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Everything posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. are you quite the introverted?
  2. RoseOfHizaki

    Silent Hell - Monster X (Taiwanese Metalcore/melo death metal, Female vocal) and if anyone think's is not Kin Lin doing the growls, Heres her doing an 'Arch Enemy - Blood on your hands' band cover this band is really so awesome.
  3. RoseOfHizaki

    Tripshots - Anger (Extended Remix) [Feat. Luna]
  4. Ive just got home from a 10hr shift and i have no idea what this even means but i think it sounds awesome
  5. I think its mainly cuz of our accent and because 'we talk funny' - Ive skyped quite a lot with a chick who lives in Maryland though she say was originally from virginia and shes always pokin fun of the way i talk. Though as far as accents go, mine is weird as it doesnt quite fall into the typical 'british accent' or any kind of regional british accents which are synonymous to the different parts of London or the UK itself. I love girls with an accent though. It just makes spending time with them more interesting and entertaining
  6. Ive been rejected a few times. I dont really take it to heart though if you've been with someone 4years or something then they break it off, its much harder to accept. some things are just meant to be. Im friendly with most of the girls i work with and i get plenty of hugs - some of them didnt even want touch me at first cuz they thought i was already with someone lol. Im sure some of them think im pretty weird.
  7. I read this and thought. but Im more or less the same too - I dont show much facial expression unless im with people who im quite familiar with. I mean, if you tell a joke which i find funny then im obviously going to laugh but otherwise im quite dead pan xD. I tell a joke and people have no idea if im actually being serious or not so i get misunderstood quite a bit xD Not always though. Some people are quite quick witted and catch it straight away. People tell me to smile more often but im not a very smiley person irl and theres nothing much to smile about either so i dont waste the energy unless theres something worth it. People tend to think im 'all business' but im nothing like that, Its just like a front of a house or a walled garden - you wont know how beautiful it is inside unless you open the gate (or climb over) walk in and see for yourself. As always - Im not handsome or pretty but ive been told ive got a good easy going personality but people seem to take me for face value and not whats inside so either way it hasnt done me any good xD girls tend to think im deliberately putting walls up around myself but the truth is they dont want to put in a little effort to walk through the maze and see what im really like and thats why ive never been one to really feel emotional over it. If they dont think im worth getting to know then its cool - I dont like shallow people anyway xD
  8. RoseOfHizaki

    for science!
  9. RoseOfHizaki

    different strokes for different folks. I wouldnt mind having a femboi all to myselfs ;p
  10. RoseOfHizaki

    Sometimes, opposites do attract. Girls can be quite picky here in the UK. but im not fussed about finding someone. Would be nice finding a gal to share my time with. but Its never an easy job as I dont hangout with the people i work with and the ones i do hang out with dont have many lady friends to invite out when we go for drinks. Im just waiting for fate so to speak.
  11. RoseOfHizaki

    Listening to an acquaintance talking about his time in the marine core and how and how he doesnt like talking about it because it brings back a lot bad memories (borderline PTSD) but mainly sad ones because he lost a lot of friends. listening to his story utterly broke my heart and i started to cry and just grabbed him and gave him the most awesome bro hug i ever could. we've gone our separate ways now but his story still brings me to tears. ::EDIT:: I can never replace those you lost that were dear to your heart but, you are alive and thats all that matters to me
  12. RoseOfHizaki

    Vivienne - Lost in the Abyss
  13. RoseOfHizaki

    I wish they went back to the 'Revenant Choir' sort of sound, I was half disappointed with the material that came after Noble. still great songs though but none of them really made me slave away at learning to cover the songs on guitar like The Revenant Choir did.
  14. RoseOfHizaki

    Ruvish - Judgement
  15. RoseOfHizaki

    Triggah - Dazzle
  16. RoseOfHizaki

    So i heard off some blog somewhere that these guys are now signed to a U.S Label.
  17. On the other hand, people were all up in arms about the first black stormtrooper in starwars - You cant win with this kinda community/fanbase. While the whole thing about casting an all white group of actors for an asian movie that takes place in Japan is silly - why not source actors that ARENT native to the U.S?? Im sure there are probably a shit tonne of asian actors who are famous in their own country that wouldnt even mind being considered for a role - the only downside is they might engrish very good and speak with a non-U.S accent. it seems like the U.S buys rights to whatever thats good in asia just so they can ruin it. Legend of chun li was a flop but at least the lead actor was asian.
  18. RoseOfHizaki

    and where are you from? lol I dont mind dating people from different cultures - it just makes things more fun.
  19. RoseOfHizaki

    wheres he from?
  20. RoseOfHizaki

    Nah shes from the U.S - we talk on skype a lot and we have a lot in common, shes pretty much the definition of 'other half' for me. Yeah, It happens quite a lot if you let yourself fall into it. Even though I have 'feelings' for her at the same time Im realistic and know theres very little chance of it going beyond and internet thing but I will definitely go meet her one day. Ive never been to the US and ive always wanted to visit. I still keep calling myself stupid anyway for falling for someone who lives on the other side of the world, but its not been easy rejecting my own feelings after shes quite a lot like the ex i dated for 4 years but knew for 2 or 3 years prior to dating. Ive told her that I like her anyway and she likes me too lol. I want to reach out and just cuddle the shit out of her but shes so far away ------- Im usually fine, Im good at avoiding situations like these and thats why ive been single for so long xD I havent found anyone who I really clicked with until me and her got closer and started sharing more about each other. Ive known her for 3 or 4 years though but since she was a friend of a friend, we didnt really talk 'talk' if you get me.
  21. RoseOfHizaki

    Pantera - Floods
  22. RoseOfHizaki

    Mastgrr - Playing With Christmas What do you think about society in general?
  23. RoseOfHizaki

    I haz a possible love interest, Only downside is that theres an ocean between us.
  24. RoseOfHizaki

    If they can get one of the other band members to do harsh/screamo vocals - we may well have another Blood Stain Child on our hands. Otherwise I quite dig this band. Inger's vocals have improved nicely over time.
  25. RoseOfHizaki

    I like the second pic when he kinda looked more moe ...... As a long time versailles fan im kinda embarrassed to say that i never really noticed it until now but youre right. they probably used different camera angles to hide it etc etc
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