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Posts posted by Umi_Niwa

  1. I guess I'll share some of my favorites:


    (whoever uploaded this sucks because its Saraba Sekai not Rettou Jidai)


    (this one really is rettou jidai lol)


    I really love all of CODOMO A's PVs. Theyre fun and colorful and funky~~~ idk they just make me happy for some reason lol.

     Lool they look like gay power rangers chikas_pink08.gif.pagespeed.ce.1K4OZoi32

  2. NoGod is a great band~ Enjoy their work!

    Don't get me wrong, I still love them to pieces. It may look like I'm bashing them but I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't. Guess I'm just not as wowed  by the vocals as I was initially. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop listening to them because of this.

  3. Now after listening to Dancho's performance in his old band plus listening to the single it made me wonder if his voice is that godawful without all the postwork how can anybody hear him live? I would be so disappointed if I went to NoGod's concert to hear that! Honestly I don't know what to think because I don't hear much of a difference :/

  4. This sums the single up perfectly for me. It's really strange; I usually love NoGoD's singles, including the B-Sides. However, none of these new tracks really blew me away. Frontier has some nice ideas but it doesn't really go anywhere; I was more impressed/excited by the trailer than the actual song.

    I really wish I could judge better from actually understanding the lyrics and the concept behind each release, if there is any. Because this is what sets NoGod apart for me. 

  5. Kinda late because I only got the chance to listen to it properly yesterday.
    I tend to agree with Aoi. On the whole I found this single lacking imagination. I listened to it a couple of times and it failed to impress me. No complaints about the performance level but the songs are pretty boring and repetitive. I know they can do better than this.

    And I was also annoyed by the drumming. Also hearing the live version made me feel like Dancho sings terribly live. It just wasn't the same voice as in the studio recording.  I know there may be various reasons for that but I hope he doesn't sing that badly all the time :<

    Sorry if it wasn't much of a review.

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