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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. I dated a scorpio once...... Once...... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    into eternity - Diagnosis Terminal
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Anthem - Dont Let It Die
  4. RoseOfHizaki

    Local band were busking outside of my workplace today They cover this song quite a lot when they visit! It kinda grows on you after a while
  5. RoseOfHizaki

    So beautiful - its so beautifully mellow yet so heartbreakingly sad at the same time. Its like looking out into a distance and thinking of someone close whose no longer with you
  6. RoseOfHizaki

  7. RoseOfHizaki

  8. RoseOfHizaki

    some classic power metal.
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8G70DSQhWg I love this song so much
  10. RoseOfHizaki

  11. RoseOfHizaki

  12. RoseOfHizaki

    My few song(s) of the day
  13. RoseOfHizaki

  14. RoseOfHizaki

  15. RoseOfHizaki

    A new hard drive as one of mine suddenly developed just under 2k's worth of reallocated/bad sectors last night. aaaaaaaaaaand a trip down the workshop for this guy here. though its not the damien 6 that i have but the Damien Ex - the one before it was renamed the Damien 6, Ive made a few changes like a Bare Knuckle Pickup Nailbomb set to replace the EMG-Hz pickups and 1k pots. Beast of a guitar. But i will always love my PRS Santana SE a little more, tone wise compared to the Damien Ex its on a complete different level, amazing for blues or different genre's of rock, Of course it can metal but thats not making good use of the tonality of the guitar. To be blunt, I can dial in a nice southern crunch or crank it up to almost 'tremonti'esk' tone but without the high gain pretty effortlessly either that or a vintage LP with P90 pickups albeit a slightly more modern sound but not by much. I need my guitars resetup so i can start playing again.
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    whoops wrong thread
  17. RoseOfHizaki

    haters gonna hate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3fQVQJR1sM
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    Awwwwwww yiiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I actually got out of my chair and started moshing around my room
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    its strange though, according to a few sites, they claim that Dazzle Vision had already made their mind up that they would quit in 2013 and have actually planned their disbandment from that year onwards, but yet only made it public april just gone. For me it seems their disbandment was so abrupt but for them theyve been winding down on activities for two years. I didnt even know about them till last year either but i thought they'd be going for a long while to come.
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    So i just found out that Dazzle Vision disbanded about a month or two ago
  21. RoseOfHizaki

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