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Posts posted by Umi_Niwa

  1. Apparently the number of current bands that are not disbanded is pretty small. This is what I managed to gather, ordered more less according to according to my level of interest. 

    1. NoGod
    2. ADAPTER。 (assuming he doesn't work alone it can apply right? xD)
    3. BugLug
    4. Buck-Tick
    5. cali≠gari
    6. Golden Bomber
    7. Heidi
    8. MUCC
    9. Acid Black Cherry
    10.Luna Sea

  2. if you're referring to Russian schlagers performed by obese talent devoid ladies and gents in their fifties, duel jewel been dabbing into this since 2006 or so.


    I have no idea who they r targeting with that kind of music, but I can see stuff like that getting licensed for TV series openings and such.

    I don't even know if they produced this track themselves, or it's just their label pimping them aggressively after the recent hiatus.

    The truth is I haven't followed them that closely ever since I found them circa 2005-6. But still kinda disappointing, even though I stopped expecting greatness from them a long time ago. 


    Actually that's forgivable but to have it coming from them o_O

  3. Here is what I have.
    止まぬ雨 消えぬ音 不安が募ってく 眠れず ただ静かに 夜が目醒める
    落ちる闇 上がる鼓動 薄れてく意識 違う顔 知らぬ声
    そう、それは僕じゃない どれほど声を上げても 示す事の出来ない
    僕が僕である証は 誰が持っているの? 僕は何処にいるの?
    相容れない感情と 受け入れられない思想 僕を拒む何かが
    僕の存在を知っている どれほど声を上げても
    示す事の出来ない 僕が僕である証は あなたがくれた真実
    笑顔は 感情は 何処で生まれるの?
    悩みは 苦しみは 何故生まれてくるの?
    疑い 選んで 受け入れて それでも
    真理など 辿り着けないとわかっても 何故考えるの?
    受け継がれていく知識の渦の中 いくつもの答えが生まれたけれど
    どんな答えも完全じゃない どんな答えも全てを救えはしない
    でも悩み続け、迷い続け また生まれていく
    「何故?」に終わりはないから いつまでも そう、いつまでも
    君が「知る」事を 愛せますように

    Thanks ^^

  4. Awesome thread :)

    I was thinking more in the lines of the roles in visual kei. Like the girly girl image is pretty common for some bands (girly bassists in this case).


    I happened to find very similar looks of Rame and Emiru.

  5. Is this song and for "Hakoniwa"




    道を隔てた其処は     限り无く永远


    钝色(ニビイロ)のドアノブを     回すことすらも     踌躇ってる

    呜呼、   梦を见たよ


    呜呼、   闻えてるよ


    彼方に见える明日に     问い続けている     命の不道徳を

    蜘蛛の糸より细い     大切なものよ





    今さら呼ばないでくれ     必要ないこの场所なら

    お愿いその隙间だけは     触らないで居て欲しい

    ヒトは进化を重ね     成长し続ける     生き物だけどそれなら

    仆はこれからずっと     退化し続ける     新たな生命体さ

    彼方に见える明日に     问い続けている     命の不道徳を 

    蜘蛛の糸より细い     大切なものよ 


    もうどれくらい时が流れた     数える事も出来なくなった

    微かに见える周りの景色     少しずつ小さくなってきた

    此方に来いと声が闻こえる     头と体バラバラになる

    お愿いだから连れてかないで     早く仆をあの箱庭に帰して



    Couldn't find any romanji or translations... I don't know if the lyrics are accurate or not. I don't own any of their music to confirm it is. If you can get scans or know accurate lyrics, I can romanize them for you when I have time. Don't have time for translations, though...

    Ok, thanks a bunch. I'll see what I can find.

  6. Hello,

    I'd like to request NoGod lyrics, particularly for the songs Hakoniwa and IV-Tasha Philosophia. Can anybody please post romanji, and if possible a translation too? 


    Thanks in advance!

  7. Woaaaah~

    Thank you for the link. It's so interesting to see how many of my favorite PVs were actually made by them.

    Also funny how the director added some anecdotes in their blog.

    Like how he got drenched in somebody's blood while making ASH and later finding out that person had hepatitis. The hell.


  8. Ehm, I don't really know how I am lecturing you when I am just stating my opinion and give my thoughts about the topic? Sorry if I happened to write so much text because I was inspired to write more about what I think about it and that my english skills make my wording appear like "I "have no sense of humour" >_> I didn't even say anything against you, so what's the issue?


    That's fine by me, I just don't want to have a Jerry Springer show going on here. I opened this thread for fun. 

    And I don't mind traditional elements being used, if that's what you're thinking. I just don't like the same way how everybody's doing it. In Kagrra's case I think it was done beautifully. 

    Ah, I miss the days when music wasn't so commercialized.

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