cuz I just went at him like a stamped of angry elephants. I think he started the fight off by pushing me and my right hand just went for his neck as i was falling backwards and dragged him with me. all the people standing around us did like a keanu reeves kind of 'woah' I never got into another fight after that so that was like the one off in 2-3years?? I think people were afraid that i might suck their blood or something. But violence is bad mmm'kay. Im not proud of it but caffeine really made me more hairline trigger impulsive - If he didnt push me then i would of carried on the entire day without any sort of trouble. I drink redbull occasionally but I limit it to 1 or 2 per day - everything in this world seems to be bad for you anyway so it doesnt matter if i quit drinking it all together - something else will end up killing me. so everything in moderation is ok. I dont smoke or do drugs, I just drink tea and have the occasional piss up with friends
  6. RoseOfHizaki

    Breaking Bad! (cuz im the one who knocks) Crabcore? (open ended question)
  7. RoseOfHizaki

    White/cream whats the best combination of icecream?
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    White of course. PJs or onesy?
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    Never had a rubber duck but i had a little 'wind-up' killer whale toy that would swim around the bath. worst nightmare?
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    as a young man, I prefer a choice of fruity or sweet depending where im going. hugs or cuddles?
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    I prefer dark clothes. Rum or Whisky?
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    (too slow so deleted)
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    Long time since i read a book but i was an avid fan of Tom Clancy so Techno-thriller/Spy/Crime fiction. How tall are you?
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Currently on my laptop...
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    I cant remember playing with or having a soft cuddly toy as a kid. However I did used to buy my gf little stuffed lions because she loved that i was a leo and she already had a room full of stuffed toys anyway, one of the toys i bought was rather big & expensive - I went on holiday to hong kong and bought it for her from a specialist stuffed toy shop as a gift. another was a small lion probably about the size of a small teddy holding a big heart saying 'be mine' - Unfortunately that didnt do fuck all to save the relationship but what you gonna do. I still occasionally wonder if she still has them. Whats the worst thing about you?
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    well I dunno what it is that you do but mines more of an agency type of work so theres no paperwork or anything that states that I have to stick to working monday to friday - they call me up to offer me work. I pick the days i want to work and the rest get handed to someone else. There are positions available where i can work monday to friday but I dont want to be chained to the job - Unfortunately I get paid a little less because of this but flexibility is really important to me and its because I refuse to move to a mon-friday slot that annoys my manager and he messes about with my the work im given. either cancelling my shifts at real short notice. making me work every weekend unless I say i cant do it or sending me way out of zone to work - were talking about at least 1hr20mins commute. some weeks i dont get work and i can definitely say that it has something to do with my manager. He doesnt know Im out of the country for a month. I told him i was going but not when because last time I tried to talk to him he wouldnt listen to me. Ive written a letter of complaint to HQ about it - nobody can force me to work places where i dont want to work and I refuse to work for a manager that wont listen to or return my calls. If he wants to be an asshole he can do what he wants. Ive done him favors in the past and dropped everything i was doing so i could go into work at short notice because they were short staffed but I wont do that if he wants to fuck me about - my time is my time.
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    I can kind of relate to this, I wouldnt say im the antisocial type. I adore company but i seek to isolate myself because people are generally full of shit or complete assholes and this 'mentality' has effected me a little in life. I find it hard to keep a job because I tend to get into an argument with management for whatever reason then straight up say i cant be dealin with their shit anymore and resign or walk out. Im am HAPPY to work through hardships. Life is a constant up hill struggle and it pays to have some grit and be persistent. but when managers are assholes and fuck with me because they can then I cant just sit there and take it sitting down and i have had my fair share of bad managers. My current manager is a complete knob but unfortunately I have debts to pay off before I can move on so im pretty much stuck in the grind. I love chatting with the people at work though. It makes the time go quicker.
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Im as ugly as sin, Slightly overweight and asian. Though i do plan to apply myself a little more when i get back home and hit the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week. I need to lose this weight. Though having a body like Arnie doesnt exactly appeal to me
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    I dig really feminine guys too but its more of a bi-curious side of me?? but i do prefer women though, but I tend to break my toys so durability is a bonus. not saying that im incapable of being gentle but i like to manhandle fragile things like a bull in a china shop. Otherwise I do find femguys to be slightly more loyal to their partners. either that or I just havent found the right partner for me and its been a long long long time since ive really trusted someone that intimately. Youre not alone - Im getting on 29 and havent had a date or anyone close enough to cuddle with for probably the same amount of time if not longer. I used to get very sad about it, and to a certain extent I still do, I get jealous of friends who have girlfriends and it depresses me even further. Im neither good looking or rich but im comfortable with the money I earn though It could be a little better. So I waste my money on things that make me happy and but stuff for myself because i have nobody to spend money on - while It does not fix the problem I am able to focus on other things and less about the shit that makes me sad because the last thing I need is to be dragged into that black hole called drepression. and I cry about it when im alone, I honestly do - because Inside im an emotional mess and theres one other thing out there that cuts me deep more than any break up or the feeling of being alone because Its really something I have never had any control over. But I put on a brave face, because deep inside I know Im stronger then that. Ive made peace with myself that maybe I will never find anyone, and even though it doesnt stop me looking back once in a while and crying like a little bitch about it - I know where im going, and what I have to do in life - I might not have anyone to love but i can love those around me, so I help make life a little better for them. and I live everyday at a crossroad not knowing when depression might make me do something stupid but until the day i finally grow some balls and take my own life at least i would have shared my love with my family and friends before I leave it all behind and its something I will never look back on. Such is life, and if you get dealt a shitty hand then you deal with it. (preferably with a brave face, cuz chicks dig that - or at least they used to)
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    im quite a suavetastic man about town so i'll say Chelsea Boot What would you rather be - completely blind or completely deaf? (no middle ground)
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Well, not quite purchased yet - but contemplating a Galaxy Note 3 as an upgrade from my S3. Prices for the handset are pretty expensive here over in hong kong Its more or less the exact same price but in the UK i can get it on credit for the same price and pay nothing for 9 months. my S3 is still good so its not really a priority. Nothing is really high priority. Anything i would have wanted I already bought. The only thing that sits somewhat high on the list but not top priority is a new laptop. Ive been running this HP DM1 for 2 years. Ive upgraded the RAM & the hard drive to an SSD but the AMD processor (E-350 APU) is woefully weak. Load up chrome or firefox with 5-10 tabs open and it starts to cry like a little girl. At 11.6" its very portable. can easily handle 1080p videos & some really light gaming. Guild wars 1 is no problem, LoL is fine on low settings, I can run quite a few games on low settings which is a bonus for such a low spec system. When i bought this laptop. I never thought id use it for gaming, it was more for just general use. While it can handle most simple tasks easily, it does grumble a lot and Id rather replace it with a low spec haswell i3 laptop which will pretty much power though general tasks but totally flop on the gaming side which i dont care about as I have beast of a PC sitting at home. I dont think i'll be able to get a good deal on the spec i want sadly. an 11.6-14" ultrabook style laptop is never going to be cheap. I'll probably just settle leaving hong kong with a few music albums and some perfect grade Gunpla kits (yeah....I love that stuff...)
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Polish - I want to try polish food. Fried rice or Udon?
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    was it Manfreddo the Man friend who writes Mandates for Pancakes?
  24. RoseOfHizaki

  25. RoseOfHizaki

    Possibly, depends on my internet arrangement when i get back to hong kong.
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